Admin panel to translate Rails apps with I18n::Backend::KeyValue
Warning : Only PostgreSQL is supported due to HSTORE field type usage to store translations
It works by creating a I18n backend chain and plugging a custom backend before
the original YAML backend.
When you translate a key, it is stored in a HSTORE
field, with one database
row per locale. This allows for fast translations fetching on request start.
The translations are then merged with the ones existing in the YAML, and cached
for the request duration using the
RequestStore gem.
Add to your Gemfile and bundle :
gem 'i18n_admin', github: 'glyph-fr/i18n_admin'
Run the install generator which will mount the engine and create an initializer
template to configure the gem, and create necessary migration :
rails generate i18n_admin:install
I18nAdmin gives you an admin panel to translate your static contents.
It's accessible at the Engine mount point that you choosed when running
the install generator.
The default URL is /i18n-admin
To plug the engine with your authentication system, you can pass a method
name to execute in a before_action
filter in the I18nAdmin controllers.
This can be done in the initializer file generated at
I18nAdmin.config do |config|
config.authentication_method = :authenticate_user!
Excluding keys from the admin
To avoid some keys to be displayed in the translation admin, you can use a
Regex in the initializer file. The regex is matched against the whole key path
(e.g. "time.formats.short")
I18nAdmin.config do |config|
config.excluded_keys_pattern = /^(date|time)/
UI locale
The locale is defined from the rails' I18n.locale
, which is automatically
added in the <html>
tag lang
The JS app then taps into this locale to set its default locale and allow
displaying side-by-side the content with the default locale and the current
locale's translation for the key
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.