= IControl: F5 BigIP SOAP API Client
IControl allows you to easily connect to a BigIP F5 load balancer and by means of the SOAP API. You can programmatically do almost the same things that you would do throught the Web Interface.
= Installing
== Install the gem:
gem install icontrol
= Configuring
In order to configure you just have to set up the username, password and the server you're connecting to:
IControl.config[:user] = 'username'
IControl.config[:password] = 'secret'
IControl.config[:base_url] = "https://myf5.test.com/"
= Using the library
Bassically the library is the same as the one documented in the f5 devcentral but using ruby docs (http://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/default.aspx/iControl/APIReference.html). The main difference is that while the icontrol api does allow the bulk operation over a number of elements at the same time, in this case we limit it to just one at a time. So, for example, if you one to set the default pool for a virtual server, in the f5 doc, it says you have to pass 2 parameters
in String [] virtual_servers,
in String [] default_pools
So you can change several default pools at a time. On the contrary this library adopts a more object oriented design and only allows to work with one object at a time, i. e. and talking ruby, you don't have a set_default_pool_name class method but an instance one, so you have to first retreive the virtual server and later set its default pool. Something like this
IControl::LocalLB::VirtualServer.find("my_virtual_server).set_default_pool_name(:default_pool => "the default pool name")
if you want to do it in every virtual server then you do something like this.
IControl::LocalLB::VirtualServer.find(:all).each { |vs| vs.set_default_pool_name(:default_pool => "the default pool name") }
I think you get the point. Note that now the parameter name is :default_pool and not :default_pools, because of the semantics change.
== Documentation
The documentation can be found in http://magec.es/icontrol
== Virtual Servers
You can retreive, create, delete and modify virtual servers, for more information see IControl::LocalLB::VirtualServer. As an example of you what you can do:
=== Creating a virtual Server
IControl::LocalLB::VirtualServer.create(:definition => {
:address => "",
:name => "test_virtual_server",
:port => "4",
:protocol => IControl::Common::ProtocolType::PROTOCOL_TCP
:wildmask => "",
:resource => {
:type => IControl::LocalLB::VirtualServer::VirtualServerType::RESOURCE_TYPE_POOL,
:default_pool_name => ""
:profiles => [])
=== Obtaining an instance of a virtual server
my_virtual_server = IControl::LocalLB::VirtualServer.find("virtual_server_name")
=== Changing its default pool
my_virtual_server.set_default_pool_name(:default_pool => "my_pool_name")
=== Destroying it
== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a
future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
(if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
== Copyright
This documentation is based on the original documentation procided by F5 Networks, Inc., Seattle, Washington
Copyright (c) 2010 Jose Fernandez (magec). See LICENSE for details.