Combine upload images with a cropper
- Previews image before upload
- Considers carrierwave cache (when form return with error)
- Responsive
- Real crop (generate 2 files, and in case of circle frame, effectively crop an circular image)
(To update the gem and upload a new version, see a this document bottom)
Getting Started
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'image_cropper'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Finally run:
rails g image_cropper:install
This one generate the default null image 'app/assets/images/image_cropper/default.png' used to show when the image window don't have one (later you can modify if you need)
Create/Update the Uploader
Start off by generating an uploader or modify if you already get one:
Using "Image" as an example, you should have a file
Add these lines and leave it like this:
class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include ImageCropper::Uploader
storage :file
def store_dir
Update Model
As an example I use a dummy model User:
$ rails g scaffold User name
Then integrate with Carrierwave generating the column that it need
(In the example of carrierwave use avatar as column, in this one I choose file as column because is more pretty :P)
Now, add fields to the model you want to mount the uploader by executing:
$ rails g image_cropper:migrate User
This generate a file XXXXXXXXXXXXXX_image_cropper_add_fields_to_users.rb
class ImageCropperAddFieldsToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :users, :coord_x, :float, default: 0
add_column :users, :coord_y, :float, default: 0
add_column :users, :coord_w, :float, default: 0
add_column :users, :coord_h, :float, default: 0
add_column :users, :coord_z, :float, default: 1
add_column :users, :frame, :string, default: 'square'
Then execute:
rake db:migrate
Open your model file and add these line:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include ImageCropper::Model
mount_uploader :file, ImageUploader
Require Assets (Css/Js)
Include the following in your javascript manifest:
And the following in your stylesheet manifest:
*= require font-awesome
*= require image_cropper
(for the moment font-awesome is dependency and you need to require)
Now you're able to use it in forms:
<div style='max-width: 400px;'>
<%= f.image_cropper_field :file %>
If you need to save remote image, you need to set value in the hidden field and trigger 'change'
remember put the property 'multipart' to form when you use image_cropper:
<%= form_with(model: user, local: true, html: {multipart: true}) do |form| %>
And add to strong parameters the fields
params.require(:user).permit(:name, :coord_x, :coord_y, :coord_w, :coord_h, :coord_z, :frame, :file, :file_cache, :remote_file_url)
(Is very important the orden of these params, always leave the :file_cache, and :file to the end)
And in a show view:
<div style='max-width: 400px;'>
<%= image_tag @user.file.thumb.url, class: 'image-cropper' %>
You can send some params
- aspect_ratio
- frame
- operation_object
- destroyable
- destroy_class
- destroy_confirm
Params | Type | Default | Options | Description |
aspect_ratio | (string) | '4:3' | any combination of 'number:number' | 4:4 are perfect square, 4:3 rectangle horizontal, 3:4 rectangle vertical |
frame | (string) | 'square' | 'square' or 'circle' | frame of image, if you want a circle o square frame |
operation_object | (object) | self | any object | maybe the object where mount the uploader it's not the one you want to erase |
destroyable | (boolean) | false | true or false | If you want a button to remove object with nested_attributes |
destroy_class | (string) | '.image-cropper-container' | a class or id of containter | Is the container that disapear when you click remove |
destroy_confirm | (string) | 'Are you sure?' | any message you want | message to display to confirm to remove the image |
Features to the future
- Make test
- Problem with gif when crop area, not resize - SOLVED
- Problem with jpg, jpeg, circular crop - NOT ALOW, JPG AND JPEG CAN'T CIRCULAR CROP
Esta gema está publicada en RubyGems bajo el user
Una vez que hay una nueva versión, modificar lib/image_cropper/version.rb
Y luego ejecutar:
gem build image_cropper.gemspec
gem push image_cropper-[VERSION].gem