Small script for converting entries from blogging service to markdown files for Middleman static site generator. It should be also possible to use the result with other site generators.
Script parses Blogger Atom XML file for blog entries and saves each of them to separate file in markdown format. It also downloads images from posts and replaces links to them with local paths.
Exporting your blog
- Sign in to your Blogger account;
- Go to Settings - Other;
- Choose "Export blog" in "Blog tools" section;
- Download XML file with exported entries;
You can find more instructions here.
Script execution
- Install Ruby;
- Clone this project and navigate to it;
- Run
bundle install
to download dependiencies; - Run
ruby bin/immigrada run -i blog.xml
where "blog.xml" is Blogger XML backup, downloaded in previous section.
To Do
There are still a lot of things to do, feel free to contribute:
- Add to RubyGems;
- Resolve problems with line breaks when parsing 'pre' elements;
- Add status messages while processing;
- Add proper error handling;
- Add input file checks for correctness;
Project is distributed under The MIT License.