= SimplyDiscussable
A forum framework.
== ToDo
== Required Gem Sources
gem sources -a http://rubygems.org
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
== Required Gems
- {ruby_extension}[http://github.com/jakewendt/ruby_extension] - modifications, updates and patches for ruby.
- rails ~> 2
- ssl_requirement
- ryanb-acts-as-list
- RedCloth
- paperclip
- thoughtbot-factory_girl
- jakewendt-simply_helpful
- jakewendt-ruby_extension
- jakewendt-calnet_authenticated
- jakewendt-simply_authorized
== Installation and Usage
config.gem "jakewendt-simply_discussable",
:source => 'http://rubygems.org'
script/generate simply_discussable
== Testing (as an app)
rake db:migrate
rake db:fixtures:load
rake test
== Gemified with Jeweler
vi Rakefile
rake version:write
rake version:bump:patch
rake version:bump:minor
rake version:bump:major
rake gemspec
rake install
rake release
Copyright (c) 2010 [Jake Wendt], released under the MIT license