Thread based workers on top of JRuby-Rack.
With out of the box thread-safe JRuby "adapters" for:
... but one can easily write/adapt his own worker loop.
Ruby attempts to stay pretty close to UNIX and most popular workers have been
modeled the "spawn a background process" way. JRuby brings
Java to the table, where "Young Java Knights" are taught to use threads
whenever in a need to compute something in parallel with serving requests.
There's no right or wrong way of doing this. If you do expect chaos like Resque
proclaims - have long running jobs that consume a lot of memory they have trouble
releasing (e.g. due C extensions) run a separate process for sure.
But otherwise (after all C exts usually have a native Java alternative on JRuby)
having predictable thread-safely written workers, one should be fine with
running them concurrently as part of the application in a (daemon) thread.
This does have the advantage of keeping the deployment simple and saving some
precious memory (most notably with threadsafe!
mode) that would have been
eaten by the separate process. Besides, your application might warm up faster
and start benefiting from JRuby's runtime optimalizations slightly sooner ...
On the other hand your jobs should be fairly simple and complete "fast" (in a
rate of seconds rather than several minutes or hours) as they will live and
restart with the lifecycle of the deployed application and application server.
Copy the jruby-rack-worker.jar into the lib folder or the directory being
mapped to WEB-INF/lib (e.g. lib/java).
Configure your worker in web.xml, you will need to add a context listener
that will start (daemon) threads when your application boots and a script to be
executed (should be an "endless" loop-ing script). Sample configuration :
The WorkerContextListener
needs to be executed (and thus configured) after the
as it expects the
JRuby-Rack environment to be booter and available.
For built-in worker support (if you're happy with the defaults) simply specify
the jruby.worker context parameter (optionally with custom params supported
by the worker) e.g. :
Sample deployment descriptor including optional parameters:
Number of worker threads as well as their priorities can be configured (by
default a single worker thread is started with the default NORM priority) :
- jruby.worker.thread.count please be sure you do not start too many threads,
consider tuning your worker settings if possible first e.g. for DJ/Resque the
sleep interval if you feel like the worker is not performing enough work.
- jruby.worker.thread.priority maps to standard (Java) thread priority which
is a value <MIN, MAX> where MIN == 1 and MAX == 10 (the NORM priority is 5),
this is useful e.g. if you're load gets high (lot of request serving threads)
and you do care about requests more than about executing worker code you might
consider decreasing the priority (by 1).
One can also skip worker startup (no workers will boot despite the configuration)
using a parameter e.g. as a Java system property: -Djruby.worker.skip=true.
If you're using Warbler to assemble your
application you might simply declare a gem dependency with Bundler as your
gems will be scanned for .jars among all gem files and packaged correctly :
gem 'jruby-rack-worker', :platform => :jruby, :require => nil
Otherwise copy the jar into your warble.rb configured config.java_libs
Warbler checks for a config/web.xml.erb (or simply a config/web.xml) thus
configure the worker there, e.g. :
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
<% webxml.context_params.each do |k,v| %>
<param-name><%= k %></param-name>
<param-value><%= v %></param-value>
<% end %>
<listener-class><%= webxml.servlet_context_listener %></listener-class>
<% if webxml.jndi then [webxml.jndi].flatten.each do |jndi| %>
<res-ref-name><%= jndi %></res-ref-name>
<% end; end %>
<!-- jruby-rack-worker setup using the built-in libraries support : -->
<param-value>delayed_job</param-value> <!-- or resque (navvy) -->
NOTE: on Warbler 1.4.x the .jar files from gems might no longer get packaged unless
configured to do so, assuming you only need the defaults and the worker jar, setup
a config/warble.rb file as follow :
Warbler::Config.new do |config|
config.move_jars_to_webinf_lib = /jruby\-(core|stdlib|rack)/
If you're deploying a Rails application on JRuby it's highly recommended to
uncomment config.threadsafe!
. Otherwise, if unsure or you're code is not
thread-safe (yet), you'll end up polling several JRuby runtimes in a single process,
in this case however each worker thread will use and block an application runtime
from the pool (consider it while setting jruby.min.runtimes
and jruby.max.runtimes
Trinidad provides you with an extension so you do not have to deal with XML.
Custom Workers
There are a few gotchas to keep in mind when creating a custom worker, if you've
got a worker spawning script (e.g. a rake task) start there to write the worker
"starter" script. Some tips to keep in mind :
avoid native gems such as daemons (in DJ's case this means avoiding the whole
remove command line processing - all your configuration should happen in an
application initializer (or be configurable from web.xml)
make sure the worker code is thread-safe in case your application is running
in threadsafe!
mode (make sure no global state is changing by the worker or
class variables are not being used to store worker state)
refactor your worker's exit code from a (process oriented) signal based trap
to an at_exit
hook - which respects the JRuby environment your workers are
going to be running in
Keep in mind that if you do configure to use multiple threads the script will be
loaded and executed for each thread, thus move your worker class definition into
a separate file that you'll require from the script.
See the Delayed::Job
JRuby "adapted" worker code for an inspiration.
If you'd like to specify custom parameters you can do so in the deployment
descriptor as context init parameters or as java system properties, use the
following code to obtain them :
require 'jruby/rack/worker/env'
env = JRuby::Rack::Worker::ENV
worker = MyWorker.new
worker.queues = (env['QUEUES'] || 'all').split(',').map(&:strip)
If you need a logger JRuby-Rack-Worker sets up one which will be Rails.logger for
in Rails or a STDOUT
logger otherwise by default :
require 'jruby/rack/worker/logger'
worker = MyWorker.new
worker.logger = JRuby::Rack::Worker.logger
rescue => e
JRuby 1.6.8+ is required to build the project.
The build is performed by rake which should be part
of your JRuby installation, if you're experiencing conflicts with another Ruby and
it's rake
executable use jruby -S rake
Besides you will need ant installed for the Java part.
Build the jruby-rack-worker_[VERSION].jar using :
rake jar
Build the gem (includes the .jar packaged) :
rake gem
Copyright (c) 2017 Karol Bucek.
See LICENSE (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) for details.