DTAUS & DTAZV always comes together
DTAUS & DTAZV are formats for German bank transfers and is short for
"Datenträgeraustausch". The format itself totally sucks because it was
established in the last century, to be used on floppy disks. Still almost
all German banks use it (they only seem innovative at robbing), and it is
therefore supported in common banking programs too.
This gem saves you all the trouble when generating DTAUS- or DTAZV-text.
We love building payment applications.
gem install king_dtaus
- Create DTAUS debit transfer (Lastschrift)
- Create DTAUS credit transfer (Gutschrift)
- Create DTAZV debit transfer
- 100% test coverage to ensure software quality
- works with ruby 1.8 & 1.9.2
Version Info
Version 2 has breaking changes!
- account attributes now passed in as hash
- renamed account.client_xy => owner_xy
- renamed account.account_number => bank_account_number
- added iban/bic to account
- DTAZV added
If you want to stay with v1 just pin it in your Gemfile:
gem "king_dtaus", "<2"
- some more edge-case tests needed, we need your feedback here!
Here are some examples how to create a DTA- or DTAZV-File. Also check out the spec/dtazv_test.rb to have a running example of an export.
dta = KingDta::Dtaus.new('LK')
dta.account = KingDta::Account.new(
:bank_account_number => "123456789",
:bank_number => "69069096",
:owner_name => "Return to Sender",
:bank_name => "Money Burner Bank")
receiver = KingDta::Account.new(
:bank_account_number => "987456123",
:bank_number => "99099096",
:owner_name => "Gimme More Lt.",
:bank_name => "Banking Bandits")
booking = KingDta::Booking.new(receiver, 100.00 )
booking.text = "Thanks for your purchase"
dta.add( booking )
my_str = dta.create
@dtazv = KingDta::Dtazv.new()
@dtazv.account = KingDta::Account.new(
:bank_account_number => "123456789",
:bank_number => "40050100",
:bank_name => "Greedy Fuckers Bank",
:owner_name => "Sender name"
receiver = KingDta::Account.new(
:bank_account_number => "987654321",
:bank_iban => "PLsome-long-Iban",
:bank_bic => "BicCode",
:owner_name => "receivers name"
booking = KingDta::Booking.new(receiver, 220.25)
also make sure to read the code and the specs
Bugfixes and enhancements by
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Georg Leciejewski (SalesKing), Jan Kus (Railslove), released under the MIT license