
gem install libsql
bundle add libsql
libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension.
There is no need to install libsql separately.
Look in the examples/ directory to see
- general usage
- blob io
- schema information
- custom functions
- custom aggregates
- requiring ruby code from a database
- full text search
Also scroll through Libsql::Database for a quick example, and a general
overview of the API.
libsql adds in the following additional non-default SQLite extensions:
Other extensions are add that might not be usable/visible by users of the gem.
The full list of extensions added is in
extconf.rb. And those may be cross referenced
against the compile options from SQLite
- This is a straight port of the amalgalite gem, also written by me.
Read the file.
Copyright (c) 2023 Jeremy Hinegardner
All rights reserved.
See LICENSE and/or COPYING for details.