= Minion: super simple job queue over amqp
Minion makes processing jobs over AMQP simple and easy.
== Setup
Minion pulls the AMQP credentials out the environment via AMQP_URL.
$ export AMQP_URL="amqp://johndoe:abc123@localhost/my_vhost"
Alternativly you can explicitly set it programmatically like this:
Minion.amqp_url = "amqp://johndoe:abc123@localhost/my_vhost"
If no URL is supplied, Minion defaults to "amqp://guest:guest@localhost/" which
is the default credentials for Rabbitmq running locally.
== Principles
Minion treats your jobs with respect. The queues are durable and not
autodelete. When popping jobs off the queue, they will not receive an ack
until the job is done. You can rest assured that once queued, the job will not
be lost.
Sends are done synchronously and receives are done asynchronously. This allows
you to Minion.enqueue() from the console, or in a mongrel and you don't need to
worry about eventmachine. It also means that when enqueue returns, the AMQP
server has received your message. Daemons set to receive messages however use
Message processing is done one at a time (prefetch 1). If you want tasks done
in parallel, run two minions.
== Push a job onto the queue
Its easy to push a job onto the queue.
Minion.enqueue("make.sandwich", { "for" => "me", "with" => "bread" })
Minion expects a queue name (and will create it if needed). The second argument
needs to be a hash.
== Processing a job
require 'minion'
include Minion
job "make.sandwich" do |args|
== Chaining multiple steps
If you have a task that requires more than one step just pass an array of
queues when you enqueue.
Minion.enqueue([ "make.sandwich", "eat.sandwich" ], "for" => "me")
job "make.sandwich" do
## this return value is merged with for => me and sent to the next queue
{ "type" => "ham on rye" }
job "eat.sandwich" do |args|
puts "I have #{args["type"]} sandwich for #{args["me"]}"
== Conditional Processing
If you want a minion worker to only subscribe to a queue under specific
conditions there is a :when parameter that takes a lambda as an argument. For
example, if you had a queue that makes sandwiches but only if there is bread
on hand, it would be.
job "make.sandwich", :when => lambda { not Bread.out? } do
== Error handling
When an error is thrown in a job handler, the job is requeued to be done later
and the minion process exits. If you define an error handler, however, the
error handler is run and the job is removed from the queue.
error do |e|
puts "got an error! #{e}"
== Logging
Minion logs to stdout via "puts". You can specify a custom logger like this:
logger do |msg|
puts msg
== Meta
Created by Orion Henry
Patches contributed by Adam Wiggins, Kyle Drake
Released under the MIT License: www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php