Tool to setup a mysql replication slave by copying data and master status from a remote mysql master over ssh.
mysql_slaver help enslave
mysql_slaver enslave --database=DATABASE --master-host=MASTER_HOST --replication-password=REPLICATION_PASSWORD --replication-user=REPLICATION_USER
- ruby 1.9.3 or greater
- localhost is configured as a mysql replication slave
- the current localhost user can ssh to the db master
- any ssh config settings, other than a port number, required to access the master from localhost are set in a ~/.ssh/config file
- ssh is on the current user's path
- your mysql administrator user is called 'root', locally and on the db master
- mysql is on the local user's path
- mysql and mysqldump are on the remote ssh user's path
- replication permissions from the local host to the db master are already setup
- root user has the same password on this host and the master server
- mysql socket (if any) is the same on localhost and the db master
- db character set is UTF-8
- destructively replaces the target database on localhost with no backup
- output better help (include optional params, format better (shorter lines))
- check ssh connection
- check replication permissions
- check slave is setup as a replication slave (i.e. it has a mysql server id)
- allow a mysql admin username other than 'root'
- allow different root user passwords on slave and master