= Nibbme - SMS web service proxy
The library is a simple {ActiveResource}[http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveResource/Base.html]-based
proxy that allows you to communicate with the {Nibbme bulk SMS web service}[http://www.nibbme.com].
{Nibbme}[http://www.nibbme.com] is a restfull-designed sistem and you can easily {create your own plugin/gem}[http://www.nibbme.com/wiki]
based on the Wiki they provide. If you like plugins and gems read on :).
== Installation
The recommended way is to install a gem:
gem install nibbme
Add this line to your rails project's {RAILS_ROOT}/config/environment.rb:
config.gem 'nibbme'
Because Rails can't load rake tasks from gems open {RAILS_ROOT}/Rakefile and add this:
require 'nibbme/tasks'
rescue LoadError
STDERR.puts "Run rake gems:install
to install nibbme"
Open the console, go to your project's root and run the install task:
$ rake nibbme:install
The task creates a configuration file inside your {RAILS_ROOT}/config directory. Now
open this file and set variables. The file should look something like this:
Nibbme configuration file
default: &defaults
site: 'https://www.nibbme.com'
email: me@nibbme.com
password: mypassword
<<: *defaults
<<: *defaults
<<: *defaults
If you do not already have a Nibbme account then {sign up}[http://www.nibbme.com/account?m=signUp].
That's it! You are ready to rock&role.
== Examples
You will use this library like you use any other {ActiveResource}[http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveResource/Base.html]
=== Gateway
A "Simple SMS Gateway" controller is for single SMS delivery.
message = Nibbme::Message.create(:text => 'This is my SMS message.', :country_code => 44, :cell_phone => 99999999)
message = Nibbme::Message.create(:text => 'This is my SMS message.', :country_code => 44, :cell_phone => 99999999, :full_name => 'John Rony')
Note that if a client (recipient) does not exist in your profile, he will be automatically created.
=== Groups
You can request data simply by calling a +find+ method.
groups = Nibbme::Group.find(:all)
groups = Nibbme::Group.find(:first)
groups = Nibbme::Group.find(:last)
group = Nibbme::Group.find(15) # Where 15 is a Group ID number
Note that this will return only the items on the first page. You can pass the +page+ variable to
get the items on the subpage. If the request is empty you know there is no more items.
Request the second page
groups = Nibbme::Group.find(:all, :params => { :page => 1 })
You can also filter the list through a +tags+ variable.
Request the second page but filter only the items containing the words 'sun' and 'fun'
groups = Nibbme::Group.find(:all, :params => { :page => 1, :tags => 'sun fun' })
You can check if an item exists by calling the +exists?+ method.
Check if the group with ID=1 exists
exists = Nibbme::Group.exists?(1)
You can also create, update and destroy groups.
Create an empty group
group = Nibbme::Group.create
Create a group with title and destription
group = Nibbme::Group.create(:title => 'School friends', :description => 'All my friends from the school in US.')
Update a group with ID=15
group = Nibbme::Group.find(15)
group.title = 'Nibbme Members'
Destroy a group with ID=12
group = Nibbme::Group.find(12)
=== Clients
You can request data simply by calling a +find+ method.
clients = Nibbme::Client.find(:all)
clients = Nibbme::Client.find(:first)
clients = Nibbme::Client.find(:last)
client = Nibbme::Client.find(15) # Where 15 is a Client ID number
Note that this will return only the items on the first page. You can pass the +page+ variable to
get the items on the subpage. If the request is empty you know there is no more items.
Request the second page
clients = Nibbme::Client.find(:all, :params => { :page => 1 })
You can also filter the list through a +tags+ variable.
Request the second page but filter only the items containing the word 'john'
clients = Nibbme::Client.find(:all, :params => { :page => 1, :tags => 'john' })
You can check if an item exists by calling the +exists?+ method.
Check if the client with ID=1 exists
exists = Nibbme::Client.exists?(1)
You can also create, update and destroy clients.
Create an empty client
client = Nibbme::Client.create
Create a client with all information
client = Nibbme::Client.create(:cell_phone => '99999999', :country_id => 44, :name => 'John', :surname => 'Hill', :group_ids => '22,41,512')
Update a client with ID=15
client = Nibbme::Client.find(15)
client.country_id = 44
Destroy a client with ID=12
client = Nibbme::Client.find(12)
=== Messages
You can request data simply by calling a +find+ method.
messages = Nibbme::Message.find(:all)
messages = Nibbme::Message.find(:first)
messages = Nibbme::Message.find(:last)
message = Nibbme::Message.find(15) # Where 15 is a Message ID number
Note that this will return only the items on the first page. You can pass the +page+ variable to
get the items on the subpage. If the request is empty you know there is no more items.
Request the second page
messages = Nibbme::Message.find(:all, :params => { :page => 1 })
You can also filter the list through a +tags+ variable.
Request the second page but filter only the items containing the word 'john'
messages = Nibbme::Message.find(:all, :params => { :page => 1, :tags => 'john' })
You can check if an item exists by calling the +exists?+ method.
Check if the message with ID=1 exists
exists = Nibbme::Message.exists?(1)
You can also create, update and destroy messages.
Create an empty message
message = Nibbme::Message.create
Create a message with a full info
message = Nibbme::Message.create(:text => 'This is my SMS message.', :active_from => 3.hours.from_now, :group_ids => '21,44,5')
Update a message with ID=15
message = Nibbme::Message.find(15)
message.text = 'Nibbme is rocks!'
Destroy a message with ID=12
message = Nibbme::Message.find(12)
You can queue a message by calling a +queue+ method.
Queue a message with ID=12
message = Nibbme::Message.find(12)
You can reset/restart the delivery process by calling a +reset+ method.
Reset delivery process for a message with ID=12
message = Nibbme::Message.find(12)
=== Error Handling
Similar to ActiveRecord all errors are logged as part of +errors+ variable.
Producing an error on the cell_phone field
message = Message.create(:cell_phone => 'aaaaa')
You can find more about error handling {here}[http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveResource/Validations.html].
=== Logs (Tracking SMS Status)
You can request data simply by calling a +find+ method.
logs = Nibbme::SmsLog.find(:all)
logs = Nibbme::SmsLog.find(:first)
logs = Nibbme::SmsLog.find(:last)
logs = Nibbme::SmsLog.find(15) # Where 15 is a SmsLog ID number
Note that this will return only the items on the first page. You can pass the +page+ variable to
get the items on the subpage. If the request is empty you know there is no more items.
Request the second page
logs = Nibbme::SmsLog.find(:all, :params => { :page => 1 })
You can also filter the list through a +tags+ variable.
Request the second page but filter only the items containing the word '313'
logs = Nibbme::SmsLog.find(:all, :params => { :page => 1, :tags => '313' })
You can check if an item exists by calling the +exists?+ method.
Check if the SmsLog with ID=1 exists
exists = Nibbme::SmsLog.exists?(1)
Usually you will know a message and client ID. You can check an SMS status as follows
Find log for a message with ID=14 and client ID=50
log = Nibbme::SmsLog.find_one(14, 50)
Check if the message has been delivered
Check if the message has failed
Show the message state
== Links