Project: ovfparse
License: GPLv3
Mailing list:
Source Code: git://
== Requirements
- ruby
- net/ftp
- net/http
- net/https
- nokogiri xml parser (native gem)
== Install
From inside your ovfparse directory:
$ rake gem
$ cd pkg
$ gem install ovfparse[-version]
Or from RubyGems:
$ gem install ovfparse
=== Example1
uri = "file://../test_files"
vmRepo = VmRepository.create(uri) #use factory method to get repo class
puts "\n\n****************************\n"
puts "protocol: " + vmRepo.protocol + "\n"
puts "url: " + vmRepo.url + "\n"
puts "uri: " + vmRepo.uri + "\n"
puts vmRepo.fetch #shows all the packages available at the repo
=== Example2
use factory method to get correct package type
package = VmPackage.create("http://ambrosia/repo/someOVF.ovf")
retrieve package
spit out package xml
puts package.xml
=== Example3
use factory method to get correct package type
package = VmPackage.create("http://ambrosia/repo/someOVF.ovf")
retrieve package
spit out specific xml section
puts package.ProductSection
== Useful tips
'method_missing' is implemented to return xml nodes of the section that is named like the missing method.
For example, if your xml has a section called some data you can simply
request the object through any of the following methods:
node = package.first_name()
node = package.first_name
node = package.FirstName()
node = package.FirstName