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On debian, here are the commands used to setup a parlement server:
apt-get install postgresql
sudo su - postgres
~ createuser /your_login/
~ exit
apt-get install ruby
apt-get install ruby-dev
apt-get install libpgsql-ruby
apt-get install irb
apt-get install rdoc
apt-get install rake
apt-get install make
Basically this install postgresql, ruby and the ruby driver to psql. Ruby on
Rails is database agnostic, parlement will be sometimes in the future.
You need to install "ruby gems":http://docs.rubygems.org
And then:
gem install rails
gem install RedCloth
gem install ruby-debug
gem install term-ansicolor
Only if you expect to develop and do any release:
gem install meta_project
For i18n:
apt-get install ruby1.8-dev
gem install gettext
The database is setup for user "manu", you may need to change the file
config/database.yml for your own settings.
Change config/environment.rb to set the domain, default is something like
'leparlement.org', use your web site or email domain.
When you want to setup your server as a node in the graph of servers, redirect
your incoming mails to your parlement. In procmail (or any other mail
filtering tool), define this kind of rule:
:0 c
* ^TO parlement|leparlement.org
| /home/manu/parlement/trunk/script/runner 'Mailman.receive STDIN.read'
Once you have everything set up (ruby, postgresql, redcloth, irb), you can
initialise and launch parlement this way:
Get the source code
~ svn checkout svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/parlement/trunk parlement
~ cd parlement # Go into the right folder
~ rake db:create # Create the db
~ ruby ./script/server # Launch the server
Now you can go to http://localhost:3000 with your browser.
To setup an apache configuration:
apt-get install libapache2-mod-fcgid
a2enmod fcgid
You can check that everything works all right on your machine with the testing suite:
~ rake
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\_/\_/ \___|_|\___\___/|_| |_| |_|\___|