Balance | GET /balance | Returns the current balance of your Pin Payments account | :link: | :x: |
Bank Accounts | POST /bank_accounts | Creates a bank account token | :link: | :x: |
Cards | POST /cards | Securely stores a card's details | :link: | :x: |
Charges | POST /charges | Creates a new charge | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Charges | PUT /charges/#{charge-token}/capture | Captures a previously authorised charge | :link: | :x: |
Charges | GET /charges | Returns a paginated list of all charges | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Charges | GET /charges/search | Returns a paginated list of charges matching the search criteria | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Charges | GET /charges/#{charge-token} | Returns the details of a charge | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Customers | POST /customers | Creates a new customer | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Customers | GET /customers | Returns a paginated list of all customers | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Customers | GET /customers/#{customer-token} | Returns the details of a customer | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Customers | PUT /customers/#{customer-token} | Updates the details of a customer | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Customers | DELETE /customers/#{customer-token} | Deletes a customer and all of its cards | :link: | :x: |
Customers | GET /customers/#{customer-token}/charges | Returns a paginated list of a customer's charges | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Customers | GET /customers/#{customer-token}/cards | Returns a paginated list of a customer's cards | :link: | :x: |
Customers | POST /customers/#{customer-token}/cards | Creates an additional card for the specified customer | :link: | :x: |
Customers | DELETE /customers/#{customer-token}/cards/#{card-token} | Deletes a customer's non-primary card | :link: | :x: |
Customers | GET /customers/#{customer-token}/subscriptions | Retrieves the specified customer's subscriptions | :link: | :x: |
Events | GET /events | Returns a paginated list of all events | :link: | :x: |
Events | GET /events/#{event-token} | Returns the details of the specified event | :link: | :x: |
Plans | POST /plans | Creates a new plan | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Plans | GET /plans | Returns a paginated list of all plans | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Plans | GET /plans/#{plan-token} | Returns the details of a specified plan | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Plans | PUT /plans/#{plan-token} | Update the specified plan | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Plans | DELETE /plans/#{plan-token} | Deletes a plan and all of its subscriptions | :link: | :x: |
Plans | POST /plans/#{plan-token}/subscriptions | Creates a new subscription to the specified plan | :link: | :x: |
Plans | GET /plans/#{plan-token}/subscriptions | Returns a paginated list of subscriptions for a plan | :link: | :x: |
Subscriptions | POST /subscriptions | Activate a new subscription and returns its details | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Subscriptions | GET /subscriptions | Returns a paginated list of all subscriptions | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Subscriptions | GET /subscriptions/#{sub-token} | Returns the details of the subscription identified by subscription token | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Subscriptions | PUT /subscriptions/#{sub-token} | Updates the card associated with a subscription identified by subscription token | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Subscriptions | DELETE /subscriptions/#{sub-token} | Cancels the subscription identified by subscription token | :link: | :x: |
Subscriptions | PUT /subscriptions/#{sub-token}/reactivate | Reactivates the subscription identified by subscription token | :link: | :x: |
Subscriptions | GET /subscriptions/#{sub-token}/ledger | Fetch the ledger entries relating to a subscription identified by subscription token | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Recipients | POST /recipients | Creates a new recipient | :link: | :x: |
Recipients | GET /recipients | Returns a paginated list of all recipients | :link: | :x: |
Recipients | GET /recipients/#{recipient-token} | Returns the details of a recipient | :link: | :x: |
Recipients | PUT /recipients/#{recipient-token} | Updates the details of a recipient | :link: | :x: |
Recipients | GET /recipients/#{recipient-token}/transfers | Returns a paginated list of a recipient's transfers | :link: | :x: |
Refunds | GET /refunds | Returns a paginated list of all refunds | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Refunds | GET /refunds/#{refund-token} | Returns the details of the specified refund | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Refunds | POST /charges/#{charge-token}/refunds | Creates a new refund and returns its details | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Refunds | GET /charges/#{charge-token}/refunds | Returns a list of all refunds for the specified charge | :link: | :heavy_check_mark: |
Transfers | POST /transfers | Creates a new transfer | :link: | :x: |
Transfers | GET /transfers | Returns a paginated list of all transfers | :link: | :x: |
Transfers | GET /transfers/search | Returns a paginated list of transfers matching the search criteria | :link: | :x: |
Transfers | GET /transfers/#{transfer-token} | Returns the details of the specified transfer | :link: | :x: |
Transfers | GET /transfers/#{transfer-token}/line_items | Returns a paginated list of line items associated with the specified transfer | :link: | :x: |
Webhook Endpoints | POST /webhook_endpoints | Creates a new webhook endpoint | :link: | :x: |
Webhook Endpoints | GET /webhook_endpoints | Returns a paginated list of all webhook endpoints | :link: | :x: |
Webhook Endpoints | GET /webhook_endpoints/#{webhook-endpoint-token} | Returns the details of the specified webhook endpoint | :link: | :x: |
Webhook Endpoints | DELETE /webhook_endpoints/#{webhook-endpoint-token} | Deletes a webhook endpoint and all of its webhook requests | :link: | :x: |
Webhooks | GET /webhooks | Returns a paginated list of all webhooks | :link: | :x: |
Webhooks | GET /webhooks/#{webhook-token} | Returns the details of a webhook | :link: | :x: |
Webhooks | PUT /webhooks/#{webhook-token}/replay | Replays a webhook | :link: | :x: |