Studio Game is a Ruby program developed based on Pragmatic Studio' Ruby Programming hands-on video course, and distributed as a Ruby gem.
This program has been developed using all the strengths of Ruby including the following.
Ruby Programming Environment
- Installing Ruby on your favorite operating system (free exercise)
- Running Ruby using the interactive Ruby shell (irb) and writing Ruby program files
- Using Ruby's documentation system to get help
- Installing external Ruby libraries using RubyGems
- Troubleshooting common problems
Ruby Language Constructs
- Expressions and variables
- Numbers, string, and symbols (free video & exercise)
- Loops and conditional expressions
- Arrays and hashes (free video & exercise on hashes)
- Classes, modules, and structs
Object-Oriented Programming
- Using built-in Ruby classes
- Defining your own classes with state and behavior (free video & exercise)
- Creating unique objects
- Telling objects what to do by calling methods
- Modeling class-level inheritance relationships
- Sharing code with mixins
Object-Oriented Design Principles
- Encapsulation
- Separation of concerns
- Polymorphism
- Don't Repeat Yourself
- Tell, Don't Ask
Blocks and Iterators
- Calling built-in methods that take blocks
- Writing your own methods that yield to blocks
- Implementing custom iterators
- Effectively using blocks in your programs
Organizing Ruby Code
Creating a Ruby project structure
Separating source files for easier reuse and testing
Namespacing to avoid naming clashes
Reading data from files
Writing data to files
Creating an interactive console prompt
Handling command-line input
Unit Testing
- Writing and running unit tests with RSpec
- Test-driven development and the red-green-refactor cycle
- Stubbing methods to control tests
- Refactoring code, safely!
- Conforming to RubyGems conventions
- Writing a GemSpec
- Building a RubyGem
- Publishing a RubyGem to a public server
Ruby Programming Idioms