= rack-html5-rails_helper
Rack::Html5 adds a HTTP header for each HTML5 feature the browser supports. This code provides convenient rails helper methods wrapping those headers.
== Usage
Provides the following methods you can use in controllers and views:
- browser_supports_wysiwyg?
- browser_supports_classname?
- browser_supports_elements?
- browser_supports_canvas?
- browser_supports_messaging?
- browser_supports_audio?
- browser_supports_video?
- browser_supports_textapi?
- browser_supports_draganddrop?
- browser_supports_offline?
- browser_supports_svg?
- browser_supports_forms?
== Installation
gem install rack-html5
gem install rack-html5-rails_helper
=== Configuration for Rails 2
Add the following lines to the config block in your environment.rb file:
config.gem "rack-html5"
config.middleware.use "Rack::Html5"
Include module in ApplicationController:
include RackHtml5RailsHelper
=== Configuration for Rails 3
Add the gem dependency to Gemfile:
gem 'rack-html5'
Install the gem with bundler:
sudo bundler install
Add the Rack middleware to config.ru:
use Rack::Html5
Include module in ApplicationController:
include RackHtml5RailsHelper