= Regular Expression Construction
Complex regular expressions are hard to construct and even harder to
read. The Re library allows users to construct complex regular
expressions from simpler expressions. For example, consider the
following regular expression that will parse dates:
/\A((?:19|20)[0-9]{2})- /.- /.\z/
Using the Re library, that regular expression can be built
incrementaly from smaller, easier to understand expressions.
Perhaps something like this:
require 're'
include Re
delim = re.any("- /.")
century_prefix = re("19") | re("20")
under_ten = re("0") + re.any("1-9")
ten_to_twelve = re("1") + re.any("012")
ten_and_under_thirty = re.any("12") + re.any("0-9")
thirties = re("3") + re.any("01")
year = (century_prefix + re.digit.repeat(2)).capture(:year)
month = (under_ten | ten_to_twelve).capture(:month)
day = (under_ten | ten_and_under_thirty | thirties).capture(:day)
date = (year + delim + month + delim + day).all
Although it is more code, the individual pieces are smaller and
easier to independently verify. As an additional bonus, the capture
groups can be retrieved by name:
result = date.match("2009-01-23")
result[:year] # => "2009"
result[:month] # => "01"
result[:day] # => "23"
== Version
This document describes Re version 0.0.6.
== Usage
include Re
number = re.any("0-9").all
if number =~ string
puts "Matches!"
puts "No Match"
== Examples
re("a") -- matches "a"
re("a") + re("b") -- matches "ab"
re("a") | re("b") -- matches "a" or "b"
re("a").many -- matches "", "a", "aaaaaa"
re("a").one_or_more -- matches "a", "aaaaaa", but not ""
re("a").optional -- matches "" or "a"
re("a").all -- matches "a", but not "xab"
See Re::Rexp for a complete list of expressions.
Using re without an argument allows access to a number of common
regular expression constants. For example:
re.space / re.spaces -- matches " ", "\n" or "\t"
re.digit / re.digits -- matches a digit / sequence of digits
Also, re without arguments can also be used to construct character
re.any -- Matches any charactor
re.any("abc") -- Matches "a", "b", or "c"
re.any("0-9") -- Matches the digits 0 through 9
re.any("A-Z", "a-z", "0-9", "_")
-- Matches alphanumeric or an underscore
See Re::ConstructionMethods for a complete list of common constants
and character class functions.
See Re.re, Re::Rexp, and Re::ConstructionMethods for details.
== Performance
We should say a word or two about performance.
First of all, building regular expressions using Re is slow. If you
use Re to build regular expressions, you are encouraged to build the
regular expression once and reuse it as needed. This means you
won't do a lot of inline expressions using Re, but rather assign the
generated Re regular expression to a constant. For example:
PHONE_RE = re.digit.repeat(3).capture(:area) +
re("-") +
re.digit.repeat(3).capture(:exchange) +
re("-") +
Alternatively, you can arrange for the regular expression to be
constructed only when actually needed. Something like:q
def phone_re
@phone_re ||= re.digit.repeat(3).capture(:area) +
re("-") +
re.digit.repeat(3).capture(:exchange) +
re("-") +
That method constructs the phone number regular expression once and
returns a cached value thereafter. Just make sure you put the
method in an object that is instantiated once (e.g. a class method).
When used in matching, Re regular expressions perform fairly well
compared to native regular expressions. The overhead is a small
number of extra method calls and the creation of a Re::Result object
to return the match results.
If regular expression performance is a premium in your application,
then you can still use Re to construct the regular expression and
extract the raw Ruby Regexp object to be used for the actual
matching. You lose the ability to use named capture groups easily,
but you get raw Ruby regular expression matching performance.
For example, if you wanted to use the raw regular expression from
PHONE_RE defined above, you could extract the regular expression
like this:
And then use it directly:
if PHONE_REGEXP =~ string
# blah blah blah
The above match runs at full Ruby matching speed. If you still
wanted named capture groups, you can something like this:
match_data = PHONE_REGEXP.match(string)
area_code = match_data[PHONE_RE.name_map[:area]]
== License and Copyright
Copyright 2009 by Jim Weirich (jim.weirich@gmail.com).
All rights Reserved.
Re is provided under the MIT open source license (see MIT-LICENSE)
== Links:
Documentation :: http://re-lib.rubyforge.org
Source :: http://github.com/jimweirich/re
GemCutter :: http://gemcutter.org/gems/re
Download :: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=9329
Bug Tracker :: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/47758
Author :: jim.weirich@gmail.com