Celluloid's Reel, expanded into a framework foundation module.
This experimental module ought to both extend Reel, and your own framework or application; it is intended to form a base
for diverse addons to Reel, both over and under the request: working with Requests and/or the Responses within Reel.
Comparable functionality would be Rack's middleware for its behavior toward Reel as an extendible handler,
and Sinatra / Octarine / Padrino for the HTTP DSL aspect, without those libraries,
and using the ultra-fast Reel server.
Intended functionalities to start with:
- Code Reloading in development environments
- Session handling
- HTTP DSL, with:
- Multiple Routes per end-point
- Segmenting base routes into multiple handler classes
( i.e. /path/* goes to special handler where /path/endpoint is handled as "/endpoint" )
- GZIP compression of public/ and dynamically created responses from server
- public/ handling
- support something like --daemonize, despite possible limitations ( if platform supports )
- rolling restarts and code reloading in production environments
- wrap WebSockets within endpoints without requiring different port or Reel instance