= Welcome To RightRails
RightRails is a RubyOnRails plugin for {RightJS}[http://rightjs.org] javascript framework.
It works as a drop in replacement for all the Prototype/Scriptaculous
methods, plus it brings some more sweets and routine ajax operation
== Features
- Lightning fast RightJS library
- Transparent Prototype/Scriptaculous helpers replacement
- More powerful and flexible new JavaScript generator for RJS
- Conventional JavaScript interface for the most common AJAX operations
- Better controller level access to the rjs generator
- New ajax-friendly scaffold generator
- Remote files uploading organization
- Automatic RightJS modules inclusion handling (including i18n modules)
- Additional FormBuilder methods for various fields
- Underscored and ruby-like aliases for RightJS core methods
== Installation
Just add the following into your +Gemfile+
gem 'right-rails'
If you're on Rails < 3.1 then run the +right_rails+ generator
rails g right_rails
If you're using Rails 3.1 with the pipeline assets handler, then you
can require things in your +application.js+ file
//= require right
//= require right/rails
Or, you can use +right-rails+ automatic scripts handling by specifying
= javascript_include_tag :defaults
In your layout file. It will hook all the scripts on its own.
== Documentation
See the wiki-pages for the documentation
See also the demo application for examples
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Nikolay Nemshilov, released under the MIT license