dIi ,IICGG8888@b
Roll is a library manager for Ruby. With Rolls developers can run their
programs in real time --no install phase is required for one program
to depend on another. This makes it very easy to work on a set of
interdependent projects --without vendering. It also makes easy to
create isolated library environments. Yet Rolls does so efficiently
--there need only be a single copy of any given version of a library
on disc. And libraries can be stored anywhere. There is no special place
they must all reside. You simple tell Rolls where they are.
Rolls works fairly well. I have used it for development for years, so
on the whole it stays in working order. However it is still under
heavy development, so configuration is still subject to a fair bit
of change. The loading heuristics are quite advanced, which accounts
for the speed, but as a trade-off the first library that is not found
"early" can initilially slow the system as all of an environments
metadata if loaded.
=== Setting Up
To use roll regularly you first need to add it your RUBYOPT environment
$ export RUBYOPT="-roll"
I suspect you will be using RubyGems too, in which case do:
$ export RUBYOPT="-roll -rubygems"
To support executables you will also need to add a line to your startup
.bashrc (or equivalent) file.
export PATH="$PATH:$(roll path)"
This will add the +bin+ locations of the programs encompassed by your
current roll environment.
(NOTE: The way bin paths are handled will probably change in the future
b/c it has some shortcomings.)
=== Preparing your Projects
For a project to be detected by Rolls it must conform to a
minimal POM[http://proutils.github.com/pom] setup. Specifically
the project must have a PACKAGE
file and it must
have at least one lib/*.rb
file. In the future this
should become a little more flexible, but that is the bare minimum
for a project to to be loadable via Rolls as of v1.2. The only
exception is for Gem stores. If you point Rolls torwards a gems/
location it will attempt to parse the name and version from a
library's directory name (e.g. facets-2.8.4/). It does not read
the gemspec (that would be slow). So alternate loadpaths are not
supported for Gem stores at this time.
Also, note that #autoload will not work with Rolls. Ruby has a bug
that prevents #autoload from using any custom defined #require method.
(Why this has never been fixed is both annoying and frustrating
to say the least.)
See POM[http://proutils.github.com/pom] for more information about
the POM standard.
=== Library Management
Next you need to setup an roll environment. The default environment
is called +production+. You can add a library search location to it
using +roll in+. Eg.
$ roll in /opt/ruby/
As a developer you will may want to setup a +development+ environment.
To change or add an environment use the +use+ command.
$ roll use development
Then you can add the paths you want. For instance my development
environment is essentially constructed like this:
$ roll in ~/programs/proutils
$ roll in ~/programs/rubyworks
$ roll in ~/programs/trans
By default these paths will be searched for POM conforming projects
up to a depth of three sub-directories. That's suitable for
most needs. You can specify the the depth explicitly with the
--depth or -d option. You can roll in the
current working directory by leaving off the path argument.
If the current directory has a +VERSION+ file, a depth of +1+
will automatically be used.
$ roll in
So that's it. You are READY-TO-ROLL!
The above provides a brief overview of using roll. But there is more to
it. To get a deeper understanding of the system and how to use +roll+ to
it fullest extent, please visit http://proutils.github.org/roll/.
=== Manual Installation (Recommended)
First you need a copy of the roll tarball (or zip) archive.
You will find them here[http://github.com/proutils/roll/download].
$ tar -xvzf roll-1.0.0
If you already have Ruby Setup installed on your system you can
use it to install Rolls (See: http://setup.rubyforge.org).
$ cd roll-1.0.0
$ sudo setup.rb
Otherwise, Rolls includes a copy of Ruby Setup that you can
$ cd roll-1.0.0
$ sudo script/setup.
On Windows, this last line needs to be 'ruby script/setup'.
=== RubyGems Installation
We strongly recommend installing Rolls manually b/c
Rolls is a peer to RubyGems. However, you can use Gems to
install it; and this is a convenient way to try it out.
gem install roll
If you like Rolls, then later you can uninstall the gem and
do a proper manual install.
Roll was RubyForge project #1004. She's been around a while! ;)
Roll/Rolls Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Thomas Sawyer
Rolls is distributed under the same terms as Ruby.
See the LICENSE file details.