h1. Rubber Generate
h2. v0.0.20
Template language for generating Ruby bindings for C libraries
by Geoff Youngs g@intersect-uk.co.uk
h3. Introduction
A simple ruby-style bindings generator for Ruby. It allows bindings to
be laid out in a Ruby style, documentation to be included inline and
explicit type casts within C code. It's somewhere between SWIG and pyrex.
It also allows features extconf.rb creation, including checks for headers,
pkg-config etc. The modules it creates currently depend on Ruby/GTK, but
it is planned to remove this dependency unless they genuinely require Ruby/GTK.
Other features include custom named type-maps, pre/post code inclusion within
functions and some rudimentary understanding of C code.
h3. Changes
0.0.20 - 31st Jul 2013
- Auto-scan loaded gems for missing headers
- Add support for %include_dir gem:foo or gem:foo/path/in/gem
0.0.19 - 17th June 2013
- Ruby 1.9 changes arguments for rb_num_coerce_cmp() - fixed.
0.0.18 - 16th Nov 2012
- Fixes for finding ruby-gnome2 header in gems
- Improved error reporting
0.0.17 - 16th Nov 2012
0.0.16 - 20th Oct 2011
- Add GCC pragma to reduce warnings on unused variables
0.0.15 - 18th Oct 2011
- Add support for scanning gem directories for ruby-gnome2 headers
- Fix missing fileutils dependency
0.0.14 - 18th Oct 2011
- Add define_on_self to genum (allow constants to be defined within submodule rather than on parent module/class)
0.0.13 - 5th May 2011
0.0.12 - 3rd May 2011
- Add support for uint64 conversion
0.0.11 - 27th Apr 2011
- Fix parsing of %min-version numbers
0.0.10 - 27th Apr 2011
0.0.9 - 31st May 2010
- Add support for --build-dir switch to specify output directory
0.0.8 - 10th May 2010
- Add support for %min-version ..
0.0.7 - 7th May 2010
- Add support for array constants (including autmatic type detection) - e.g array = [ "Text", NULL, 3 ]
- Add syntax_error function to parser which reports slightly more helpful syntax error messages for a .cr file
- Add tracking of code location so that C compiler throws errors which refer to the original line in the .cr file
- Add support for GSList{type} or GList{type} conversion to arrays as return values for functions
0.0.6 - 6th May 2010
- Flags class allows wrapping a bit field with slightly more information. Plus automatic conversion to/from ruby and support for integer values.
h3. Dependencies
- Ruby 1.8 / Ruby 1.9 / Ruby 2.0
h3. Example
Sample file:
$ rubber-generate --generate --build --install vte.cr
Which should generate
[arch]/vte.c <- Source code for extension
[arch]/vte.rd <- RD documentation from vte.cr
[arch]/extconf.rb <- Config script
[arch]/vte.o <- Object file
[arch]/vte.so <- Compiled extension
h3. Installation
$ sudo gem install rubber-generate
h3. Credits
Author: Geoff Youngs