Rubocop Rails Suite
Rubocop Rails Suite is a comprehensive suite of RuboCop configurations tailored for Ruby on Rails applications. This gem enhances your Rails code quality by bundling essential RuboCop extensions for performance, testing, and best practices. It requires at least Ruby version 3.0.0 to function properly.
Gems Included:
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "rubocop-rails-suite", require: false, group: [:development]
Then execute:
bundle install
To enable the Rubocop Rails Suite in your project, create or update your .rubocop.yml file with the following:
rubocop-rails-suite: rubocop.yml
TargetRubyVersion: 3.0
This will import the suite's recommended RuboCop rules for Rails projects, including rules for performance, RSpec, factory_bot, faker, and migration linting.
Run RuboCop to check your code:
bundle exec rubocop
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to report bugs or submit pull requests.
For questions or further information, feel free to reach out via LinkedIn.