A Ruby wrapper to integrate scrollReveal - A small library to create and maintain how elements fade in, triggered when they enter the viewport.
See the demo application in action.
Add the gem to the Gemfile:
gem "scrollreveal-rails"
Add ScrollReveal to your JS
Append the following lines to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js file:
//= require scrollReveal
$(function() {
window.scrollReveal = new scrollReveal();
Basic Usage
In your view *.html.erb
or *.html.haml
<!-- Reveal using defaults. -->
scroll_reveal content: 'Holla!'
But wait! It’s more fun if you define your own reveal animation parameters, which you can do using using natural, declarative language:
<!-- Reveal using custom parameters. -->
scroll_reveal content: 'Foo', animation: 'enter left and move 50px over 1.33s'
scroll_reveal content: 'Bar', animation: 'enter from the bottom after 1s'
scroll_reveal content: 'Baz' animation: 'wait 2.5s and then ease-in-out 100px'
Getting Started
What you enter into the data-scrollReveal
attribute is parsed for specific words:
- keywords that expect to be followed by a value.
- fillers as natural language sugar. (optional)
Keywords and Values
These specific keyword / value pairs allow you to describe basic reveal animation behavior.
keyword: enter
— Controls the vector origin of your reveal animation.
value: top
| right
| bottom
| left
<!-- Reveal your element with a downward motion. -->
scroll_reveal content: 'Foo', animation: 'enter top'
keyword: move
— The distance your revealing element travels.
value: [ integer ]px.
scroll_reveal content: 'Foo', animation: 'move 24px'
keyword: over
— The duration of your reveal animation.
value: [ decimal ]s
scroll_reveal content: 'Foo', animation: 'over 1.66s'
keyword: after/wait
— The duration before your reveal begins.
value: [ decimal ]s
<!-- Both are accepted. -->
scroll_reveal content: 'Mel', animation: 'after 0.33s'
scroll_reveal content: 'Mel', animation: 'wait 0.33s'
####Combining Keyword/Value Pairs
You can easily combine the above pairs to create more dynamic reveal animations.
scroll_reveal content: 'Foo', animation: 'enter top move 50px'
scroll_reveal content: 'Bar', animation: 'enter top move 50px, after 0.3s'
scroll_reveal content: 'Baz', animation: 'enter top move 50px, after 0.6s'
scroll_reveal content: 'Mel', animation: 'enter top move 50px, after 0.9s'
####Passing Blocks
You can easily pass a block too.
scroll_reveal animation: 'enter top move 50px' do
image_tag 'foo.jpg'
Fillers (optional)
You can use conjoining filler words for more readable language.
<!-- These 4 lines are equivalent. -->
scroll_reveal content: 'Foo', animation: 'wait 0.3s, then enter left and move 40px over 2s'
scroll_reveal content: 'Bar', animation: 'enter from the left after 0.3s, move 40px, over 2s'
scroll_reveal content: 'Baz', animation: 'enter left move 40px over 2s after 0.3s'
scroll_reveal content: 'Mel', animation: 'enter left, move 40px, over 2s, wait 0.3s'
The gem itself is released under the MIT license