Shortest URL
There's still a lot left to be done. I'd like to add more url shorteners, and find a way to make tinyarrows actually work. But it works for now.
What + Why
Shurl finds the shortest URL from a list of URL shortening APIs. If there's one I don't have, please let me know and I'll add it. It queries each API for
a short url and then gives the user the shortest one back. Pretty simple stuff.
This is pretty much your stereotypical product of a college student. When I'm bored and not paying attention to lectures, this is what happens.
Updates are pushed to
sudo gem install shurl
Optionally clone it from here and make sure the tests pass
git clone git://
Test with rake
or turn
require 'shurl'
foo =
mini = foo.shorten("")
# mini => ""
© 2010 marksands.