
Define, store, and output your code snippets.
All uses of snippit
can be replaced with the shortcut snip
# Define a snippet called "hello-world.js"
$ snippit --save hello-world.js
# Set the slug and descriptive name of the snippet
$ snippit --save hello-world.js --slug hw-js --name "JavaScript Starter"
# Output the "JavaScript Starter" snippet to a file called "index.js"
$ snippit --get hw-js > index.js
# List all of your code snippets
$ snippit --list
How it works
Code snippets get stored in a directory called .snippit
in your home
directory. The actual code snippet filenames are slugified versions of the
snippet name. .__definitions__.yml
is a reserved filename, as it is used to
map snippet slugs (filenames) to their human-readable names.