Solidus Auth Devise
Provides authentication services for Solidus, using the Devise gem.
Add solidus_auth_devise to your Gemfile:
gem 'solidus_auth_devise'
Then, run bundle install
After that's done, you can install and run the necessary migrations, then seed the database:
bundle exec rake solidus_auth:install:migrations
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed
Default Username/Password
As part of running the above installation steps, you will be asked to set an admin email/password combination. The default values are
and test123
, respectively.
To enable Devise's Confirmable module, which will send the user an email with a link to confirm their account, you must do the following:
- Add this line to an initializer in your Rails project (typically
Spree::Auth::Config[:confirmable] = true
- Add a Devise initializer to your Rails project (typically
Devise.setup do |config|
config.allow_unconfirmed_access_for = 1.days
Using in an existing application
If you are installing Solidus inside of a host application in which you want your own permission setup, you can do this using the register_ability
First create your own CanCan Ability class following the CanCan documentation.
For example: app/models/super_abilities.rb
class SuperAbilities
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize user
if "Superman"
can :stop, Bullet
Then register your class in your spree initializer: config/initializers/spree.rb
Inside of your host application you can then use CanCan like you normally would.
<% if can? :stop Bullet %>
<% end %>
Testing the extension
First bundle your dependencies, then run bin/rake
. bin/rake
will default to building the dummy
app if it does not exist, then it will run specs. The dummy app can be regenerated by using
bin/rake extension:test_app
To run Rubocop static code analysis run
bundle exec rubocop
When testing your application's integration with this extension you may use its factories.
Simply add this require statement to your spec/spec_helper.rb
require 'solidus_auth_devise/testing_support/factories'
Or, if you are using FactoryBot.definition_file_paths
, you can load Solidus core
factories along with this extension's factories using this statement:
Running the sandbox
To run this extension in a sandboxed Solidus application, you can run bin/sandbox
. The path for
the sandbox app is ./sandbox
and bin/rails
will forward any Rails commands to
Here's an example:
$ bin/rails server
=> Booting Puma
=> Rails application starting in development
* Listening on tcp://
Use Ctrl-C to stop
Updating the changelog
Before and after releases the changelog should be updated to reflect the up-to-date status of
the project:
bin/rake changelog
git add
git commit -m "Update the changelog"
Releasing new versions
Please refer to the dedicated page on Solidus wiki.
Copyright (c) 2022 Solidus Team, released under the New BSD License.