Parrallel ssh commands over chef servers with rspec-like output. sporf uses the exit codes of a command to determine whether it qualifies as a success or failure.
Install the gem:
gem install sporf
sporf test COMMAND [QUERY]
or sporf -t COMMAND [QUERY]
Test command
Test if a given command returns 0 on all nodes:
sporf -t 'test -d /foo/bar/'
Test if a given command does not return 0 on nodes:
sporf -t 'php -i | grep -i memcached' --invert
Test if a given command returns 0 on all nodes, also print out the STDOUT of successfull commands:
sporf -t 'cat /etc/apache2/conf.d/ssl' --print-success
Test if a given command returns 0, scoped on certain nodes (with knife search syntax):
sporf -t 'test -f /etc/apache2/conf.d/ssl' 'recipe:apache AND listen_ports:443'
sporf is not meant to modify server configurations, only to test how a server replies on a given (non-destructive) command. Use with caution.
- Make the output truly RSpec compatible, so we can use RSpec formatters
- Stop forcing root user, system user (with sudo) should also work
- sporf should not be limited to Chef (main reason this isn't a knife plugin)
Bug reports, feature requests and test implementations are more than welcome. Please use our Github account for this.