= Sunspot::Solr
Sunspot::Solr is a packaged distribution of Solr for use with the
Sunspot[http://outoftime.github.com/sunspot] and
gems. See those gems' documentation for more information.
== Installation
gem install sunspot_solr
In order to start the daemon, run:
sunspot-solr start -- [-d /path/to/data/directory] [-b ip4_address] [-p port] [-s path/to/solr/home] [--pid-dir=path/to/pid/dir]
If you don't specify a data directory, your Solr index will be stored in your
operating system's temporary directory.
If you specify a solr home, the directory must contain a conf
directory, which should contain at least schema.xml
. Be sure to copy the schema.xml
out of
the Sunspot gem's solr/solr/conf
directory. Sunspot relies on the
field name patterns defined in the packaged schema.xml
, so those
cannot be modified.