ToCSV is a gem for converting arrays or scopes (Rails) to CSV by calling +to_csv+.
These arrays can contain different data structures, as long as they are homogeneous, like the ones
described below:
- A simple array of anything that responds to to_s: ['Date', Time.now].to_csv
- An array of hashes: [ {'Name' => 'Icaro', 'Age' => 23}, {'Name' => 'Gabriel', 'Age' => 16} ].to_csv
- A matrix: [['Name', 'Age'], ['Icaro', 23], ['Gabriel', 16]].to_csv
- A hash like array: [ [['Name', 'Icaro'], ['Age', 23]], [['Name', 'Gabriel'], ['Age', 16]] ].to_csv
- An array of ActiveRecord objects: @users.to_csv(:except => [:password, :phone], :timestamps => true)
- Scopes in Rails
=== Requirements
ToCSV has been tested with Ruby 1.8.7-p299/1.9.1-p378/1.9.2-rc1.
If you are using Ruby 1.9 the only dependency to use the basic features is +ActiveSupport+.
Otherwise you will need +fastercsv+. You will receive a warning if you don't meet the requirements.
If you don't have Rails installed...
$ sudo gem install activesupport
And if your Ruby version is lower than 1.9
$ sudo gem install fastercsv
Full compatibility with Rails 3 is on the way...as well as a new API, with new features.
=== Configuration
If you want to use this gem with Rails, put the following requirement in your environment.rb:
config.gem 'to-csv', :lib => 'to_csv', :source => 'http://rubygems.org'
After that, if you need to globally configure the gem, just create a to_csv.rb file in initializers.
ToCSV.byte_order_marker = true
ToCSV.timestamps = true
ToCSV.locale = 'en-US'
ToCSV.primary_key = false
ToCSV.csv_options[:col_sep] = ','
ToCSV.csv_options[:row_sep] = "\r\n"
== Examples
Let's start with the most simple example.
['Alfred Hitchcock', 'Robert Mitchum', 'Lucille Ball'].to_csv
#=> "Alfred Hitchcock;Robert Mitchum;Lucille Ball\n"
Or, if we have an array of arrays (i.e. a matrix) we can create tabular data.
['Name', 'Gender'],
['Alfred', 'M'],
['Robert', 'M'],
['Lucille', 'F']
].to_csv #=> "Name;Gender\nAlfred;M\nRobert;M\nLucille;F\n"
Almost always, when we generate CSV files, we want it to have appropriate
headers, so a better approach might be to use an array of hashes.
{ 'Name' => 'Alfred', 'Gender' => 'M' },
{ 'Name' => 'Robert', 'Gender' => 'M' },
{ 'Name' => 'Lucille', 'Gender' => 'F' }
].to_csv #=> "Gender;Name\nM;Alfred\nM;Robert\nF;Lucille\n"
Look carefully to the above output. You can see that when we use hashes we can
no longer be sure of the headers' order (true for Ruby versions older than 1.9).
When we are working with tabular data the headers' order can be very important,
thus we can use a somewhat similar data structure:
[ ['Name', 'Alfred'], ['Gender', 'M'] ],
[ ['Name', 'Robert'], ['Gender', 'M'] ],
[ ['Name', 'Lucille'], ['Gender', 'F'] ]
].to_csv #=> "Name;Gender\nAlfred;M\nRobert;M\nLucille;F\n"
That's a lot to type... The first example was much simpler...
There is the headers option. You can use it in all the examples above
to enable/disable headers from the output. Default is to show (true).
users = [{ 'Name' => 'Alfred', 'Gender' => 'M' }]
users.to_csv(:headers => false)
==== Active Record Objects
When we're building our data like the previous examples we have very few options
compared to what can be passed when converting an array of AR objects. Again,
the easiest way:
Anywhere in your app.
By default, all available model attributes (DB columns) are going to be used
except timestamps and the primary key of the record
@users = User.all
File.open('path/to/file.csv', 'w') { |io| io.puts @users.to_csv }
==== Headers
You can control the order and the text of any header. You can accomplish that
in various ways.
By default all attribute/method names will be sorted in alphabetical order. So
imagine a person model have +name+, +age+ and +email+ as attributes, and you
want to get the following output:
Name | E-mail | Age
... | ... | ..
... | ... | ..
You can tell to-csv to use a specific locale. If you don't, it uses
your app current locale. It will try to translate attributes to a
more friendly text by using the scope activerecord.attributes..
If the translation doesn't exist the header's text is going to be humanized.
The order of columns can be changed with the option +headers+. The way this
option works is very similar to the plugins method in your Rails
environment.rb file.
- If you pass +nil+ (default) then headers/columns will be in alphabetical order.
- If you pass an empty array or +false+, no headers will be shown.
- Instead, if you pass a non empty array, headers will be sorted in the order specified. :all can be used as a placeholder for all attributes not explicitly named.
So, in our example above, we can say:
@users.to_csv(:headers => [:name, :email, :age])
Or, using the placeholder +all+, which is not very useful here:
@users.to_csv(:headers => [:name, :email, :all])
If you want a completely different result you could, for instance, map all
users to a hash. Example:
This makes use of a hash to completely change the CSV output.
@users.map do |user|
'Name' => user.name,
'Age' => user.age,
'Total Comments' => user.comments.count
==== Passing a Block
Sometimes you may want to change just one value out of six for example. The best
way to go is to pass a block so that you don't have to repeat yourself writing
five headers and it's obvious values and also loosing I18n header translations.
The block yields a new Struct for each object in the list. By calling
methods on this struct you can change their default values.
@users.to_csv do |row, user|
row.date_of_birth = user.date_of_birth.to_s(:long)
==== Include Relationships
If you have an AR object with many relationships and you want to include these to
CSV results, you can use :include option.
If you want to include a has_many relationship, you can do the following:
User.all.to_csv(:include => :posts)
If you want to include a belongs_to relationship:
User.all.to_csv(:include => :organization)
Or you can use both in the same time.
User.all.to_csv(:include => [:organization, :posts])
==== A More Complete Example
= link_to 'export (CSV)', users_url(:csv)
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
@users = User.most_active
respond_to do |format|
format.csv do
send_data User.csv(@users), :filename => 'users_report.csv'
User model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.csv(users)
users.csv(:headers => [:id, :all], :primary_key => true, :except => :password) do |row, user|
row.id = "%04d" % user.id
row.created_at = I18n.l(user.created_at, :format => :default)
id: Code
==== Full Customization
You can always customize the output if you wish by building arrays of hashes,
arrays of arrays of bidimensional arrays etc :). Or you can obviously mix
anything you want and even use FasterCSV directly.
@user.to_csv { :only => [:name, :email] }, :col_sep => ','
There are other options for you to customize the output. Take a look at the
to_csv method documentation.
==== Credits
Special thanks to these people for their contributions and/or ideas:
Copyright (c) 2010 Ícaro Leopoldino da Motta, released under the MIT license.