Trinidad Database Pool
A bunch of Trinidad extensions to support database connection pooling on top of
the underlying Apache Tomcat container (using Tomcat's JDBC Connection Pool).
Please note, that such pools are usually configured as "global" and thus
shareable by multiple applications deployed on to of the Trinidad server.
Also most Java issues caused by JDBC drivers packaged with the application (e.g.
with SQLite3's JDBC driver) that JRuby inherits
should go away when database connections are managed externally.
Available Pools
- MySQL (trinidad_mysql_dbpool_extension)
- PostgreSQL (trinidad_postgresql_dbpool_extension)
- SQLite (trinidad_sqlite_dbpool_extension)
- MS-SQL (trinidad_mssql_dbpool_extension) using (unofficial) jTDS driver
- Generic (trinidad_generic_dbpool_extension) in case your DB ain't supported
- Install the gem e.g.
jruby -S gem install trinidad_mysql_dbpool_extension
- Configure the pool with Trinidad's configuration file e.g. :
name: jdbc/MySampleDB
url: localhost:3306/sample
username: root
password: root
maxActive: 100
initialSize: 10
maxWait: 10000
name (aliased as jndi), url are mandatory (as well username and
password if your database server + driver requires authentication), while
the other supported options might be found in Tomcat's JDBC pool documentation :
NOTE: starting version 0.7 we switched to using Tomcat's JDBC pool which
is simpler and more performant pool designed specifically for Tomcat/Trinidad.
If you insist on using DBCP
set the (deprecated) pool: dbcp option along side your pool configuration ...
If you happen to be using SQLite on production you'll need an absolute path :
jndi: jdbc/FileDB
url: <%= File.expand_path('db/production.db') %>
- Configure the (Rails) application to use JNDI with config/database.yml
adapter: mysql
jndi: java:/comp/env/jdbc/MySampleDB
do not forget to delete pool setup part since there's no need for it ...
Generic Pool
If there's no "official" pool for your database, or would like to use a
different version of a JDBC driver for a supported Trinidad pool, this allows
you to completely customize a pool.
NOTE: You will need a JDBC driver for your database, check the driver DB if
unsure about how to get one
Sample configuration for a DB2 database :
jndi: 'jdbc/MyDB'
url: 'jdbc:db2://'
username: 'mydb'
password: 'pass'
driverPath: '/opt/IBM/DB2/db2jcc4.jar'
Beyond standard configuration options there's 2 specific options here :
driverPath should be a path to your JDBC driver archive, might leave that
out but make sure it's on the (shared) class-path for each and every deployed
application that requires it. You might specify multiple jars using the
syntax or by separating paths using the :
Also in case driverPath is omitted you'll need to specify a driverName !
driverName the class name implementing the JDBC driver interface, if
you're not sure check the .jar for a META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver file.
If present that file contains the class-name and you might leave driverName
blank if you specified the jar path using driverPath but you're going still
going to need the driver name in your database.yml
Copyright (c) 2016 Team Trinidad.
See LICENSE ( for details.