= WordpressResource
WordpressResource is an adapter for ActiveResource that uses OAuth authentication.
== Getting Started
After installing the gem, you should require it:
require 'wordpress_resource'
Configuring it should be simple:
WordpressResource::Base.site = "http://site.com/basepath"
WordpressResource::Base.oauth_connection = @oauth_token
== Other Notes
This gem is meant to used in conjunction with the Wordpress plugin oauth-rest[http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/oauthrest/].
oauth-rest also depends on oauth-provider[http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/oauth-provider/].
This gem does not handle the OAuth authentication process, simply access to the API once an access token has been obtained.
== Contributing
If you would like to contribute to this gem, please fork and send me a pull request.