This gem was created to be a one-stop-shop for all file transfer methods that anyone would need to use in their ruby application.
The current methods I found available were cryptric, and the documentation available for these methods offered no help.
After creating blog posts on the methods I needed to support (S3 && FTP, FTPS, SFTP & SCP), my buddies then recommended converting these classes into a single gem... and so I did.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'wormholio'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install wormholio
- Note: dir_path should look like "/folder/"; be sure to prepend/append "/"
hash = {
'host':'www.domain.com', # domain to connect to
'username':'steven', # username
'password':'Steve1', # user's password
'dir_path':'/home/', # directory path on server
'port':'21' # will default to 21 if not specified
options = {"debug"=>true} # If debug set to true, will return errors for testing
file = "#{Rails.root}/file.json" # Path/name of file to upload
# To upload
Wormholio::FTP.upload( hash, file, options )
local_path = "#{Rails.root}/" # Where to download file to
filename = "file.json" # Name of file
# To download
Wormholio::FTP.download( hash, local_path, filename, options )
- Note: dir_path should look like "/folder/"; be sure to prepend/append "/"
hash = {
'host':'www.domain.com', # domain to connect to
'username':'steven', # username
'password':'Steve1', # user's password
'dir_path':'/home/', # directory path on server
'port':'21' # will default to 21 if not specified
options = {"debug"=>true} # If debug set to true, will return errors for testing
file = "#{Rails.root}/file.json" # Path/name of file to upload
# To upload
Wormholio::FTPS.upload( hash, file, options )
local_path = "#{Rails.root}/" # Where to download file to
filename = "file.json" # Name of file
# To download
Wormholio::FTPS.download( hash, local_path, filename, options )
- Note: dir_path should look like "/folder/"; be sure to prepend/append "/"
hash = {
'host':'www.domain.com', # domain to connect to
'username':'steven', # username
'password':'Steve1', # user's password
'dir_path':'/home/', # directory path on server
'port':'21' # will default to 21 if not specified
options = {"debug"=>true} # If debug set to true, will return errors for testing
file = "#{Rails.root}/file.json" # Path/name of file to upload
# To upload
Wormholio::SFTP.upload( hash, file, options )
local_path = "#{Rails.root}/" # Where to download file to
filename = "file.json" # Name of file
# To download
Wormholio::SFTP.download( hash, local_path, filename, options )
- Note: dir_path should look like "/folder/"; be sure to prepend/append "/"
hash = {
'host':'www.domain.com', # domain to connect to
'username':'steven', # username
'password':'Steve1', # user's password
'dir_path':'/home/', # directory path on server
'port':'21' # will default to 21 if not specified
options = {"debug"=>true} # If debug set to true, will return errors for testing
file = "#{Rails.root}/file.json" # Path/name of file to upload
# To upload
Wormholio::SCP.upload( hash, file, options )
local_path = "#{Rails.root}/" # Where to download file to
filename = "file.json" # Name of file
# To download
Wormholio::SCP.download( hash, local_path, filename, options )
- Note: dir_path should look like "folder/"; be sure to append "/" to this
hash = {
'bucket_name':'bucket-name', # domain to connect to
'access_key_id':'big-ole-access-key', # username
'secret_access_key':'big-ole-secret', # user's password
'dir_path':'folder/' # directory path on server
local_path = "#{Rails.root}/" # Path to file we want to upload
filename = "file.json" # Name of file to upload
# To upload
Wormholio::S3.upload( hash, local_path, filename )
local_path = "#{Rails.root}/" # Path to download file to
filename = "file.json" # Name we want download file to have
# To download
Wormholio::S3.download( hash, local_path, filename )
- Fork it ( https://github.com/skplunkerin/wormholio/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request