Xolphin API gem for Ruby
xolphin-api-ruby is a library which allows quick integration of the Xolphin REST API in Ruby to automated ordering, issuance and installation of SSL Certificates.
About Xolphin
Xolphin is the largest supplier of SSL Certificates and Digital Signatures in the Netherlands. Xolphin has
a professional team providing reliable support and rapid issuance of SSL Certificates at an affordable price from industry leading brands such as Sectigo (formely Comodo), GeoTrust, GlobalSign, Thawte and Symantec.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'xolphin-api'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install xolphin-api
Client initialization
require 'xolphin/api'
client = Xolphin::Api::Client.new('<username>', '<password>')
Getting list of requests
requests = client.request.all
requests.each do |request|
puts request.id, request.product.id
Getting request by ID
request = client.request.get(960000024)
puts request.product.brand
Requesting certificate
ccr = client.request.create(24, 1, 'csr string', Xolphin::Api::DcvType::EMAIL)
ccr.address = 'Address'
ccr.approver_first_name = 'FirstName'
ccr.approver_last_name = 'LastName'
ccr.approver_phone = '+12345678901'
ccr.approver_email = 'email@domain.com'
ccr.zipcode = '123456'
ccr.city = 'City'
ccr.company = 'Company'
ccr.subject_alternative_names = ['test1.domain.com', 'test2.domain.com']
ccr.dcv = [{
'domain' => 'test1.domain.com',
'dcvType' => Xolphin::Api::DcvType::EMAIL,
'approverEmail' => 'email@domain.com'
request = client.request.send(ccr)
puts request.id
Reissue certificate
certificate = client.certificate.get(<certificate_id>);
request = Xolphin::Api::CertificateRequests::ReissueCertificateRequest.new(<csr_string>,"EMAIL")
client.certificate.reissue(certificate.id, request)
Renew certificate
certificate = client.certificate.get(<certificate_id>);
request = Xolphin::Api::CertificateRequests::RenewCertificateRequest.new(certificate.product.id, <years>, <csr_string>, 'FILE')
client.certificate.renew(certificate.id, request)
Create a note
result = client.request.sendNote(1234, 'message')
Get list of notes
result = client.request.getNotes(1234)
result.notes.each do |note|
puts note.message_body, note.created_at
Send a "Comodo Subscriber Agreement" email
result = client.request.sendComodoSAEmail(1234, 'email@example.com', '<language>');
Request an "Encryption Everywhere" certificate
request = client.request.createEE
request.csr = "<csr_string>"
request.approver_first_name = "FirstName"
request.approver_last_name = "LastName"
request.approver_phone = "+1234567890"
request.approver_email = "email@domain.com"
request.subject_alternative_names = ["test1.domain.com", "test2.domain.com"]
request.dcv_type = "FILE"
response = client.request.sendEE(request)
Certificates list and expirations
certificates = client.certificate.all
certificates.each do |certificate|
puts certificate.id, certificate.expired?
Download certificate
certificate = client.certificate.download(960000031, Xolphin::Api::FormatType::CRT)
File.write('crt.crt', certificate)
Products list
products = client.support.products
products.each do |product|
puts product.id, product.brand
Decode CSR
data = client.support.decode_csr('csr string')
puts data.type, data.size
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/xolphin/xolphin-api-ruby.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.