Zurp allows your to quickly enable, disable, delete and create nginx virtualhosts,
with templates for passenger virtualhosts (ruby, python, nodejs), php, laravel and ssl.
$ gem install zurp
zurp datadir # Returns the path to the data directory of the gem
zurp delete <name> # Deletes a virtual host
zurp disable <name> # Disables a virtual host
zurp edit <name> # Edits with nano the content of a virtualhost
zurp enable <name> # Enable a virtual host
zurp help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
zurp list # List all your available virtualhosts
zurp new <name> <host> # Creates a new virtual host
zurp path <name> # Returns the path to a virtual host
zurp reload # Reload the virtualhosts into the server
zurp view <name> # Displays the content of a virtualhost
The new command is a bit more complex:
zurp new <name> <host>
-r, [--root=ROOT] # Specify the root for the virtual host
(defaults to nginx dir / www / <vhost name>, if using passenger or laravel, "/public" is automatically appended to
the user select root folder if it wasn't already there)
-p, [--port=PORT] # Specify the port of the vhost
(defaults to 80 for http, 443 for https)
-s, [--ssl=SSL], [--no-ssl] # Enables SSL for the virtual host
-c, [--ssl-cert=SSLCERT] # Path to the SSL certificate
-k, [--ssl-key=SSLKEY] # Path to the SSL private key
-a, [--passenger=PASSENGER], [--no-passenger] # Enables passenger for the virtual host
-f, [--passenger-startup-file=PASSENGERSTARTUPFILE] # Path to the passenger start up file
(If that file is .js file, the application type will be automatically set for passenger)
-h, [--php=PHP], [--no-php] # Enables PHP with php-fpm for the virtual host
-l, [--laravel=LARAVEL], [--no-laravel] # Enables PHP with laravel support
-j, [--php-socket=PHP] # Specifies the php-fpm socket address
-e, [--error-log=ERRORLOG] # Specifies error log file
-x, [--access-log=ACCESSLOG] # Specifies the access log file
[--ipv6], [--no-ipv6]
(By default, the vhost only listens on ipv4)
[--ipv6only], [--no-ipv6only]
Editing the default configuration for nginx
Zurp uses a .rb file to configure certain options for nginx and php-fpm, you can modify this file on your local system
if for instance zurb can't find your nginx installation.
Find the location of this file by running
$ zurp datadir
Edit the file called nginx.rb.
- Make sure you zurp has the necessary permissions to edit the nginx files
- For a quick fix, run zurp with rvmsudo
- The command
zurp disable <name>
deletes the symlink in "sites-enabled", so make sure you don't store your actual
virtual host there, or it will be delete running this command with it's name
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pierr3/zurp. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.