Package vksdk implements the basic VK API functions. Source
Package vksdk implements the basic VK API functions. Source
Package vksdk implements the basic VK API functions. Source
Package vk implements VKontakte API (including OAuth)
Package govkbot is a pure Go client library for messaging API. It includes a API for receive and send messages, chats, users info and friending. It works simply, but need to manually get user token. This implementation don't use vk long pool API and proxies, and have limit 3 requests per second (VK API limit). To get token you need: 1. You can use any app id from, for example 4775211 2. Open in browser with logged in VK (you must use IP, where you want run bot) 3. Copy token query parameter from URL string. Token valid only for IP from what you get it.
Package vk implements VKontakte API (including OAuth)
Package vkg implements an abstraction atop the Vulkan graphics framework for go. Vulkan is a very powerful graphics and compute framework, which expands upon what is possible with OpenGL and OpenCL, but at a cost - it is very difficult and complex to use, yet very powerful. This package provides utility functions and objects which make Vulkan a little more paltable to gophers, with the drawback that it cannot possibly expose all the power inherent in Vulkan, so it strives to avoid limiting users when they desire to utilize the full power of Vulkan. Vulkan overcomes many of the drawbacks of OpenGL by providing a much less abstracted interface to GPUs at a pretty hefty cost, all the things OpenGL managed previously are now up to the implementing application to manage. This documentation is woefully inadequate at fully descrbing how Vulkan works, and is meant to provide a refersher and perhaps some bread crumbs which will aid in undersatnding the system. At a high level vulkan provides a method of submiting work to command queues which execute various pipeline (which the application has configured) to either display graphics or peform compute work. An example of a pipeline might be one which displays a set of vertex data in a specific way, or a compute pipeline which pefroms some massively parallel mathmatical operation on a large set of data. The challenge then becomes providing the data in a way which these pipelines can utilize, so the data must be described adqueately enough so that the GPU can work with the data in an optimal way. To allow application developers to better utilize the underlying hardware, many decisions about how this data is managed is now left up to the application developer, rather than manged by a framework like OpenGL. This means the application developer is now responsible for deciding where the data which is to be processed by the pipeline will reside, what the format of the data is and how to make sure the data arrives at the appopriate time to best utilize the underlying hardware (this is a daunting task and application specific). So a game developed with Vulkan will have different needs and priorites than a scientific computing application developed with Vulkan, or even a 3D editor. This package can provide some assitance in getting started with vulkan but cannot possibly provide apporpaite abstractions for all possible use cases, or else it would fall into the trap of OpenGL - doing too much in a sub optimal way. Back to a discussion of Vulkan, we have command queues, which are feeding pipelines, which are using data provided by the application. Native Vulkan terms When thinking about how a graphics application with Vulkan works a very high level sequences of might be: This package provides a basic set of APIs which wrap some of the Vulkan APIs to make them a bit less painful to work with, the trade off being that many of the native Vulkan APIs expose options which are not exposed in the APIs provided by the package. To mitigate the drawback of this approach native vulkan structures are exposed in all the objects prefixed with the 'VK' in the name - so applications aren't limited by what this package provides. This package goes beyond what Vulkan natively provides to make Vulkan a bit easier to work with: GraphicsApp: ResourceManager: Utility interfaces:
Package vksdk implements the basic VK API functions API - Callback API - Bots Long Poll API - User Long Poll API -
Пакет VkApi предоствляет инструменты для упрощенного взамодействия с API ВКонтакте. Получение списка пользователей Получение города пользователя Типа бот Запросы автоматически упаковываются в execute вызовы, в случае если поток запросов больше чем максимальный RPS очереди. В данном примере максимум 1 вызов в секунду. В примере делается 4 запроса, но к API будет сделано всего два execute запроса для работы с websocket используется
Package vk implements VKontakte API (including OAuth)
Package vksdk implements the basic VK API functions API - Callback API - Bots Long Poll API - User Long Poll API -
Package vksdk implements the basic VK API functions API - Callback API - Bots Long Poll API - User Long Poll API -