GoAniGiffy is a utility for converting a set of alphabetically sorted images such as video frames grabbed from VLC or MPlayer into an animated GIF with options to Crop, Resize, Rotate & Flip the images prior to creating the GIF GoAniGiffy performs image operations in the order of cropping, scaling, rotating & flipping before converting the images into an Animated GIF. Image manipulation is done using Grigory Dryapak's imaging package. We use the Lanczos filter in Resizing and the default Floyd-Steinberg dithering used by Go Language's image/gif package to ensure video quality. Arbitrary angle rotations are not supported. The -delay parameter must be an integer specifying delay between frames in hundredths of a second. A value of 3 would give approximately 33 fps theoritically Usage of goanigiffy: Sources: https://github.com/srinathh/goanigiffy
Package goav contains the codecs (decoders and encoders) provided by the libavcodec library Provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the encoders and decoders. Package goav deals with the input and output devices provided by the libavdevice library The libavdevice library provides the same interface as libavformat. Namely, an input device is considered like a demuxer, and an output device like a muxer, and the interface and generic device options are the same provided by libavformat Package goav contains methods that deal with ffmpeg filters filters in the same linear chain are separated by commas, and distinct linear chains of filters are separated by semicolons. FFmpeg is enabled through the "C" libavfilter library Package goav provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the muxers and demuxers. In addition each muxer or demuxer may support so-called private options, which are specific for that component. Supported formats (muxers and demuxers) provided by the libavformat library Package goav ... Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. Giorgis (habtom@giorgis.io) Package goav is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality. Some generic features and utilities provided by the libavutil library Package goav provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the muxers and demuxers. In addition each muxer or demuxer may support so-called private options, which are specific for that component. Supported formats (muxers and demuxers) provided by the libavformat library Package goav is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality. Some generic features and utilities provided by the libavutil library Package goav is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality. Some generic features and utilities provided by the libavutil library Package goav contains golang binding for FFmpeg. A comprehensive binding to the ffmpeg video/audio manipulation library: https://www.ffmpeg.org/ Contains: Package goav contains the codecs (decoders and encoders) provided by the libavcodec library Provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the encoders and decoders. Package goav contains the codecs (decoders and encoders) provided by the libavcodec library Provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the encoders and decoders. Package goav provides a high-level interface to the libswresample library audio resampling utilities The process of changing the sampling rate of a discrete signal to obtain a new discrete representation of the underlying continuous signal. Package goav performs highly optimized image scaling and colorspace and pixel format conversion operations. Rescaling: is the process of changing the video size. Several rescaling options and algorithms are available. Pixel format conversion: is the process of converting the image format and colorspace of the image.
Package vast parses, manipulates and builds Digital Video Ad Serving Templates (VAST). The currently supported version is VAST 4.2.