Package main is a simple wrapper of the real etcd entrypoint package (located at to ensure that etcd is still "go getable"; e.g. `go get` works as expected and builds a binary in $GOBIN/etcd This package should NOT be extended or modified in any way; to modify the etcd binary, work in the `` package.
Package caddy implements the Caddy server manager. To use this package: You should call Wait() on your instance to wait for all servers to quit before your process exits.
Package certmagic automates the obtaining and renewal of TLS certificates, including TLS & HTTPS best practices such as robust OCSP stapling, caching, HTTP->HTTPS redirects, and more. Its high-level API serves your HTTP handlers over HTTPS if you simply give the domain name(s) and the http.Handler; CertMagic will create and run the HTTPS server for you, fully managing certificates during the lifetime of the server. Similarly, it can be used to start TLS listeners or return a ready-to-use tls.Config -- whatever layer you need TLS for, CertMagic makes it easy. See the HTTPS, Listen, and TLS functions for that. If you need more control, create a Cache using NewCache() and then make a Config using New(). You can then call Manage() on the config. But if you use this lower-level API, you'll have to be sure to solve the HTTP and TLS-ALPN challenges yourself (unless you disabled them or use the DNS challenge) by using the provided Config.GetCertificate function in your tls.Config and/or Config.HTTPChallengeHandler in your HTTP handler. See the package's README for more instruction.
Package http implements a go-micro.Server
Package grpc provides a grpc server
Package grpc provides a grpc server
Package http implements a go-micro.Server
Package ftpserver provides all the tools to build your own FTP server: The core library and the driver.
Package mbserver implments a Modbus server (slave). Start a Modbus server and use a client to write to and read from the serer.
Package opensearchserverless provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for OpenSearch Service Serverless. Use the Amazon OpenSearch Serverless API to create, configure, and manage OpenSearch Serverless collections and security policies. OpenSearch Serverless is an on-demand, pre-provisioned serverless configuration for Amazon OpenSearch Service. OpenSearch Serverless removes the operational complexities of provisioning, configuring, and tuning your OpenSearch clusters. It enables you to easily search and analyze petabytes of data without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure and data management. To learn more about OpenSearch Serverless, see What is Amazon OpenSearch Serverless?