Package codestarnotifications provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS CodeStar Notifications. This AWS CodeStar Notifications API Reference provides descriptions and usage examples of the operations and data types for the AWS CodeStar Notifications API. You can use the AWS CodeStar Notifications API to work with the following objects: Notification rules, by calling the following: CreateNotificationRule DeleteNotificationRule DescribeNotificationRule ListNotificationRules UpdateNotificationRule Subscribe Unsubscribe Targets, by calling the following: DeleteTarget ListTargets Events, by calling the following: ListEventTypes Tags, by calling the following: ListTagsForResource TagResource UntagResource For information about how to use AWS CodeStar Notifications, see the Amazon Web Services Developer Tools Console User Guide.
Package fsnotify provides a cross-platform interface for file system notifications. Currently supported systems: Set the FSNOTIFY_DEBUG environment variable to "1" to print debug messages to stderr. This can be useful to track down some problems, especially in cases where fsnotify is used as an indirect dependency. Every event will be printed as soon as there's something useful to print, with as little processing from fsnotify. Example output:
Package pq is a pure Go Postgres driver for the database/sql package. In most cases clients will use the database/sql package instead of using this package directly. For example: You can also connect to a database using a URL. For example: Similarly to libpq, when establishing a connection using pq you are expected to supply a connection string containing zero or more parameters. A subset of the connection parameters supported by libpq are also supported by pq. Additionally, pq also lets you specify run-time parameters (such as search_path or work_mem) directly in the connection string. This is different from libpq, which does not allow run-time parameters in the connection string, instead requiring you to supply them in the options parameter. For compatibility with libpq, the following special connection parameters are supported: Valid values for sslmode are: See for more information about connection string parameters. Use single quotes for values that contain whitespace: A backslash will escape the next character in values: Note that the connection parameter client_encoding (which sets the text encoding for the connection) may be set but must be "UTF8", matching with the same rules as Postgres. It is an error to provide any other value. In addition to the parameters listed above, any run-time parameter that can be set at backend start time can be set in the connection string. For more information, see Most environment variables as specified at supported by libpq are also supported by pq. If any of the environment variables not supported by pq are set, pq will panic during connection establishment. Environment variables have a lower precedence than explicitly provided connection parameters. The pgpass mechanism as described in is supported, but on Windows PGPASSFILE must be specified explicitly. database/sql does not dictate any specific format for parameter markers in query strings, and pq uses the Postgres-native ordinal markers, as shown above. The same marker can be reused for the same parameter: pq does not support the LastInsertId() method of the Result type in database/sql. To return the identifier of an INSERT (or UPDATE or DELETE), use the Postgres RETURNING clause with a standard Query or QueryRow call: For more details on RETURNING, see the Postgres documentation: For additional instructions on querying see the documentation for the database/sql package. Parameters pass through driver.DefaultParameterConverter before they are handled by this package. When the binary_parameters connection option is enabled, []byte values are sent directly to the backend as data in binary format. This package returns the following types for values from the PostgreSQL backend: All other types are returned directly from the backend as []byte values in text format. pq may return errors of type *pq.Error which can be interrogated for error details: See the pq.Error type for details. You can perform bulk imports by preparing a statement returned by pq.CopyIn (or pq.CopyInSchema) in an explicit transaction (sql.Tx). The returned statement handle can then be repeatedly "executed" to copy data into the target table. After all data has been processed you should call Exec() once with no arguments to flush all buffered data. Any call to Exec() might return an error which should be handled appropriately, but because of the internal buffering an error returned by Exec() might not be related to the data passed in the call that failed. CopyIn uses COPY FROM internally. It is not possible to COPY outside of an explicit transaction in pq. Usage example: PostgreSQL supports a simple publish/subscribe model over database connections. See for more information about the general mechanism. To start listening for notifications, you first have to open a new connection to the database by calling NewListener. This connection can not be used for anything other than LISTEN / NOTIFY. Calling Listen will open a "notification channel"; once a notification channel is open, a notification generated on that channel will effect a send on the Listener.Notify channel. A notification channel will remain open until Unlisten is called, though connection loss might result in some notifications being lost. To solve this problem, Listener sends a nil pointer over the Notify channel any time the connection is re-established following a connection loss. The application can get information about the state of the underlying connection by setting an event callback in the call to NewListener. A single Listener can safely be used from concurrent goroutines, which means that there is often no need to create more than one Listener in your application. However, a Listener is always connected to a single database, so you will need to create a new Listener instance for every database you want to receive notifications in. The channel name in both Listen and Unlisten is case sensitive, and can contain any characters legal in an identifier (see for more information). Note that the channel name will be truncated to 63 bytes by the PostgreSQL server. You can find a complete, working example of Listener usage at If you need support for Kerberos authentication, add the following to your main package: This package is in a separate module so that users who don't need Kerberos don't have to download unnecessary dependencies. When imported, additional connection string parameters are supported:
Package fsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications.
Package storage provides an easy way to work with Google Cloud Storage. Google Cloud Storage stores data in named objects, which are grouped into buckets. More information about Google Cloud Storage is available at See for authentication, timeouts, connection pooling and similar aspects of this package. To start working with this package, create a Client: The client will use your default application credentials. Clients should be reused instead of created as needed. The methods of Client are safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines. You may configure the client by passing in options from the package. You may also use options defined in this package, such as WithJSONReads. If you only wish to access public data, you can create an unauthenticated client with To use an emulator with this library, you can set the STORAGE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to the address at which your emulator is running. This will send requests to that address instead of to Cloud Storage. You can then create and use a client as usual: Please note that there is no official emulator for Cloud Storage. A Google Cloud Storage bucket is a collection of objects. To work with a bucket, make a bucket handle: A handle is a reference to a bucket. You can have a handle even if the bucket doesn't exist yet. To create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage, call BucketHandle.Create: Note that although buckets are associated with projects, bucket names are global across all projects. Each bucket has associated metadata, represented in this package by BucketAttrs. The third argument to BucketHandle.Create allows you to set the initial BucketAttrs of a bucket. To retrieve a bucket's attributes, use BucketHandle.Attrs: An object holds arbitrary data as a sequence of bytes, like a file. You refer to objects using a handle, just as with buckets, but unlike buckets you don't explicitly create an object. Instead, the first time you write to an object it will be created. You can use the standard Go io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces to read and write object data: Objects also have attributes, which you can fetch with ObjectHandle.Attrs: Listing objects in a bucket is done with the BucketHandle.Objects method: Objects are listed lexicographically by name. To filter objects lexicographically, [Query.StartOffset] and/or [Query.EndOffset] can be used: If only a subset of object attributes is needed when listing, specifying this subset using Query.SetAttrSelection may speed up the listing process: Both objects and buckets have ACLs (Access Control Lists). An ACL is a list of ACLRules, each of which specifies the role of a user, group or project. ACLs are suitable for fine-grained control, but you may prefer using IAM to control access at the project level (see Cloud Storage IAM docs. To list the ACLs of a bucket or object, obtain an ACLHandle and call ACLHandle.List: You can also set and delete ACLs. Every object has a generation and a metageneration. The generation changes whenever the content changes, and the metageneration changes whenever the metadata changes. Conditions let you check these values before an operation; the operation only executes if the conditions match. You can use conditions to prevent race conditions in read-modify-write operations. For example, say you've read an object's metadata into objAttrs. Now you want to write to that object, but only if its contents haven't changed since you read it. Here is how to express that: You can obtain a URL that lets anyone read or write an object for a limited time. Signing a URL requires credentials authorized to sign a URL. To use the same authentication that was used when instantiating the Storage client, use BucketHandle.SignedURL. You can also sign a URL without creating a client. See the documentation of SignedURL for details. A type of signed request that allows uploads through HTML forms directly to Cloud Storage with temporary permission. Conditions can be applied to restrict how the HTML form is used and exercised by a user. For more information, please see the XML POST Object docs as well as the documentation of BucketHandle.GenerateSignedPostPolicyV4. If the GoogleAccessID and PrivateKey option fields are not provided, they will be automatically detected by BucketHandle.SignedURL and BucketHandle.GenerateSignedPostPolicyV4 if any of the following are true: Detecting GoogleAccessID may not be possible if you are authenticated using a token source or using option.WithHTTPClient. In this case, you can provide a service account email for GoogleAccessID and the client will attempt to sign the URL or Post Policy using that service account. To generate the signature, you must have: Errors returned by this client are often of the type googleapi.Error. These errors can be introspected for more information by using errors.As with the richer googleapi.Error type. For example: Methods in this package may retry calls that fail with transient errors. Retrying continues indefinitely unless the controlling context is canceled, the client is closed, or a non-transient error is received. To stop retries from continuing, use context timeouts or cancellation. The retry strategy in this library follows best practices for Cloud Storage. By default, operations are retried only if they are idempotent, and exponential backoff with jitter is employed. In addition, errors are only retried if they are defined as transient by the service. See the Cloud Storage retry docs for more information. Users can configure non-default retry behavior for a single library call (using BucketHandle.Retryer and ObjectHandle.Retryer) or for all calls made by a client (using Client.SetRetry). For example: You can add custom headers to any API call made by this package by using callctx.SetHeaders on the context which is passed to the method. For example, to add a custom audit logging header: This package includes support for the Cloud Storage gRPC API. The implementation uses gRPC rather than the Default JSON & XML APIs to make requests to Cloud Storage. The Go Storage gRPC client is generally available. The Notifications, Serivce Account HMAC and GetServiceAccount RPCs are not supported through the gRPC client. To create a client which will use gRPC, use the alternate constructor: Using the gRPC API inside GCP with a bucket in the same region can allow for Direct Connectivity (enabling requests to skip some proxy steps and reducing response latency). A warning is emmitted if gRPC is not used within GCP to warn that Direct Connectivity could not be initialized. Direct Connectivity is not required to access the gRPC API. Dependencies for the gRPC API may slightly increase the size of binaries for applications depending on this package. If you are not using gRPC, you can use the build tag `disable_grpc_modules` to opt out of these dependencies and reduce the binary size. The gRPC client emits metrics by default and will export the gRPC telemetry discussed in gRFC/66 and gRFC/78 to Google Cloud Monitoring. The metrics are accessible through Cloud Monitoring API and you incur no additional cost for publishing the metrics. Google Cloud Support can use this information to more quickly diagnose problems related to GCS and gRPC. Sending this data does not incur any billing charges, and requires minimal CPU (a single RPC every minute) or memory (a few KiB to batch the telemetry). To access the metrics you can view them through Cloud Monitoring metric explorer with the prefix ``. Metrics are emitted every minute. You can disable metrics using the following example when creating a new gRPC client using WithDisabledClientMetrics. The metrics exporter uses Cloud Monitoring API which determines project ID and credentials doing the following: * Project ID is determined using OTel Resource Detector for the environment otherwise it falls back to the project provided by google.FindCredentials. * Credentials are determined using Application Default Credentials. The principal must have `roles/monitoring.metricWriter` role granted. If not a logged warning will be emitted. Subsequent are silenced to prevent noisy logs. Certain control plane and long-running operations for Cloud Storage (including Folder and Managed Folder operations) are supported via the autogenerated Storage Control client, which is available as a subpackage in this module. See package docs at or reference the Storage Control API docs.
Package fsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications.
Package pgx is a PostgreSQL database driver. pgx provides lower level access to PostgreSQL than the standard database/sql. It remains as similar to the database/sql interface as possible while providing better speed and access to PostgreSQL specific features. Import to use pgx as a database/sql compatible driver. The primary way of establishing a connection is with `pgx.Connect`. The database connection string can be in URL or DSN format. Both PostgreSQL settings and pgx settings can be specified here. In addition, a config struct can be created by `ParseConfig` and modified before establishing the connection with `ConnectConfig`. `*pgx.Conn` represents a single connection to the database and is not concurrency safe. Use sub-package pgxpool for a concurrency safe connection pool. pgx implements Query and Scan in the familiar database/sql style. pgx also implements QueryRow in the same style as database/sql. Use Exec to execute a query that does not return a result set. QueryFunc can be used to execute a callback function for every row. This is often easier to use than Query. pgx maps between all common base types directly between Go and PostgreSQL. In particular: pgx can map nulls in two ways. The first is package pgtype provides types that have a data field and a status field. They work in a similar fashion to database/sql. The second is to use a pointer to a pointer. pgx maps between int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, and string Go slices and the equivalent PostgreSQL array type. Go slices of native types do not support nulls, so if a PostgreSQL array that contains a null is read into a native Go slice an error will occur. The pgtype package includes many more array types for PostgreSQL types that do not directly map to native Go types. pgx includes built-in support to marshal and unmarshal between Go types and the PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB. pgx encodes from net.IPNet to and from inet and cidr PostgreSQL types. In addition, as a convenience pgx will encode from a net.IP; it will assume a /32 netmask for IPv4 and a /128 for IPv6. pgx includes support for the common data types like integers, floats, strings, dates, and times that have direct mappings between Go and SQL. In addition, pgx uses the library to support more types. See documention for that library for instructions on how to implement custom types. See example_custom_type_test.go for an example of a custom type for the PostgreSQL point type. pgx also includes support for custom types implementing the database/sql.Scanner and database/sql/driver.Valuer interfaces. If pgx does cannot natively encode a type and that type is a renamed type (e.g. type MyTime time.Time) pgx will attempt to encode the underlying type. While this is usually desired behavior it can produce surprising behavior if one the underlying type and the renamed type each implement database/sql interfaces and the other implements pgx interfaces. It is recommended that this situation be avoided by implementing pgx interfaces on the renamed type. Row values and composite types are represented as pgtype.Record ( It is possible to get values of your custom type by implementing DecodeBinary interface. Decoding into pgtype.Record first can simplify process by avoiding dealing with raw protocol directly. For example: []byte passed as arguments to Query, QueryRow, and Exec are passed unmodified to PostgreSQL. Transactions are started by calling Begin. The Tx returned from Begin also implements the Begin method. This can be used to implement pseudo nested transactions. These are internally implemented with savepoints. Use BeginTx to control the transaction mode. BeginFunc and BeginTxFunc are variants that begin a transaction, execute a function, and commit or rollback the transaction depending on the return value of the function. These can be simpler and less error prone to use. Prepared statements can be manually created with the Prepare method. However, this is rarely necessary because pgx includes an automatic statement cache by default. Queries run through the normal Query, QueryRow, and Exec functions are automatically prepared on first execution and the prepared statement is reused on subsequent executions. See ParseConfig for information on how to customize or disable the statement cache. Use CopyFrom to efficiently insert multiple rows at a time using the PostgreSQL copy protocol. CopyFrom accepts a CopyFromSource interface. If the data is already in a [][]interface{} use CopyFromRows to wrap it in a CopyFromSource interface. Or implement CopyFromSource to avoid buffering the entire data set in memory. When you already have a typed array using CopyFromSlice can be more convenient. CopyFrom can be faster than an insert with as few as 5 rows. pgx can listen to the PostgreSQL notification system with the `Conn.WaitForNotification` method. It blocks until a notification is received or the context is canceled. pgx defines a simple logger interface. Connections optionally accept a logger that satisfies this interface. Set LogLevel to control logging verbosity. Adapters for,,,, and the testing log are provided in the log directory. pgx is implemented on top of a lower level PostgreSQL driver. The Conn.PgConn() method can be used to access this lower layer. pgx is compatible with PgBouncer in two modes. One is when the connection has a statement cache in "describe" mode. The other is when the connection is using the simple protocol. This can be set with the PreferSimpleProtocol config option.
Package pgx is a PostgreSQL database driver. pgx provides lower level access to PostgreSQL than the standard database/sql. It remains as similar to the database/sql interface as possible while providing better speed and access to PostgreSQL specific features. Import to use pgx as a database/sql compatible driver. pgx implements Query and Scan in the familiar database/sql style. pgx also implements QueryRow in the same style as database/sql. Use Exec to execute a query that does not return a result set. Connection pool usage is explicit and configurable. In pgx, a connection can be created and managed directly, or a connection pool with a configurable maximum connections can be used. The connection pool offers an after connect hook that allows every connection to be automatically setup before being made available in the connection pool. It delegates methods such as QueryRow to an automatically checked out and released connection so you can avoid manually acquiring and releasing connections when you do not need that level of control. pgx maps between all common base types directly between Go and PostgreSQL. In particular: pgx can map nulls in two ways. The first is package pgtype provides types that have a data field and a status field. They work in a similar fashion to database/sql. The second is to use a pointer to a pointer. pgx maps between int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, and string Go slices and the equivalent PostgreSQL array type. Go slices of native types do not support nulls, so if a PostgreSQL array that contains a null is read into a native Go slice an error will occur. The pgtype package includes many more array types for PostgreSQL types that do not directly map to native Go types. pgx includes built-in support to marshal and unmarshal between Go types and the PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB. pgx encodes from net.IPNet to and from inet and cidr PostgreSQL types. In addition, as a convenience pgx will encode from a net.IP; it will assume a /32 netmask for IPv4 and a /128 for IPv6. pgx includes support for the common data types like integers, floats, strings, dates, and times that have direct mappings between Go and SQL. In addition, pgx uses the library to support more types. See documention for that library for instructions on how to implement custom types. See example_custom_type_test.go for an example of a custom type for the PostgreSQL point type. pgx also includes support for custom types implementing the database/sql.Scanner and database/sql/driver.Valuer interfaces. If pgx does cannot natively encode a type and that type is a renamed type (e.g. type MyTime time.Time) pgx will attempt to encode the underlying type. While this is usually desired behavior it can produce suprising behavior if one the underlying type and the renamed type each implement database/sql interfaces and the other implements pgx interfaces. It is recommended that this situation be avoided by implementing pgx interfaces on the renamed type. []byte passed as arguments to Query, QueryRow, and Exec are passed unmodified to PostgreSQL. Transactions are started by calling Begin or BeginEx. The BeginEx variant can create a transaction with a specified isolation level. Use CopyFrom to efficiently insert multiple rows at a time using the PostgreSQL copy protocol. CopyFrom accepts a CopyFromSource interface. If the data is already in a [][]interface{} use CopyFromRows to wrap it in a CopyFromSource interface. Or implement CopyFromSource to avoid buffering the entire data set in memory. CopyFrom can be faster than an insert with as few as 5 rows. pgx can listen to the PostgreSQL notification system with the WaitForNotification function. It takes a maximum time to wait for a notification. The pgx ConnConfig struct has a TLSConfig field. If this field is nil, then TLS will be disabled. If it is present, then it will be used to configure the TLS connection. This allows total configuration of the TLS connection. pgx has never explicitly supported Postgres < 9.6's `ssl_renegotiation` option. As of v3.3.0, it doesn't send `ssl_renegotiation: 0` either to support Redshift ( If you need TLS Renegotiation, consider supplying `ConnConfig.TLSConfig` with a non-zero `Renegotiation` value and if it's not the default on your server, set `ssl_renegotiation` via `ConnConfig.RuntimeParams`. pgx defines a simple logger interface. Connections optionally accept a logger that satisfies this interface. Set LogLevel to control logging verbosity. Adapters for,, and the testing log are provided in the log directory.
Package pgx is a PostgreSQL database driver. pgx provides a native PostgreSQL driver and can act as a database/sql driver. The native PostgreSQL interface is similar to the database/sql interface while providing better speed and access to PostgreSQL specific features. Use to use pgx as a database/sql compatible driver. See that package's documentation for details. The primary way of establishing a connection is with pgx.Connect: The database connection string can be in URL or key/value format. Both PostgreSQL settings and pgx settings can be specified here. In addition, a config struct can be created by ParseConfig and modified before establishing the connection with ConnectConfig to configure settings such as tracing that cannot be configured with a connection string. *pgx.Conn represents a single connection to the database and is not concurrency safe. Use package for a concurrency safe connection pool. pgx implements Query in the familiar database/sql style. However, pgx provides generic functions such as CollectRows and ForEachRow that are a simpler and safer way of processing rows than manually calling defer rows.Close(), rows.Next(), rows.Scan, and rows.Err(). CollectRows can be used collect all returned rows into a slice. ForEachRow can be used to execute a callback function for every row. This is often easier than iterating over rows directly. pgx also implements QueryRow in the same style as database/sql. Use Exec to execute a query that does not return a result set. pgx uses the pgtype package to converting Go values to and from PostgreSQL values. It supports many PostgreSQL types directly and is customizable and extendable. User defined data types such as enums, domains, and composite types may require type registration. See that package's documentation for details. Transactions are started by calling Begin. The Tx returned from Begin also implements the Begin method. This can be used to implement pseudo nested transactions. These are internally implemented with savepoints. Use BeginTx to control the transaction mode. BeginTx also can be used to ensure a new transaction is created instead of a pseudo nested transaction. BeginFunc and BeginTxFunc are functions that begin a transaction, execute a function, and commit or rollback the transaction depending on the return value of the function. These can be simpler and less error prone to use. Prepared statements can be manually created with the Prepare method. However, this is rarely necessary because pgx includes an automatic statement cache by default. Queries run through the normal Query, QueryRow, and Exec functions are automatically prepared on first execution and the prepared statement is reused on subsequent executions. See ParseConfig for information on how to customize or disable the statement cache. Use CopyFrom to efficiently insert multiple rows at a time using the PostgreSQL copy protocol. CopyFrom accepts a CopyFromSource interface. If the data is already in a [][]any use CopyFromRows to wrap it in a CopyFromSource interface. Or implement CopyFromSource to avoid buffering the entire data set in memory. When you already have a typed array using CopyFromSlice can be more convenient. CopyFrom can be faster than an insert with as few as 5 rows. pgx can listen to the PostgreSQL notification system with the `Conn.WaitForNotification` method. It blocks until a notification is received or the context is canceled. pgx supports tracing by setting ConnConfig.Tracer. To combine several tracers you can use the multitracer.Tracer. In addition, the tracelog package provides the TraceLog type which lets a traditional logger act as a Tracer. For debug tracing of the actual PostgreSQL wire protocol messages see contains a lower level PostgreSQL driver roughly at the level of libpq. pgx.Conn in implemented on top of pgconn. The Conn.PgConn() method can be used to access this lower layer. By default pgx automatically uses prepared statements. Prepared statements are incompatible with PgBouncer. This can be disabled by setting a different QueryExecMode in ConnConfig.DefaultQueryExecMode.
Package cloudwatch provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon CloudWatch. Amazon CloudWatch monitors your Amazon Web Services (Amazon Web Services) resources and the applications you run on Amazon Web Services in real time. You can use CloudWatch to collect and track metrics, which are the variables you want to measure for your resources and applications. CloudWatch alarms send notifications or automatically change the resources you are monitoring based on rules that you define. For example, you can monitor the CPU usage and disk reads and writes of your Amazon EC2 instances. Then, use this data to determine whether you should launch additional instances to handle increased load. You can also use this data to stop under-used instances to save money. In addition to monitoring the built-in metrics that come with Amazon Web Services, you can monitor your own custom metrics. With CloudWatch, you gain system-wide visibility into resource utilization, application performance, and operational health.
Package sns provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Simple Notification Service. Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a web service that enables you to build distributed web-enabled applications. Applications can use Amazon SNS to easily push real-time notification messages to interested subscribers over multiple delivery protocols. For more information about this product see the Amazon SNS product page. For detailed information about Amazon SNS features and their associated API calls, see the Amazon SNS Developer Guide. For information on the permissions you need to use this API, see Identity and access management in Amazon SNS in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide. We also provide SDKs that enable you to access Amazon SNS from your preferred programming language. The SDKs contain functionality that automatically takes care of tasks such as: cryptographically signing your service requests, retrying requests, and handling error responses. For a list of available SDKs, go to Tools for Amazon Web Services.
Package cloudwatchlogs provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon CloudWatch Logs. You can use Amazon CloudWatch Logs to monitor, store, and access your log files from EC2 instances, CloudTrail, and other sources. You can then retrieve the associated log data from CloudWatch Logs using the CloudWatch console. Alternatively, you can use CloudWatch Logs commands in the Amazon Web Services CLI, CloudWatch Logs API, or CloudWatch Logs SDK. You can use CloudWatch Logs to: Monitor logs from EC2 instances in real time: You can use CloudWatch Logs to monitor applications and systems using log data. For example, CloudWatch Logs can track the number of errors that occur in your application logs. Then, it can send you a notification whenever the rate of errors exceeds a threshold that you specify. CloudWatch Logs uses your log data for monitoring so no code changes are required. For example, you can monitor application logs for specific literal terms (such as "NullReferenceException"). You can also count the number of occurrences of a literal term at a particular position in log data (such as "404" status codes in an Apache access log). When the term you are searching for is found, CloudWatch Logs reports the data to a CloudWatch metric that you specify. Monitor CloudTrail logged events: You can create alarms in CloudWatch and receive notifications of particular API activity as captured by CloudTrail. You can use the notification to perform troubleshooting. Archive log data: You can use CloudWatch Logs to store your log data in highly durable storage. You can change the log retention setting so that any log events earlier than this setting are automatically deleted. The CloudWatch Logs agent helps to quickly send both rotated and non-rotated log data off of a host and into the log service. You can then access the raw log data when you need it.
Package fsnotify implements file system notification.
Package cloudformation provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS CloudFormation. CloudFormation allows you to create and manage Amazon Web Services infrastructure deployments predictably and repeatedly. You can use CloudFormation to leverage Amazon Web Services products, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, Amazon Elastic Block Store, Amazon Simple Notification Service, Elastic Load Balancing, and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to build highly reliable, highly scalable, cost-effective applications without creating or configuring the underlying Amazon Web Services infrastructure. With CloudFormation, you declare all your resources and dependencies in a template file. The template defines a collection of resources as a single unit called a stack. CloudFormation creates and deletes all member resources of the stack together and manages all dependencies between the resources for you. For more information about CloudFormation, see the CloudFormation product page. CloudFormation makes use of other Amazon Web Services products. If you need additional technical information about a specific Amazon Web Services product, you can find the product's technical documentation at
Package systray is a cross-platform Go library to place an icon and menu in the notification area.
Package apns2 is a go Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) provider that allows you to send remote notifications to your iOS, tvOS, and OS X apps, using the new APNs HTTP/2 network protocol.
Package notify implements access to filesystem events. Notify is a high-level abstraction over filesystem watchers like inotify, kqueue, FSEvents, FEN or ReadDirectoryChangesW. Watcher implementations are split into two groups: ones that natively support recursive notifications (FSEvents and ReadDirectoryChangesW) and ones that do not (inotify, kqueue, FEN). For more details see watcher and recursiveWatcher interfaces in watcher.go source file. On top of filesystem watchers notify maintains a watchpoint tree, which provides a strategy for creating and closing filesystem watches and dispatching filesystem events to user channels. An event set is just an event list joint using bitwise OR operator into a single event value. Both the platform-independent (see Constants) and specific events can be used. Refer to the event_*.go source files for information about the available events. A filesystem watch or just a watch is platform-specific entity which represents a single path registered for notifications for specific event set. Setting a watch means using platform-specific API calls for creating / initializing said watch. For each watcher the API call is: To rewatch means to either shrink or expand an event set that was previously registered during watch operation for particular filesystem watch. A watchpoint is a list of user channel and event set pairs for particular path (watchpoint tree's node). A single watchpoint can contain multiple different user channels registered to listen for one or more events. A single user channel can be registered in one or more watchpoints, recursive and non-recursive ones as well.