Package amqp091 is an AMQP 0.9.1 client with RabbitMQ extensions Understand the AMQP 0.9.1 messaging model by reviewing these links first. Much of the terminology in this library directly relates to AMQP concepts. Most other broker clients publish to queues, but in AMQP, clients publish Exchanges instead. AMQP is programmable, meaning that both the producers and consumers agree on the configuration of the broker, instead of requiring an operator or system configuration that declares the logical topology in the broker. The routing between producers and consumer queues is via Bindings. These bindings form the logical topology of the broker. In this library, a message sent from publisher is called a "Publishing" and a message received to a consumer is called a "Delivery". The fields of Publishings and Deliveries are close but not exact mappings to the underlying wire format to maintain stronger types. Many other libraries will combine message properties with message headers. In this library, the message well known properties are strongly typed fields on the Publishings and Deliveries, whereas the user defined headers are in the Headers field. The method naming closely matches the protocol's method name with positional parameters mapping to named protocol message fields. The motivation here is to present a comprehensive view over all possible interactions with the server. Generally, methods that map to protocol methods of the "basic" class will be elided in this interface, and "select" methods of various channel mode selectors will be elided for example Channel.Confirm and Channel.Tx. The library is intentionally designed to be synchronous, where responses for each protocol message are required to be received in an RPC manner. Some methods have a noWait parameter like Channel.QueueDeclare, and some methods are asynchronous like Channel.Publish. The error values should still be checked for these methods as they will indicate IO failures like when the underlying connection closes. Clients of this library may be interested in receiving some of the protocol messages other than Deliveries like basic.ack methods while a channel is in confirm mode. The Notify* methods with Connection and Channel receivers model the pattern of asynchronous events like closes due to exceptions, or messages that are sent out of band from an RPC call like basic.ack or basic.flow. Any asynchronous events, including Deliveries and Publishings must always have a receiver until the corresponding chans are closed. Without asynchronous receivers, the synchronous methods will block. It's important as a client to an AMQP topology to ensure the state of the broker matches your expectations. For both publish and consume use cases, make sure you declare the queues, exchanges and bindings you expect to exist prior to calling Channel.PublishWithContext or Channel.Consume. When Dial encounters an amqps:// scheme, it will use the zero value of a tls.Config. This will only perform server certificate and host verification. Use DialTLS when you wish to provide a client certificate (recommended), include a private certificate authority's certificate in the cert chain for server validity, or run insecure by not verifying the server certificate. DialTLS will use the provided tls.Config when it encounters an amqps:// scheme and will dial a plain connection when it encounters an amqp:// scheme. SSL/TLS in RabbitMQ is documented here: In order to be notified when a connection or channel gets closed, both structures offer the possibility to register channels using Channel.NotifyClose and Connection.NotifyClose functions: No errors will be sent in case of a graceful connection close. In case of a non-graceful closure due to e.g. network issue, or forced connection closure from the Management UI, the error will be notified synchronously by the library. The library sends to notification channels just once. After sending a notification to all channels, the library closes all registered notification channels. After receiving a notification, the application should create and register a new channel. To avoid deadlocks in the library, it is necessary to consume from the channels. This could be done inside a different goroutine with a select listening on the two channels inside a for loop like: It is strongly recommended to use buffered channels to avoid deadlocks inside the library. Using Channel.NotifyPublish allows the caller of the library to be notified, through a go channel, when a message has been received and confirmed by the broker. It's advisable to wait for all Confirmations to arrive before calling Channel.Close or Connection.Close. It is also necessary to consume from this channel until it gets closed. The library sends synchronously to the registered channel. It is advisable to use a buffered channel, with capacity set to the maximum acceptable number of unconfirmed messages. It is important to consume from the confirmation channel at all times, in order to avoid deadlocks in the library. This exports a Client object that wraps this library. It automatically reconnects when the connection fails, and blocks all pushes until the connection succeeds. It also confirms every outgoing message, so none are lost. It doesn't automatically ack each message, but leaves that to the parent process, since it is usage-dependent. Try running this in one terminal, and rabbitmq-server in another. Stop & restart RabbitMQ to see how the queue reacts.
Package beeep provides a cross-platform library for sending desktop notifications and beeps.
A push notification server using Gin framework written in Go (Golang). Details about the gorush project are found in github page: The pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded from release page. Send Android notification Send iOS notification The default endpoint is APNs development. Please add -production flag for APNs production push endpoint. Run gorush web server Get go status of api server using httpie tool: Simple send iOS notification example, the platform value is 1: Simple send Android notification example, the platform value is 2: For more details, see the documentation and example.
Package blockchain implements Decred block handling and chain selection rules. The Decred block handling and chain selection rules are an integral, and quite likely the most important, part of decred. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, these rules are also largely undocumented and had to be ascertained from the bitcoind source code. At its core, Decred is a distributed consensus of which blocks are valid and which ones will comprise the main block chain (public ledger) that ultimately determines accepted transactions, so it is extremely important that fully validating nodes agree on all rules. At a high level, this package provides support for inserting new blocks into the block chain according to the aforementioned rules. It includes functionality such as rejecting duplicate blocks, ensuring blocks and transactions follow all rules, orphan handling, and best chain selection along with reorganization. Since this package does not deal with other Decred specifics such as network communication or wallets, it provides a notification system which gives the caller a high level of flexibility in how they want to react to certain events such as orphan blocks which need their parents requested and newly connected main chain blocks which might result in wallet updates. Before a block is allowed into the block chain, it must go through an intensive series of validation rules. The following list serves as a general outline of those rules to provide some intuition into what is going on under the hood, but is by no means exhaustive: Errors returned by this package are either the raw errors provided by underlying calls or of type blockchain.RuleError. This allows the caller to differentiate between unexpected errors, such as database errors, versus errors due to rule violations through type assertions. In addition, callers can programmatically determine the specific rule violation by examining the ErrorCode field of the type asserted blockchain.RuleError. This package includes spec changes outlined by the following BIPs:
Package dcrjson provides primitives for working with the Decred JSON-RPC API. When communicating via the JSON-RPC protocol, all of the commands need to be marshalled to and from the the wire in the appropriate format. This package provides data structures and primitives to ease this process. In addition, it also provides some additional features such as custom command registration, command categorization, and reflection-based help generation. This information is not necessary in order to use this package, but it does provide some intuition into what the marshalling and unmarshalling that is discussed below is doing under the hood. As defined by the JSON-RPC spec, there are effectively two forms of messages on the wire: Request Objects {"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"SOMEID","method":"SOMEMETHOD","params":[SOMEPARAMS]} NOTE: Notifications are the same format except the id field is null. Response Objects {"result":SOMETHING,"error":null,"id":"SOMEID"} {"result":null,"error":{"code":SOMEINT,"message":SOMESTRING},"id":"SOMEID"} For requests, the params field can vary in what it contains depending on the method (a.k.a. command) being sent. Each parameter can be as simple as an int or a complex structure containing many nested fields. The id field is used to identify a request and will be included in the associated response. When working with asynchronous transports, such as websockets, spontaneous notifications are also possible. As indicated, they are the same as a request object, except they have the id field set to null. Therefore, servers will ignore requests with the id field set to null, while clients can choose to consume or ignore them. Unfortunately, the original Bitcoin JSON-RPC API (and hence anything compatible with it) doesn't always follow the spec and will sometimes return an error string in the result field with a null error for certain commands. However, for the most part, the error field will be set as described on failure. Based upon the discussion above, it should be easy to see how the types of this package map into the required parts of the protocol To simplify the marshalling of the requests and responses, the MarshalCmd and MarshalResponse functions are provided. They return the raw bytes ready to be sent across the wire. Unmarshalling a received Request object is a two step process: This approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the additional fields in the request that are not part of the command such as the ID. Unmarshalling a received Response object is also a two step process: As above, this approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the fields in the response such as the ID and Error. This package provides two approaches for creating a new command. This first, and preferred, method is to use one of the New<Foo>Cmd functions. This allows static compile-time checking to help ensure the parameters stay in sync with the struct definitions. The second approach is the NewCmd function which takes a method (command) name and variable arguments. The function includes full checking to ensure the parameters are accurate according to provided method, however these checks are, obviously, run-time which means any mistakes won't be found until the code is actually executed. However, it is quite useful for user-supplied commands that are intentionally dynamic. The command handling of this package is built around the concept of registered commands. This is true for the wide variety of commands already provided by the package, but it also means caller can easily provide custom commands with all of the same functionality as the built-in commands. Use the RegisterCmd function for this purpose. A list of all registered methods can be obtained with the RegisteredCmdMethods function. All registered commands are registered with flags that identify information such as whether the command applies to a chain server, wallet server, or is a notification along with the method name to use. These flags can be obtained with the MethodUsageFlags flags, and the method can be obtained with the CmdMethod function. To facilitate providing consistent help to users of the RPC server, this package exposes the GenerateHelp and function which uses reflection on registered commands or notifications, as well as the provided expected result types, to generate the final help text. In addition, the MethodUsageText function is provided to generate consistent one-line usage for registered commands and notifications using reflection. There are 2 distinct type of errors supported by this package: The first category of errors (type Error) typically indicates a programmer error and can be avoided by properly using the API. Errors of this type will be returned from the various functions available in this package. They identify issues such as unsupported field types, attempts to register malformed commands, and attempting to create a new command with an improper number of parameters. The specific reason for the error can be detected by type asserting it to a *dcrjson.Error and accessing the ErrorCode field. The second category of errors (type RPCError), on the other hand, are useful for returning errors to RPC clients. Consequently, they are used in the previously described Response type. This example demonstrates how to unmarshal a JSON-RPC response and then unmarshal the result field in the response to a concrete type.
Package rpcclient implements a websocket-enabled Decred JSON-RPC client. This client provides a robust and easy to use client for interfacing with a Decred RPC server that uses a mostly btcd/bitcoin core style Decred JSON-RPC API. This client has been tested with dcrd ( and dcrwallet ( In addition to the compatible standard HTTP POST JSON-RPC API, dcrd and dcrwallet provide a websocket interface that is more efficient than the standard HTTP POST method of accessing RPC. The section below discusses the differences between HTTP POST and websockets. By default, this client assumes the RPC server supports websockets and has TLS enabled. In practice, this currently means it assumes you are talking to dcrd or dcrwallet by default. However, configuration options are provided to fall back to HTTP POST and disable TLS to support talking with inferior bitcoin core style RPC servers. In HTTP POST-based JSON-RPC, every request creates a new HTTP connection, issues the call, waits for the response, and closes the connection. This adds quite a bit of overhead to every call and lacks flexibility for features such as notifications. In contrast, the websocket-based JSON-RPC interface provided by dcrd and dcrwallet only uses a single connection that remains open and allows asynchronous bi-directional communication. The websocket interface supports all of the same commands as HTTP POST, but they can be invoked without having to go through a connect/disconnect cycle for every call. In addition, the websocket interface provides other nice features such as the ability to register for asynchronous notifications of various events. The client provides both a synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous API. The synchronous (blocking) API is typically sufficient for most use cases. It works by issuing the RPC and blocking until the response is received. This allows straightforward code where you have the response as soon as the function returns. The asynchronous API works on the concept of futures. When you invoke the async version of a command, it will quickly return an instance of a type that promises to provide the result of the RPC at some future time. In the background, the RPC call is issued and the result is stored in the returned instance. Invoking the Receive method on the returned instance will either return the result immediately if it has already arrived, or block until it has. This is useful since it provides the caller with greater control over concurrency. The first important part of notifications is to realize that they will only work when connected via websockets. This should intuitively make sense because HTTP POST mode does not keep a connection open! All notifications provided by dcrd require registration to opt-in. For example, if you want to be notified when funds are received by a set of addresses, you register the addresses via the NotifyReceived (or NotifyReceivedAsync) function. Notifications are exposed by the client through the use of callback handlers which are setup via a NotificationHandlers instance that is specified by the caller when creating the client. It is important that these notification handlers complete quickly since they are intentionally in the main read loop and will block further reads until they complete. This provides the caller with the flexibility to decide what to do when notifications are coming in faster than they are being handled. In particular this means issuing a blocking RPC call from a callback handler will cause a deadlock as more server responses won't be read until the callback returns, but the callback would be waiting for a response. Thus, any additional RPCs must be issued an a completely decoupled manner. By default, when running in websockets mode, this client will automatically keep trying to reconnect to the RPC server should the connection be lost. There is a back-off in between each connection attempt until it reaches one try per minute. Once a connection is re-established, all previously registered notifications are automatically re-registered and any in-flight commands are re-issued. This means from the caller's perspective, the request simply takes longer to complete. The caller may invoke the Shutdown method on the client to force the client to cease reconnect attempts and return ErrClientShutdown for all outstanding commands. The automatic reconnection can be disabled by setting the DisableAutoReconnect flag to true in the connection config when creating the client. Minor RPC Server Differences and Chain/Wallet Separation Some of the commands are extensions specific to a particular RPC server. For example, the DebugLevel call is an extension only provided by dcrd (and dcrwallet passthrough). Therefore if you call one of these commands against an RPC server that doesn't provide them, you will get an unimplemented error from the server. An effort has been made to call out which commmands are extensions in their documentation. Also, it is important to realize that dcrd intentionally separates the wallet functionality into a separate process named dcrwallet. This means if you are connected to the dcrd RPC server directly, only the RPCs which are related to chain services will be available. Depending on your application, you might only need chain-related RPCs. In contrast, dcrwallet provides pass through treatment for chain-related RPCs, so it supports them in addition to wallet-related RPCs. There are 3 categories of errors that will be returned throughout this package: The first category of errors are typically one of ErrInvalidAuth, ErrInvalidEndpoint, ErrClientDisconnect, or ErrClientShutdown. NOTE: The ErrClientDisconnect will not be returned unless the DisableAutoReconnect flag is set since the client automatically handles reconnect by default as previously described. The second category of errors typically indicates a programmer error and as such the type can vary, but usually will be best handled by simply showing/logging it. The third category of errors, that is errors returned by the server, can be detected by type asserting the error in a *dcrjson.RPCError. For example, to detect if a command is unimplemented by the remote RPC server: The following full-blown client examples are in the examples directory:
Package dcrjson provides infrastructure for working with Decred JSON-RPC APIs. When communicating via the JSON-RPC protocol, all requests and responses must be marshalled to and from the wire in the appropriate format. This package provides infrastructure and primitives to ease this process. This information is not necessary in order to use this package, but it does provide some intuition into what the marshalling and unmarshalling that is discussed below is doing under the hood. As defined by the JSON-RPC spec, there are effectively two forms of messages on the wire: Request Objects {"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"SOMEID","method":"SOMEMETHOD","params":[SOMEPARAMS]} NOTE: Notifications are the same format except the id field is null. Response Objects {"result":SOMETHING,"error":null,"id":"SOMEID"} {"result":null,"error":{"code":SOMEINT,"message":SOMESTRING},"id":"SOMEID"} For requests, the params field can vary in what it contains depending on the method (a.k.a. command) being sent. Each parameter can be as simple as an int or a complex structure containing many nested fields. The id field is used to identify a request and will be included in the associated response. When working with streamed RPC transports, such as websockets, spontaneous notifications are also possible. As indicated, they are the same as a request object, except they have the id field set to null. Therefore, servers will ignore requests with the id field set to null, while clients can choose to consume or ignore them. Unfortunately, the original Bitcoin JSON-RPC API (and hence anything compatible with it) doesn't always follow the spec and will sometimes return an error string in the result field with a null error for certain commands. However, for the most part, the error field will be set as described on failure. To simplify the marshalling of the requests and responses, the MarshalCmd and MarshalResponse functions are provided. They return the raw bytes ready to be sent across the wire. Unmarshalling a received Request object is a two step process: This approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the additional fields in the request that are not part of the command such as the ID. Unmarshalling a received Response object is also a two step process: As above, this approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the fields in the response such as the ID and Error. This package provides the NewCmd function which takes a method (command) name and variable arguments. The function includes full checking to ensure the parameters are accurate according to provided method, however these checks are, obviously, run-time which means any mistakes won't be found until the code is actually executed. However, it is quite useful for user-supplied commands that are intentionally dynamic. External packages can and should implement types implementing Command for use with MarshalCmd/ParseParams. The command handling of this package is built around the concept of registered commands. This is true for the wide variety of commands already provided by the package, but it also means caller can easily provide custom commands with all of the same functionality as the built-in commands. Use the RegisterCmd function for this purpose. A list of all registered methods can be obtained with the RegisteredCmdMethods function. All registered commands are registered with flags that identify information such as whether the command applies to a chain server, wallet server, or is a notification along with the method name to use. These flags can be obtained with the MethodUsageFlags flags, and the method can be obtained with the CmdMethod function. To facilitate providing consistent help to users of the RPC server, this package exposes the GenerateHelp and function which uses reflection on registered commands or notifications to generate the final help text. In addition, the MethodUsageText function is provided to generate consistent one-line usage for registered commands and notifications using reflection. There are 2 distinct type of errors supported by this package: The first category of errors (type Error) typically indicates a programmer error and can be avoided by properly using the API. Errors of this type will be returned from the various functions available in this package. They identify issues such as unsupported field types, attempts to register malformed commands, and attempting to create a new command with an improper number of parameters. The specific reason for the error can be detected by type asserting it to a *dcrjson.Error and accessing the ErrorCode field. The second category of errors (type RPCError), on the other hand, are useful for returning errors to RPC clients. Consequently, they are used in the previously described Response type. This example demonstrates how to unmarshal a JSON-RPC response and then unmarshal the result field in the response to a concrete type.
Package types implements concrete types for marshalling to and from the dcrd JSON-RPC commands, return values, and notifications. When communicating via the JSON-RPC protocol, all requests and responses must be marshalled to and from the wire in the appropriate format. This package provides data structures and primitives that are registered with dcrjson to ease this process. An overview specific to this package is provided here, however it is also instructive to read the documentation for the dcrjson package ( The types in this package map to the required parts of the protocol as discussed in the dcrjson documentation To simplify the marshalling of the requests and responses, the dcrjson.MarshalCmd and dcrjson.MarshalResponse functions may be used. They return the raw bytes ready to be sent across the wire. Unmarshalling a received Request object is a two step process: This approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the additional fields in the request that are not part of the command such as the ID. Unmarshalling a received Response object is also a two step process: As above, this approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the fields in the response such as the ID and Error. This package provides two approaches for creating a new command. This first, and preferred, method is to use one of the New<Foo>Cmd functions. This allows static compile-time checking to help ensure the parameters stay in sync with the struct definitions. The second approach is the dcrjson.NewCmd function which takes a method (command) name and variable arguments. Since this package registers all of its types with dcrjson, the function will recognize them and includes full checking to ensure the parameters are accurate according to provided method, however these checks are, obviously, run-time which means any mistakes won't be found until the code is actually executed. However, it is quite useful for user-supplied commands that are intentionally dynamic. To facilitate providing consistent help to users of the RPC server, the dcrjson package exposes the GenerateHelp and function which uses reflection on commands and notifications registered by this package, as well as the provided expected result types, to generate the final help text. In addition, the dcrjson.MethodUsageText function may be used to generate consistent one-line usage for registered commands and notifications using reflection.
Package bugsnag captures errors in real-time and reports them to BugSnag ( Using bugsnag-go is a three-step process. 1. As early as possible in your program configure the notifier with your APIKey. This sets up handling of panics that would otherwise crash your app. 2. Add bugsnag to places that already catch panics. For example you should add it to the HTTP server when you call ListenAndServer: If that's not possible, you can also wrap each HTTP handler manually: 3. To notify BugSnag of an error that is not a panic, pass it to bugsnag.Notify. This will also log the error message using the configured Logger. For detailed integration instructions see The only required configuration is the BugSnag API key which can be obtained by clicking "Project Settings" on the top of your BugSnag dashboard after signing up. We also recommend you set the ReleaseStage, AppType, and AppVersion if these make sense for your deployment workflow. If you need to attach extra data to BugSnag events, you can do that using the rawData mechanism. Most of the functions that send errors to BugSnag allow you to pass in any number of interface{} values as rawData. The rawData can consist of the Severity, Context, User or MetaData types listed below, and there is also builtin support for *http.Requests. If you want to add custom tabs to your bugsnag dashboard you can pass any value in as rawData, and then process it into the event's metadata using a bugsnag.OnBeforeNotify() hook. If necessary you can pass Configuration in as rawData, or modify the Configuration object passed into OnBeforeNotify hooks. Configuration passed in this way only affects the current notification.
Package blockchain implements Decred block handling and chain selection rules. The Decred block handling and chain selection rules are an integral, and quite likely the most important, part of decred. At its core, Decred is a distributed consensus of which blocks are valid and which ones will comprise the main block chain (public ledger) that ultimately determines accepted transactions, so it is extremely important that fully validating nodes agree on all rules. At a high level, this package provides support for inserting new blocks into the block chain according to the aforementioned rules. It includes functionality such as rejecting duplicate blocks, ensuring blocks and transactions follow all rules, and best chain selection along with reorganization. Since this package does not deal with other Decred specifics such as network communication or wallets, it provides a notification system which gives the caller a high level of flexibility in how they want to react to certain events such as newly connected main chain blocks which might result in wallet updates. Before a block is allowed into the block chain, it must go through an intensive series of validation rules. The following list serves as a general outline of those rules to provide some intuition into what is going on under the hood, but is by no means exhaustive: Errors returned by this package are either the raw errors provided by underlying calls or of type blockchain.RuleError. This allows the caller to differentiate between unexpected errors, such as database errors, versus errors due to rule violations through type assertions. In addition, callers can programmatically determine the specific rule violation by examining the ErrorCode field of the type asserted blockchain.RuleError.
Package dcrjson provides primitives for working with the Decred JSON-RPC API. When communicating via the JSON-RPC protocol, all of the commands need to be marshalled to and from the the wire in the appropriate format. This package provides data structures and primitives to ease this process. In addition, it also provides some additional features such as custom command registration, command categorization, and reflection-based help generation. This information is not necessary in order to use this package, but it does provide some intuition into what the marshalling and unmarshalling that is discussed below is doing under the hood. As defined by the JSON-RPC spec, there are effectively two forms of messages on the wire: Request Objects {"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"SOMEID","method":"SOMEMETHOD","params":[SOMEPARAMS]} NOTE: Notifications are the same format except the id field is null. Response Objects {"result":SOMETHING,"error":null,"id":"SOMEID"} {"result":null,"error":{"code":SOMEINT,"message":SOMESTRING},"id":"SOMEID"} For requests, the params field can vary in what it contains depending on the method (a.k.a. command) being sent. Each parameter can be as simple as an int or a complex structure containing many nested fields. The id field is used to identify a request and will be included in the associated response. When working with asynchronous transports, such as websockets, spontaneous notifications are also possible. As indicated, they are the same as a request object, except they have the id field set to null. Therefore, servers will ignore requests with the id field set to null, while clients can choose to consume or ignore them. Unfortunately, the original Bitcoin JSON-RPC API (and hence anything compatible with it) doesn't always follow the spec and will sometimes return an error string in the result field with a null error for certain commands. However, for the most part, the error field will be set as described on failure. Based upon the discussion above, it should be easy to see how the types of this package map into the required parts of the protocol To simplify the marshalling of the requests and responses, the MarshalCmd and MarshalResponse functions are provided. They return the raw bytes ready to be sent across the wire. Unmarshalling a received Request object is a two step process: This approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the additional fields in the request that are not part of the command such as the ID. Unmarshalling a received Response object is also a two step process: As above, this approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the fields in the response such as the ID and Error. This package provides two approaches for creating a new command. This first, and preferred, method is to use one of the New<Foo>Cmd functions. This allows static compile-time checking to help ensure the parameters stay in sync with the struct definitions. The second approach is the NewCmd function which takes a method (command) name and variable arguments. The function includes full checking to ensure the parameters are accurate according to provided method, however these checks are, obviously, run-time which means any mistakes won't be found until the code is actually executed. However, it is quite useful for user-supplied commands that are intentionally dynamic. The command handling of this package is built around the concept of registered commands. This is true for the wide variety of commands already provided by the package, but it also means caller can easily provide custom commands with all of the same functionality as the built-in commands. Use the RegisterCmd function for this purpose. A list of all registered methods can be obtained with the RegisteredCmdMethods function. All registered commands are registered with flags that identify information such as whether the command applies to a chain server, wallet server, or is a notification along with the method name to use. These flags can be obtained with the MethodUsageFlags flags, and the method can be obtained with the CmdMethod function. To facilitate providing consistent help to users of the RPC server, this package exposes the GenerateHelp and function which uses reflection on registered commands or notifications, as well as the provided expected result types, to generate the final help text. In addition, the MethodUsageText function is provided to generate consistent one-line usage for registered commands and notifications using reflection. There are 2 distinct type of errors supported by this package: The first category of errors (type Error) typically indicates a programmer error and can be avoided by properly using the API. Errors of this type will be returned from the various functions available in this package. They identify issues such as unsupported field types, attempts to register malformed commands, and attempting to create a new command with an improper number of parameters. The specific reason for the error can be detected by type asserting it to a *dcrjson.Error and accessing the ErrorCode field. The second category of errors (type RPCError), on the other hand, are useful for returning errors to RPC clients. Consequently, they are used in the previously described Response type. This example demonstrates how to unmarshal a JSON-RPC response and then unmarshal the result field in the response to a concrete type.
Package health provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for AWS Health APIs and Notifications. The Health API provides access to the Health information that appears in the Health Dashboard. You can use the API operations to get information about events that might affect your Amazon Web Services services and resources. You must have a Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, or Enterprise Support plan from Amazon Web Services Support to use the Health API. If you call the Health API from an Amazon Web Services account that doesn't have a Business, Enterprise On-Ramp, or Enterprise Support plan, you receive a SubscriptionRequiredException error. For API access, you need an access key ID and a secret access key. Use temporary credentials instead of long-term access keys when possible. Temporary credentials include an access key ID, a secret access key, and a security token that indicates when the credentials expire. For more information, see Best practices for managing Amazon Web Services access keysin the Amazon Web Services General Reference. You can use the Health endpoint (HTTPS) to call the Health API operations. Health supports a multi-Region application architecture and has two regional endpoints in an active-passive configuration. You can use the high availability endpoint example to determine which Amazon Web Services Region is active, so that you can get the latest information from the API. For more information, see Accessing the Health APIin the Health User Guide. For authentication of requests, Health uses the Signature Version 4 Signing Process. If your Amazon Web Services account is part of Organizations, you can use the Health organizational view feature. This feature provides a centralized view of Health events across all accounts in your organization. You can aggregate Health events in real time to identify accounts in your organization that are affected by an operational event or get notified of security vulnerabilities. Use the organizational view API operations to enable this feature and return event information. For more information, see Aggregating Health eventsin the Health User Guide. When you use the Health API operations to return Health events, see the following recommendations: Use the eventScopeCodeparameter to specify whether to return Health events that are public or account-specific. Use pagination to view all events from the response. For example, if you call the DescribeEventsForOrganization operation to get all events in your organization, you might receive several page results. Specify the nextToken in the next request to return more results.
Package dcrjson provides infrastructure for working with Decred JSON-RPC APIs. When communicating via the JSON-RPC protocol, all requests and responses must be marshalled to and from the wire in the appropriate format. This package provides infrastructure and primitives to ease this process. This information is not necessary in order to use this package, but it does provide some intuition into what the marshalling and unmarshalling that is discussed below is doing under the hood. As defined by the JSON-RPC spec, there are effectively two forms of messages on the wire: Request Objects {"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"SOMEID","method":"SOMEMETHOD","params":[SOMEPARAMS]} NOTE: Notifications are the same format except the id field is null. Response Objects {"result":SOMETHING,"error":null,"id":"SOMEID"} {"result":null,"error":{"code":SOMEINT,"message":SOMESTRING},"id":"SOMEID"} For requests, the params field can vary in what it contains depending on the method (a.k.a. command) being sent. Each parameter can be as simple as an int or a complex structure containing many nested fields. The id field is used to identify a request and will be included in the associated response. When working with streamed RPC transports, such as websockets, spontaneous notifications are also possible. As indicated, they are the same as a request object, except they have the id field set to null. Therefore, servers will ignore requests with the id field set to null, while clients can choose to consume or ignore them. Unfortunately, the original Bitcoin JSON-RPC API (and hence anything compatible with it) doesn't always follow the spec and will sometimes return an error string in the result field with a null error for certain commands. However, for the most part, the error field will be set as described on failure. To simplify the marshalling of the requests and responses, the MarshalCmd and MarshalResponse functions are provided. They return the raw bytes ready to be sent across the wire. Unmarshalling a received Request object is a two step process: This approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the additional fields in the request that are not part of the command such as the ID. Unmarshalling a received Response object is also a two step process: As above, this approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the fields in the response such as the ID and Error. This package provides the NewCmd function which takes a method (command) name and variable arguments. The function includes full checking to ensure the parameters are accurate according to provided method, however these checks are, obviously, run-time which means any mistakes won't be found until the code is actually executed. However, it is quite useful for user-supplied commands that are intentionally dynamic. External packages can and should implement types implementing Command for use with MarshalCmd/ParseParams. The command handling of this package is built around the concept of registered commands. This is true for the wide variety of commands already provided by the package, but it also means caller can easily provide custom commands with all of the same functionality as the built-in commands. Use the RegisterCmd function for this purpose. A list of all registered methods can be obtained with the RegisteredCmdMethods function. All registered commands are registered with flags that identify information such as whether the command applies to a chain server, wallet server, or is a notification along with the method name to use. These flags can be obtained with the MethodUsageFlags flags, and the method can be obtained with the CmdMethod function. To facilitate providing consistent help to users of the RPC server, this package exposes the GenerateHelp and function which uses reflection on registered commands or notifications to generate the final help text. In addition, the MethodUsageText function is provided to generate consistent one-line usage for registered commands and notifications using reflection. There are 2 distinct type of errors supported by this package: The first category of errors (type Error) typically indicates a programmer error and can be avoided by properly using the API. Errors of this type will be returned from the various functions available in this package. They identify issues such as unsupported field types, attempts to register malformed commands, and attempting to create a new command with an improper number of parameters. The specific reason for the error can be detected by type asserting it to a *dcrjson.Error and accessing the ErrorKind field. The second category of errors (type RPCError), on the other hand, are useful for returning errors to RPC clients. Consequently, they are used in the previously described Response type. This example demonstrates how to unmarshal a JSON-RPC response and then unmarshal the result field in the response to a concrete type.
Package rpcclient implements a websocket-enabled Decred JSON-RPC client. This client provides a robust and easy to use client for interfacing with a Decred RPC server that uses a mostly btcd/bitcoin core style Decred JSON-RPC API. This client has been tested with dcrd ( and dcrwallet ( In addition to the compatible standard HTTP POST JSON-RPC API, dcrd and dcrwallet provide a websocket interface that is more efficient than the standard HTTP POST method of accessing RPC. The section below discusses the differences between HTTP POST and websockets. By default, this client assumes the RPC server supports websockets and has TLS enabled. In practice, this currently means it assumes you are talking to dcrd or dcrwallet by default. However, configuration options are provided to fall back to HTTP POST and disable TLS to support talking with inferior bitcoin core style RPC servers. In HTTP POST-based JSON-RPC, every request creates a new HTTP connection, issues the call, waits for the response, and closes the connection. This adds quite a bit of overhead to every call and lacks flexibility for features such as notifications. In contrast, the websocket-based JSON-RPC interface provided by dcrd and dcrwallet only uses a single connection that remains open and allows asynchronous bi-directional communication. The websocket interface supports all of the same commands as HTTP POST, but they can be invoked without having to go through a connect/disconnect cycle for every call. In addition, the websocket interface provides other nice features such as the ability to register for asynchronous notifications of various events. The client provides both a synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous API. The synchronous (blocking) API is typically sufficient for most use cases. It works by issuing the RPC and blocking until the response is received. This allows straightforward code where you have the response as soon as the function returns. The asynchronous API works on the concept of futures. When you invoke the async version of a command, it will quickly return an instance of a type that promises to provide the result of the RPC at some future time. In the background, the RPC call is issued and the result is stored in the returned instance. Invoking the Receive method on the returned instance will either return the result immediately if it has already arrived, or block until it has. This is useful since it provides the caller with greater control over concurrency. The first important part of notifications is to realize that they will only work when connected via websockets. This should intuitively make sense because HTTP POST mode does not keep a connection open! All notifications provided by dcrd require registration to opt-in. For example, if you want to be notified when funds are received by a set of addresses, you register the addresses via the NotifyReceived (or NotifyReceivedAsync) function. Notifications are exposed by the client through the use of callback handlers which are setup via a NotificationHandlers instance that is specified by the caller when creating the client. It is important that these notification handlers complete quickly since they are intentionally in the main read loop and will block further reads until they complete. This provides the caller with the flexibility to decide what to do when notifications are coming in faster than they are being handled. In particular this means issuing a blocking RPC call from a callback handler will cause a deadlock as more server responses won't be read until the callback returns, but the callback would be waiting for a response. Thus, any additional RPCs must be issued an a completely decoupled manner. By default, when running in websockets mode, this client will automatically keep trying to reconnect to the RPC server should the connection be lost. There is a back-off in between each connection attempt until it reaches one try per minute. Once a connection is re-established, all previously registered notifications are automatically re-registered and any in-flight commands are re-issued. This means from the caller's perspective, the request simply takes longer to complete. The caller may invoke the Shutdown method on the client to force the client to cease reconnect attempts and return ErrClientShutdown for all outstanding commands. The automatic reconnection can be disabled by setting the DisableAutoReconnect flag to true in the connection config when creating the client. Minor RPC Server Differences and Chain/Wallet Separation Some of the commands are extensions specific to a particular RPC server. For example, the DebugLevel call is an extension only provided by dcrd (and dcrwallet passthrough). Therefore if you call one of these commands against an RPC server that doesn't provide them, you will get an unimplemented error from the server. An effort has been made to call out which commmands are extensions in their documentation. Also, it is important to realize that dcrd intentionally separates the wallet functionality into a separate process named dcrwallet. This means if you are connected to the dcrd RPC server directly, only the RPCs which are related to chain services will be available. Depending on your application, you might only need chain-related RPCs. In contrast, dcrwallet provides pass through treatment for chain-related RPCs, so it supports them in addition to wallet-related RPCs. There are 3 categories of errors that will be returned throughout this package: The first category of errors are typically one of ErrInvalidAuth, ErrInvalidEndpoint, ErrClientDisconnect, or ErrClientShutdown. NOTE: The ErrClientDisconnect will not be returned unless the DisableAutoReconnect flag is set since the client automatically handles reconnect by default as previously described. The second category of errors typically indicates a programmer error and as such the type can vary, but usually will be best handled by simply showing/logging it. The third category of errors, that is errors returned by the server, can be detected by type asserting the error in a *dcrjson.RPCError. For example, to detect if a command is unimplemented by the remote RPC server: The following full-blown client examples are in the examples directory:
Package types implements concrete types for marshalling to and from the dcrd JSON-RPC commands, return values, and notifications. When communicating via the JSON-RPC protocol, all requests and responses must be marshalled to and from the wire in the appropriate format. This package provides data structures and primitives that are registered with dcrjson to ease this process. An overview specific to this package is provided here, however it is also instructive to read the documentation for the dcrjson package ( The types in this package map to the required parts of the protocol as discussed in the dcrjson documentation To simplify the marshalling of the requests and responses, the dcrjson.MarshalCmd and dcrjson.MarshalResponse functions may be used. They return the raw bytes ready to be sent across the wire. Unmarshalling a received Request object is a two step process: This approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the additional fields in the request that are not part of the command such as the ID. Unmarshalling a received Response object is also a two step process: As above, this approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the fields in the response such as the ID and Error. This package provides two approaches for creating a new command. This first, and preferred, method is to use one of the New<Foo>Cmd functions. This allows static compile-time checking to help ensure the parameters stay in sync with the struct definitions. The second approach is the dcrjson.NewCmd function which takes a method (command) name and variable arguments. Since this package registers all of its types with dcrjson, the function will recognize them and includes full checking to ensure the parameters are accurate according to provided method, however these checks are, obviously, run-time which means any mistakes won't be found until the code is actually executed. However, it is quite useful for user-supplied commands that are intentionally dynamic. To facilitate providing consistent help to users of the RPC server, the dcrjson package exposes the GenerateHelp and function which uses reflection on commands and notifications registered by this package, as well as the provided expected result types, to generate the final help text. In addition, the dcrjson.MethodUsageText function may be used to generate consistent one-line usage for registered commands and notifications using reflection.
Package rpcclient implements a websocket-enabled Decred JSON-RPC client. This client provides a robust and easy to use client for interfacing with a Decred RPC server that uses a mostly btcd/bitcoin core style Decred JSON-RPC API. This client has been tested with dcrd ( and dcrwallet ( In addition to the compatible standard HTTP POST JSON-RPC API, dcrd and dcrwallet provide a websocket interface that is more efficient than the standard HTTP POST method of accessing RPC. The section below discusses the differences between HTTP POST and websockets. By default, this client assumes the RPC server supports websockets and has TLS enabled. In practice, this currently means it assumes you are talking to dcrd or dcrwallet by default. However, configuration options are provided to fall back to HTTP POST and disable TLS to support talking with inferior bitcoin core style RPC servers. In HTTP POST-based JSON-RPC, every request creates a new HTTP connection, issues the call, waits for the response, and closes the connection. This adds quite a bit of overhead to every call and lacks flexibility for features such as notifications. In contrast, the websocket-based JSON-RPC interface provided by dcrd and dcrwallet only uses a single connection that remains open and allows asynchronous bi-directional communication. The websocket interface supports all of the same commands as HTTP POST, but they can be invoked without having to go through a connect/disconnect cycle for every call. In addition, the websocket interface provides other nice features such as the ability to register for asynchronous notifications of various events. The client provides both a synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous API. The synchronous (blocking) API is typically sufficient for most use cases. It works by issuing the RPC and blocking until the response is received. This allows straightforward code where you have the response as soon as the function returns. The asynchronous API works on the concept of futures. When you invoke the async version of a command, it will quickly return an instance of a type that promises to provide the result of the RPC at some future time. In the background, the RPC call is issued and the result is stored in the returned instance. Invoking the Receive method on the returned instance will either return the result immediately if it has already arrived, or block until it has. This is useful since it provides the caller with greater control over concurrency. The first important part of notifications is to realize that they will only work when connected via websockets. This should intuitively make sense because HTTP POST mode does not keep a connection open! All notifications provided by dcrd require registration to opt-in. For example, if you want to be notified when funds are received by a set of addresses, you register the addresses via the NotifyReceived (or NotifyReceivedAsync) function. Notifications are exposed by the client through the use of callback handlers which are setup via a NotificationHandlers instance that is specified by the caller when creating the client. It is important that these notification handlers complete quickly since they are intentionally in the main read loop and will block further reads until they complete. This provides the caller with the flexibility to decide what to do when notifications are coming in faster than they are being handled. In particular this means issuing a blocking RPC call from a callback handler will cause a deadlock as more server responses won't be read until the callback returns, but the callback would be waiting for a response. Thus, any additional RPCs must be issued an a completely decoupled manner. By default, when running in websockets mode, this client will automatically keep trying to reconnect to the RPC server should the connection be lost. There is a back-off in between each connection attempt until it reaches one try per minute. Once a connection is re-established, all previously registered notifications are automatically re-registered and any in-flight commands are re-issued. This means from the caller's perspective, the request simply takes longer to complete. The caller may invoke the Shutdown method on the client to force the client to cease reconnect attempts and return ErrClientShutdown for all outstanding commands. The automatic reconnection can be disabled by setting the DisableAutoReconnect flag to true in the connection config when creating the client. Minor RPC Server Differences and Chain/Wallet Separation Some of the commands are extensions specific to a particular RPC server. For example, the DebugLevel call is an extension only provided by dcrd (and dcrwallet passthrough). Therefore if you call one of these commands against an RPC server that doesn't provide them, you will get an unimplemented error from the server. An effort has been made to call out which commands are extensions in their documentation. Also, it is important to realize that dcrd intentionally separates the wallet functionality into a separate process named dcrwallet. This means if you are connected to the dcrd RPC server directly, only the RPCs which are related to chain services will be available. Depending on your application, you might only need chain-related RPCs. In contrast, dcrwallet provides pass through treatment for chain-related RPCs, so it supports them in addition to wallet-related RPCs. There are 3 categories of errors that will be returned throughout this package: The first category of errors are typically one of ErrInvalidAuth, ErrInvalidEndpoint, ErrClientDisconnect, or ErrClientShutdown. NOTE: The ErrClientDisconnect will not be returned unless the DisableAutoReconnect flag is set since the client automatically handles reconnect by default as previously described. The second category of errors typically indicates a programmer error and as such the type can vary, but usually will be best handled by simply showing/logging it. The third category of errors, that is errors returned by the server, can be detected by type asserting the error in a *dcrjson.RPCError. For example, to detect if a command is unimplemented by the remote RPC server: The following full-blown client examples are in the examples directory:
Package rpcclient implements a websocket-enabled Decred JSON-RPC client. This client provides a robust and easy to use client for interfacing with a Decred RPC server that uses a mostly btcd/bitcoin core style Decred JSON-RPC API. This client has been tested with dcrd ( and dcrwallet ( In addition to the compatible standard HTTP POST JSON-RPC API, dcrd and dcrwallet provide a websocket interface that is more efficient than the standard HTTP POST method of accessing RPC. The section below discusses the differences between HTTP POST and websockets. By default, this client assumes the RPC server supports websockets and has TLS enabled. In practice, this currently means it assumes you are talking to dcrd or dcrwallet by default. However, configuration options are provided to fall back to HTTP POST and disable TLS to support talking with inferior bitcoin core style RPC servers. In HTTP POST-based JSON-RPC, every request creates a new HTTP connection, issues the call, waits for the response, and closes the connection. This adds quite a bit of overhead to every call and lacks flexibility for features such as notifications. In contrast, the websocket-based JSON-RPC interface provided by dcrd and dcrwallet only uses a single connection that remains open and allows asynchronous bi-directional communication. The websocket interface supports all of the same commands as HTTP POST, but they can be invoked without having to go through a connect/disconnect cycle for every call. In addition, the websocket interface provides other nice features such as the ability to register for asynchronous notifications of various events. The client provides both a synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous API. The synchronous (blocking) API is typically sufficient for most use cases. It works by issuing the RPC and blocking until the response is received. This allows straightforward code where you have the response as soon as the function returns. The asynchronous API works on the concept of futures. When you invoke the async version of a command, it will quickly return an instance of a type that promises to provide the result of the RPC at some future time. In the background, the RPC call is issued and the result is stored in the returned instance. Invoking the Receive method on the returned instance will either return the result immediately if it has already arrived, or block until it has. This is useful since it provides the caller with greater control over concurrency. The first important part of notifications is to realize that they will only work when connected via websockets. This should intuitively make sense because HTTP POST mode does not keep a connection open! All notifications provided by dcrd require registration to opt-in. For example, if you want to be notified when funds are received by a set of addresses, you register the addresses via the NotifyReceived (or NotifyReceivedAsync) function. Notifications are exposed by the client through the use of callback handlers which are setup via a NotificationHandlers instance that is specified by the caller when creating the client. It is important that these notification handlers complete quickly since they are intentionally in the main read loop and will block further reads until they complete. This provides the caller with the flexibility to decide what to do when notifications are coming in faster than they are being handled. In particular this means issuing a blocking RPC call from a callback handler will cause a deadlock as more server responses won't be read until the callback returns, but the callback would be waiting for a response. Thus, any additional RPCs must be issued an a completely decoupled manner. By default, when running in websockets mode, this client will automatically keep trying to reconnect to the RPC server should the connection be lost. There is a back-off in between each connection attempt until it reaches one try per minute. Once a connection is re-established, all previously registered notifications are automatically re-registered and any in-flight commands are re-issued. This means from the caller's perspective, the request simply takes longer to complete. The caller may invoke the Shutdown method on the client to force the client to cease reconnect attempts and return ErrClientShutdown for all outstanding commands. The automatic reconnection can be disabled by setting the DisableAutoReconnect flag to true in the connection config when creating the client. Minor RPC Server Differences and Chain/Wallet Separation Some of the commands are extensions specific to a particular RPC server. For example, the DebugLevel call is an extension only provided by dcrd (and dcrwallet passthrough). Therefore if you call one of these commands against an RPC server that doesn't provide them, you will get an unimplemented error from the server. An effort has been made to call out which commmands are extensions in their documentation. Also, it is important to realize that dcrd intentionally separates the wallet functionality into a separate process named dcrwallet. This means if you are connected to the dcrd RPC server directly, only the RPCs which are related to chain services will be available. Depending on your application, you might only need chain-related RPCs. In contrast, dcrwallet provides pass through treatment for chain-related RPCs, so it supports them in addition to wallet-related RPCs. There are 3 categories of errors that will be returned throughout this package: The first category of errors are typically one of ErrInvalidAuth, ErrInvalidEndpoint, ErrClientDisconnect, or ErrClientShutdown. NOTE: The ErrClientDisconnect will not be returned unless the DisableAutoReconnect flag is set since the client automatically handles reconnect by default as previously described. The second category of errors typically indicates a programmer error and as such the type can vary, but usually will be best handled by simply showing/logging it. The third category of errors, that is errors returned by the server, can be detected by type asserting the error in a *dcrjson.RPCError. For example, to detect if a command is unimplemented by the remote RPC server: The following full-blown client examples are in the examples directory:
Package pgx is a PostgreSQL database driver. pgx provides lower level access to PostgreSQL than the standard database/sql It remains as similar to the database/sql interface as possible while providing better speed and access to PostgreSQL specific features. Import to use pgx as a database/sql compatible driver. pgx implements Query and Scan in the familiar database/sql style. pgx also implements QueryRow in the same style as database/sql. Use Exec to execute a query that does not return a result set. Connection pool usage is explicit and configurable. In pgx, a connection can be created and managed directly, or a connection pool with a configurable maximum connections can be used. Also, the connection pool offers an after connect hook that allows every connection to be automatically setup before being made available in the connection pool. This is especially useful to ensure all connections have the same prepared statements available or to change any other connection settings. It delegates Query, QueryRow, Exec, and Begin functions to an automatically checked out and released connection so you can avoid manually acquiring and releasing connections when you do not need that level of control. pgx maps between all common base types directly between Go and PostgreSQL. In particular: pgx can map nulls in two ways. The first is Null* types that have a data field and a valid field. They work in a similar fashion to database/sql. The second is to use a pointer to a pointer. pgx maps between int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, and string Go slices and the equivalent PostgreSQL array type. Go slices of native types do not support nulls, so if a PostgreSQL array that contains a null is read into a native Go slice an error will occur. pgx includes an Hstore type and a NullHstore type. Hstore is simply a map[string]string and is preferred when the hstore contains no nulls. NullHstore follows the Null* pattern and supports null values. pgx includes built-in support to marshal and unmarshal between Go types and the PostgreSQL JSON and JSONB. pgx encodes from net.IPNet to and from inet and cidr PostgreSQL types. In addition, as a convenience pgx will encode from a net.IP; it will assume a /32 netmask for IPv4 and a /128 for IPv6. pgx includes support for the common data types like integers, floats, strings, dates, and times that have direct mappings between Go and SQL. Support can be added for additional types like point, hstore, numeric, etc. that do not have direct mappings in Go by the types implementing ScannerPgx and Encoder. Custom types can support text or binary formats. Binary format can provide a large performance increase. The natural place for deciding the format for a value would be in ScannerPgx as it is responsible for decoding the returned data. However, that is impossible as the query has already been sent by the time the ScannerPgx is invoked. The solution to this is the global DefaultTypeFormats. If a custom type prefers binary format it should register it there. Note that the type is referred to by name, not by OID. This is because custom PostgreSQL types like hstore will have different OIDs on different servers. When pgx establishes a connection it queries the pg_type table for all types. It then matches the names in DefaultTypeFormats with the returned OIDs and stores it in Conn.PgTypes. See example_custom_type_test.go for an example of a custom type for the PostgreSQL point type. pgx also includes support for custom types implementing the database/sql.Scanner and database/sql/driver.Valuer interfaces. []byte passed as arguments to Query, QueryRow, and Exec are passed unmodified to PostgreSQL. In like manner, a *[]byte passed to Scan will be filled with the raw bytes returned by PostgreSQL. This can be especially useful for reading varchar, text, json, and jsonb values directly into a []byte and avoiding the type conversion from string. Transactions are started by calling Begin or BeginIso. The BeginIso variant creates a transaction with a specified isolation level. Use CopyFrom to efficiently insert multiple rows at a time using the PostgreSQL copy protocol. CopyFrom accepts a CopyFromSource interface. If the data is already in a [][]interface{} use CopyFromRows to wrap it in a CopyFromSource interface. Or implement CopyFromSource to avoid buffering the entire data set in memory. CopyFrom can be faster than an insert with as few as 5 rows. pgx can listen to the PostgreSQL notification system with the WaitForNotification function. It takes a maximum time to wait for a notification. The pgx ConnConfig struct has a TLSConfig field. If this field is nil, then TLS will be disabled. If it is present, then it will be used to configure the TLS connection. This allows total configuration of the TLS connection. pgx defines a simple logger interface. Connections optionally accept a logger that satisfies this interface. The log15 package ( satisfies this interface and it is simple to define adapters for other loggers. Set LogLevel to control logging verbosity.
Package rpcclient implements a websocket-enabled Decred JSON-RPC client. This client provides a robust and easy to use client for interfacing with a Decred RPC server that uses a mostly btcd/bitcoin core style Decred JSON-RPC API. This client has been tested with dcrd ( and dcrwallet ( In addition to the compatible standard HTTP POST JSON-RPC API, dcrd and dcrwallet provide a websocket interface that is more efficient than the standard HTTP POST method of accessing RPC. The section below discusses the differences between HTTP POST and websockets. By default, this client assumes the RPC server supports websockets and has TLS enabled. In practice, this currently means it assumes you are talking to dcrd or dcrwallet by default. However, configuration options are provided to fall back to HTTP POST and disable TLS to support talking with inferior bitcoin core style RPC servers. In HTTP POST-based JSON-RPC, every request creates a new HTTP connection, issues the call, waits for the response, and closes the connection. This adds quite a bit of overhead to every call and lacks flexibility for features such as notifications. In contrast, the websocket-based JSON-RPC interface provided by dcrd and dcrwallet only uses a single connection that remains open and allows asynchronous bi-directional communication. The websocket interface supports all of the same commands as HTTP POST, but they can be invoked without having to go through a connect/disconnect cycle for every call. In addition, the websocket interface provides other nice features such as the ability to register for asynchronous notifications of various events. The client provides both a synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous API. The synchronous (blocking) API is typically sufficient for most use cases. It works by issuing the RPC and blocking until the response is received. This allows straightforward code where you have the response as soon as the function returns. The asynchronous API works on the concept of futures. When you invoke the async version of a command, it will quickly return an instance of a type that promises to provide the result of the RPC at some future time. In the background, the RPC call is issued and the result is stored in the returned instance. Invoking the Receive method on the returned instance will either return the result immediately if it has already arrived, or block until it has. This is useful since it provides the caller with greater control over concurrency. The first important part of notifications is to realize that they will only work when connected via websockets. This should intuitively make sense because HTTP POST mode does not keep a connection open! All notifications provided by dcrd require registration to opt-in. For example, if you want to be notified when funds are received by a set of addresses, you register the addresses via the NotifyReceived (or NotifyReceivedAsync) function. Notifications are exposed by the client through the use of callback handlers which are setup via a NotificationHandlers instance that is specified by the caller when creating the client. It is important that these notification handlers complete quickly since they are intentionally in the main read loop and will block further reads until they complete. This provides the caller with the flexibility to decide what to do when notifications are coming in faster than they are being handled. In particular this means issuing a blocking RPC call from a callback handler will cause a deadlock as more server responses won't be read until the callback returns, but the callback would be waiting for a response. Thus, any additional RPCs must be issued an a completely decoupled manner. By default, when running in websockets mode, this client will automatically keep trying to reconnect to the RPC server should the connection be lost. There is a back-off in between each connection attempt until it reaches one try per minute. Once a connection is re-established, all previously registered notifications are automatically re-registered and any in-flight commands are re-issued. This means from the caller's perspective, the request simply takes longer to complete. The caller may invoke the Shutdown method on the client to force the client to cease reconnect attempts and return ErrClientShutdown for all outstanding commands. The automatic reconnection can be disabled by setting the DisableAutoReconnect flag to true in the connection config when creating the client. This package only provides methods for dcrd RPCs. Using the websocket connection and request-response mapping provided by rpcclient with arbitrary methods or different servers is possible through the generic RawRequest and RawRequestAsync methods (each of which deal with json.RawMessage for parameters and return results). Previous versions of this package provided methods for dcrwallet's JSON-RPC server in addition to dcrd. These were removed in major version 6 of this module. Projects depending on these calls are advised to use the package which is able to wrap rpcclient.Client using the aforementioned RawRequest method: Using struct embedding, it is possible to create a single variable with the combined method sets of both rpcclient.Client and dcrwallet.Client: This technique is valuable as dcrwallet (syncing in RPC mode) will passthrough any unknown RPCs to the backing dcrd server, proxying requests and responses for the client. There are 3 categories of errors that will be returned throughout this package: The first category of errors are typically one of ErrInvalidAuth, ErrInvalidEndpoint, ErrClientDisconnect, or ErrClientShutdown. NOTE: The ErrClientDisconnect will not be returned unless the DisableAutoReconnect flag is set since the client automatically handles reconnect by default as previously described. The second category of errors typically indicates a programmer error and as such the type can vary, but usually will be best handled by simply showing/logging it. The third category of errors, that is errors returned by the server, can be detected by type asserting the error in a *dcrjson.RPCError. For example, to detect if a command is unimplemented by the remote RPC server: The following full-blown client examples are in the examples directory:
Package rpcclient implements a websocket-enabled Decred JSON-RPC client. This client provides a robust and easy to use client for interfacing with a Decred RPC server that uses a mostly btcd/bitcoin core style Decred JSON-RPC API. This client has been tested with dcrd ( and dcrwallet ( In addition to the compatible standard HTTP POST JSON-RPC API, dcrd and dcrwallet provide a websocket interface that is more efficient than the standard HTTP POST method of accessing RPC. The section below discusses the differences between HTTP POST and websockets. By default, this client assumes the RPC server supports websockets and has TLS enabled. In practice, this currently means it assumes you are talking to dcrd or dcrwallet by default. However, configuration options are provided to fall back to HTTP POST and disable TLS to support talking with inferior bitcoin core style RPC servers. In HTTP POST-based JSON-RPC, every request creates a new HTTP connection, issues the call, waits for the response, and closes the connection. This adds quite a bit of overhead to every call and lacks flexibility for features such as notifications. In contrast, the websocket-based JSON-RPC interface provided by dcrd and dcrwallet only uses a single connection that remains open and allows asynchronous bi-directional communication. The websocket interface supports all of the same commands as HTTP POST, but they can be invoked without having to go through a connect/disconnect cycle for every call. In addition, the websocket interface provides other nice features such as the ability to register for asynchronous notifications of various events. The client provides both a synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous API. The synchronous (blocking) API is typically sufficient for most use cases. It works by issuing the RPC and blocking until the response is received. This allows straightforward code where you have the response as soon as the function returns. The asynchronous API works on the concept of futures. When you invoke the async version of a command, it will quickly return an instance of a type that promises to provide the result of the RPC at some future time. In the background, the RPC call is issued and the result is stored in the returned instance. Invoking the Receive method on the returned instance will either return the result immediately if it has already arrived, or block until it has. This is useful since it provides the caller with greater control over concurrency. The first important part of notifications is to realize that they will only work when connected via websockets. This should intuitively make sense because HTTP POST mode does not keep a connection open! All notifications provided by dcrd require registration to opt-in. For example, if you want to be notified when funds are received by a set of addresses, you register the addresses via the NotifyReceived (or NotifyReceivedAsync) function. Notifications are exposed by the client through the use of callback handlers which are setup via a NotificationHandlers instance that is specified by the caller when creating the client. It is important that these notification handlers complete quickly since they are intentionally in the main read loop and will block further reads until they complete. This provides the caller with the flexibility to decide what to do when notifications are coming in faster than they are being handled. In particular this means issuing a blocking RPC call from a callback handler will cause a deadlock as more server responses won't be read until the callback returns, but the callback would be waiting for a response. Thus, any additional RPCs must be issued an a completely decoupled manner. By default, when running in websockets mode, this client will automatically keep trying to reconnect to the RPC server should the connection be lost. There is a back-off in between each connection attempt until it reaches one try per minute. Once a connection is re-established, all previously registered notifications are automatically re-registered and any in-flight commands are re-issued. This means from the caller's perspective, the request simply takes longer to complete. The caller may invoke the Shutdown method on the client to force the client to cease reconnect attempts and return ErrClientShutdown for all outstanding commands. The automatic reconnection can be disabled by setting the DisableAutoReconnect flag to true in the connection config when creating the client. This package only provides methods for dcrd RPCs. Using the websocket connection and request-response mapping provided by rpcclient with arbitrary methods or different servers is possible through the generic RawRequest and RawRequestAsync methods (each of which deal with json.RawMessage for parameters and return results). Previous versions of this package provided methods for dcrwallet's JSON-RPC server in addition to dcrd. These were removed in major version 6 of this module. Projects depending on these calls are advised to use the package which is able to wrap rpcclient.Client using the aforementioned RawRequest method: Using struct embedding, it is possible to create a single variable with the combined method sets of both rpcclient.Client and dcrwallet.Client: This technique is valuable as dcrwallet (syncing in RPC mode) will passthrough any unknown RPCs to the backing dcrd server, proxying requests and responses for the client. There are 3 categories of errors that will be returned throughout this package: The first category of errors are typically one of ErrInvalidAuth, ErrInvalidEndpoint, ErrClientDisconnect, or ErrClientShutdown. NOTE: The ErrClientDisconnect will not be returned unless the DisableAutoReconnect flag is set since the client automatically handles reconnect by default as previously described. The second category of errors typically indicates a programmer error and as such the type can vary, but usually will be best handled by simply showing/logging it. The third category of errors, that is errors returned by the server, can be detected by type asserting the error in a *dcrjson.RPCError. For example, to detect if a command is unimplemented by the remote RPC server: The following full-blown client examples are in the examples directory:
Package blockchain implements Decred block handling and chain selection rules. The Decred block handling and chain selection rules are an integral, and quite likely the most important, part of decred. At its core, Decred is a distributed consensus of which blocks are valid and which ones will comprise the main block chain (public ledger) that ultimately determines accepted transactions, so it is extremely important that fully validating nodes agree on all rules. At a high level, this package provides support for inserting new blocks into the block chain according to the aforementioned rules. It includes functionality such as rejecting duplicate blocks, ensuring blocks and transactions follow all rules, orphan handling, and best chain selection along with reorganization. Since this package does not deal with other Decred specifics such as network communication or wallets, it provides a notification system which gives the caller a high level of flexibility in how they want to react to certain events such as orphan blocks which need their parents requested and newly connected main chain blocks which might result in wallet updates. Before a block is allowed into the block chain, it must go through an intensive series of validation rules. The following list serves as a general outline of those rules to provide some intuition into what is going on under the hood, but is by no means exhaustive: Errors returned by this package are either the raw errors provided by underlying calls or of type blockchain.RuleError. This allows the caller to differentiate between unexpected errors, such as database errors, versus errors due to rule violations through type assertions. In addition, callers can programmatically determine the specific rule violation by examining the ErrorCode field of the type asserted blockchain.RuleError.
Package blockchain implements Decred block handling and chain selection rules. The Decred block handling and chain selection rules are an integral, and quite likely the most important, part of Decred. At its core, Decred is a distributed consensus of which blocks are valid and which ones will comprise the main block chain (public ledger) that ultimately determines accepted transactions, so it is extremely important that fully validating nodes agree on all rules. At a high level, this package provides support for inserting new blocks into the block chain according to the aforementioned rules. It includes functionality such as rejecting duplicate blocks, ensuring blocks and transactions follow all rules, and best chain selection along with reorganization. Since this package does not deal with other Decred specifics such as network communication or wallets, it provides a notification system which gives the caller a high level of flexibility in how they want to react to certain events such as newly connected main chain blocks which might result in wallet updates. Before a block is allowed into the block chain, it must go through an intensive series of validation rules. The following list serves as a general outline of those rules to provide some intuition into what is going on under the hood, but is by no means exhaustive: This package supports headers-first semantics such that block data can be processed out of order so long as the associated header is already known. The headers themselves, however, must be processed in the correct order since headers that do not properly connect are rejected. In other words, orphan headers are not allowed. The processing code always maintains the best chain as the branch tip that has the most cumulative proof of work, so it is important to keep that in mind when considering errors returned from processing blocks. Notably, due to the ability to process blocks out of order, and the fact blocks can only be fully validated once all of their ancestors have the block data available, it is to be expected that no error is returned immediately for blocks that are valid enough to make it to the point they require the remaining ancestor block data to be fully validated even though they might ultimately end up failing validation. Similarly, because the data for a block becoming available makes any of its direct descendants that already have their data available eligible for validation, an error being returned does not necessarily mean the block being processed is the one that failed validation. Errors returned by this package have full support for the standard library errors.Is and errors.As methods and are either the raw errors provided by underlying calls or of type blockchain.RuleError, possibly wrapped in a blockchain.MultiError. This allows the caller to differentiate between unexpected errors, such as database errors, versus errors due to rule violations through errors.As. In addition, callers can programmatically determine the specific rule violation by making use of errors.Is with any of the wrapped error kinds.
Package fsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications.
Package pq is a pure Go Postgres driver for the database/sql package. In most cases clients will use the database/sql package instead of using this package directly. For example: You can also connect to a database using a URL. For example: Similarly to libpq, when establishing a connection using pq you are expected to supply a connection string containing zero or more parameters. A subset of the connection parameters supported by libpq are also supported by pq. Additionally, pq also lets you specify run-time parameters (such as search_path or work_mem) directly in the connection string. This is different from libpq, which does not allow run-time parameters in the connection string, instead requiring you to supply them in the options parameter. For compatibility with libpq, the following special connection parameters are supported: Valid values for sslmode are: See for more information about connection string parameters. Use single quotes for values that contain whitespace: A backslash will escape the next character in values: Note that the connection parameter client_encoding (which sets the text encoding for the connection) may be set but must be "UTF8", matching with the same rules as Postgres. It is an error to provide any other value. In addition to the parameters listed above, any run-time parameter that can be set at backend start time can be set in the connection string. For more information, see Most environment variables as specified at supported by libpq are also supported by pq. If any of the environment variables not supported by pq are set, pq will panic during connection establishment. Environment variables have a lower precedence than explicitly provided connection parameters. The pgpass mechanism as described in is supported, but on Windows PGPASSFILE must be specified explicitly. database/sql does not dictate any specific format for parameter markers in query strings, and pq uses the Postgres-native ordinal markers, as shown above. The same marker can be reused for the same parameter: pq does not support the LastInsertId() method of the Result type in database/sql. To return the identifier of an INSERT (or UPDATE or DELETE), use the Postgres RETURNING clause with a standard Query or QueryRow call: For more details on RETURNING, see the Postgres documentation: For additional instructions on querying see the documentation for the database/sql package. Parameters pass through driver.DefaultParameterConverter before they are handled by this package. When the binary_parameters connection option is enabled, []byte values are sent directly to the backend as data in binary format. This package returns the following types for values from the PostgreSQL backend: All other types are returned directly from the backend as []byte values in text format. pq may return errors of type *pq.Error which can be interrogated for error details: See the pq.Error type for details. You can perform bulk imports by preparing a statement returned by pq.CopyIn (or pq.CopyInSchema) in an explicit transaction (sql.Tx). The returned statement handle can then be repeatedly "executed" to copy data into the target table. After all data has been processed you should call Exec() once with no arguments to flush all buffered data. Any call to Exec() might return an error which should be handled appropriately, but because of the internal buffering an error returned by Exec() might not be related to the data passed in the call that failed. CopyIn uses COPY FROM internally. It is not possible to COPY outside of an explicit transaction in pq. Usage example: PostgreSQL supports a simple publish/subscribe model over database connections. See for more information about the general mechanism. To start listening for notifications, you first have to open a new connection to the database by calling NewListener. This connection can not be used for anything other than LISTEN / NOTIFY. Calling Listen will open a "notification channel"; once a notification channel is open, a notification generated on that channel will effect a send on the Listener.Notify channel. A notification channel will remain open until Unlisten is called, though connection loss might result in some notifications being lost. To solve this problem, Listener sends a nil pointer over the Notify channel any time the connection is re-established following a connection loss. The application can get information about the state of the underlying connection by setting an event callback in the call to NewListener. A single Listener can safely be used from concurrent goroutines, which means that there is often no need to create more than one Listener in your application. However, a Listener is always connected to a single database, so you will need to create a new Listener instance for every database you want to receive notifications in. The channel name in both Listen and Unlisten is case sensitive, and can contain any characters legal in an identifier (see for more information). Note that the channel name will be truncated to 63 bytes by the PostgreSQL server. You can find a complete, working example of Listener usage at If you need support for Kerberos authentication, add the following to your main package: This package is in a separate module so that users who don't need Kerberos don't have to download unnecessary dependencies. When imported, additional connection string parameters are supported:
Package types implements concrete types for the dcrwallet JSON-RPC API. When communicating via the JSON-RPC protocol, all of the commands need to be marshalled to and from the the wire in the appropriate format. This package provides data structures and primitives that are registered with dcrjson to ease this process. An overview specific to this package is provided here, however it is also instructive to read the documentation for the dcrjson package ( The types in this package map to the required parts of the protocol as discussed in the dcrjson documention To simplify the marshalling of the requests and responses, the dcrjson.MarshalCmd and dcrjson.MarshalResponse functions may be used. They return the raw bytes ready to be sent across the wire. Unmarshalling a received Request object is a two step process: This approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the additional fields in the request that are not part of the command such as the ID. Unmarshalling a received Response object is also a two step process: As above, this approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the fields in the response such as the ID and Error. This package provides two approaches for creating a new command. This first, and preferred, method is to use one of the New<Foo>Cmd functions. This allows static compile-time checking to help ensure the parameters stay in sync with the struct definitions. The second approach is the dcrjson.NewCmd function which takes a method (command) name and variable arguments. Since this package registers all of its types with dcrjson, the function will recognize them and includes full checking to ensure the parameters are accurate according to provided method, however these checks are, obviously, run-time which means any mistakes won't be found until the code is actually executed. However, it is quite useful for user-supplied commands that are intentionally dynamic. To facilitate providing consistent help to users of the RPC server, the dcrjson package exposes the GenerateHelp and function which uses reflection on commands and notifications registered by this package, as well as the provided expected result types, to generate the final help text. In addition, the dcrjson.MethodUsageText function may be used to generate consistent one-line usage for registered commands and notifications using reflection.
Package clipboard provides cross platform clipboard access and supports macOS/Linux/Windows/Android/iOS platform. Before interacting with the clipboard, one must call Init to assert if it is possible to use this package: The most common operations are `Read` and `Write`. To use them: Note that read/write regarding image format assumes that the bytes are PNG encoded since it serves the alpha blending purpose that might be used in other graphical software. In addition, `clipboard.Write` returns a channel that can receive an empty struct as a signal, which indicates the corresponding write call to the clipboard is outdated, meaning the clipboard has been overwritten by others and the previously written data is lost. For instance: You can ignore the returning channel if you don't need this type of notification. Furthermore, when you need more than just knowing whether clipboard data is changed, use the watcher API:
Package bugsnag captures errors in real-time and reports them to BugSnag ( Using bugsnag-go is a three-step process. 1. As early as possible in your program configure the notifier with your APIKey. This sets up handling of panics that would otherwise crash your app. 2. Add bugsnag to places that already catch panics. For example you should add it to the HTTP server when you call ListenAndServer: If that's not possible, you can also wrap each HTTP handler manually: 3. To notify BugSnag of an error that is not a panic, pass it to bugsnag.Notify. This will also log the error message using the configured Logger. For detailed integration instructions see The only required configuration is the BugSnag API key which can be obtained by clicking "Project Settings" on the top of your BugSnag dashboard after signing up. We also recommend you set the ReleaseStage, AppType, and AppVersion if these make sense for your deployment workflow. If you need to attach extra data to BugSnag events, you can do that using the rawData mechanism. Most of the functions that send errors to BugSnag allow you to pass in any number of interface{} values as rawData. The rawData can consist of the Severity, Context, User or MetaData types listed below, and there is also builtin support for *http.Requests. If you want to add custom tabs to your bugsnag dashboard you can pass any value in as rawData, and then process it into the event's metadata using a bugsnag.OnBeforeNotify() hook. If necessary you can pass Configuration in as rawData, or modify the Configuration object passed into OnBeforeNotify hooks. Configuration passed in this way only affects the current notification.
Package types implements concrete types for marshalling to and from the dcrd JSON-RPC commands, return values, and notifications. When communicating via the JSON-RPC protocol, all requests and responses must be marshalled to and from the wire in the appropriate format. This package provides data structures and primitives that are registered with dcrjson to ease this process. An overview specific to this package is provided here, however it is also instructive to read the documentation for the dcrjson package ( The types in this package map to the required parts of the protocol as discussed in the dcrjson documentation: To simplify the marshalling of the requests and responses, the dcrjson.MarshalCmd and dcrjson.MarshalResponse functions may be used. They return the raw bytes ready to be sent across the wire. Unmarshalling a received Request object is a two step process: This approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the additional fields in the request that are not part of the command such as the ID. Unmarshalling a received Response object is also a two step process: As above, this approach is used since it provides the caller with access to the fields in the response such as the ID and Error. This package provides two approaches for creating a new command. This first, and preferred, method is to use one of the New<Foo>Cmd functions. This allows static compile-time checking to help ensure the parameters stay in sync with the struct definitions. The second approach is the dcrjson.NewCmd function which takes a method (command) name and variable arguments. Since this package registers all of its types with dcrjson, the function will recognize them and includes full checking to ensure the parameters are accurate according to provided method, however these checks are, obviously, run-time which means any mistakes won't be found until the code is actually executed. However, it is quite useful for user-supplied commands that are intentionally dynamic. To facilitate providing consistent help to users of the RPC server, the dcrjson package exposes the GenerateHelp and function which uses reflection on commands and notifications registered by this package, as well as the provided expected result types, to generate the final help text. In addition, the dcrjson.MethodUsageText function may be used to generate consistent one-line usage for registered commands and notifications using reflection.
Package fsevents provides file system notifications on macOS.
Package buford is a Go 1.6+ HTTP/2 provider library for the Apple Push Notification Service (APNS). Please see the README for usage.
Package rpcclient implements a websocket-enabled Decred JSON-RPC client. This client provides a robust and easy to use client for interfacing with a Decred RPC server that uses a mostly btcd/bitcoin core style Decred JSON-RPC API. This client has been tested with dcrd ( and dcrwallet ( In addition to the compatible standard HTTP POST JSON-RPC API, dcrd and dcrwallet provide a websocket interface that is more efficient than the standard HTTP POST method of accessing RPC. The section below discusses the differences between HTTP POST and websockets. By default, this client assumes the RPC server supports websockets and has TLS enabled. In practice, this currently means it assumes you are talking to dcrd or dcrwallet by default. However, configuration options are provided to fall back to HTTP POST and disable TLS to support talking with inferior bitcoin core style RPC servers. In HTTP POST-based JSON-RPC, every request creates a new HTTP connection, issues the call, waits for the response, and closes the connection. This adds quite a bit of overhead to every call and lacks flexibility for features such as notifications. In contrast, the websocket-based JSON-RPC interface provided by dcrd and dcrwallet only uses a single connection that remains open and allows asynchronous bi-directional communication. The websocket interface supports all of the same commands as HTTP POST, but they can be invoked without having to go through a connect/disconnect cycle for every call. In addition, the websocket interface provides other nice features such as the ability to register for asynchronous notifications of various events. The client provides both a synchronous (blocking) and asynchronous API. The synchronous (blocking) API is typically sufficient for most use cases. It works by issuing the RPC and blocking until the response is received. This allows straightforward code where you have the response as soon as the function returns. The asynchronous API works on the concept of futures. When you invoke the async version of a command, it will quickly return an instance of a type that promises to provide the result of the RPC at some future time. In the background, the RPC call is issued and the result is stored in the returned instance. Invoking the Receive method on the returned instance will either return the result immediately if it has already arrived, or block until it has. This is useful since it provides the caller with greater control over concurrency. The first important part of notifications is to realize that they will only work when connected via websockets. This should intuitively make sense because HTTP POST mode does not keep a connection open! All notifications provided by dcrd require registration to opt-in. For example, if you want to be notified when funds are received by a set of addresses, you register the addresses via the NotifyReceived (or NotifyReceivedAsync) function. Notifications are exposed by the client through the use of callback handlers which are setup via a NotificationHandlers instance that is specified by the caller when creating the client. It is important that these notification handlers complete quickly since they are intentionally in the main read loop and will block further reads until they complete. This provides the caller with the flexibility to decide what to do when notifications are coming in faster than they are being handled. In particular this means issuing a blocking RPC call from a callback handler will cause a deadlock as more server responses won't be read until the callback returns, but the callback would be waiting for a response. Thus, any additional RPCs must be issued an a completely decoupled manner. By default, when running in websockets mode, this client will automatically keep trying to reconnect to the RPC server should the connection be lost. There is a back-off in between each connection attempt until it reaches one try per minute. Once a connection is re-established, all previously registered notifications are automatically re-registered and any in-flight commands are re-issued. This means from the caller's perspective, the request simply takes longer to complete. The caller may invoke the Shutdown method on the client to force the client to cease reconnect attempts and return ErrClientShutdown for all outstanding commands. The automatic reconnection can be disabled by setting the DisableAutoReconnect flag to true in the connection config when creating the client. This package only provides methods for dcrd RPCs. Using the websocket connection and request-response mapping provided by rpcclient with arbitrary methods or different servers is possible through the generic RawRequest and RawRequestAsync methods (each of which deal with json.RawMessage for parameters and return results). Previous versions of this package provided methods for dcrwallet's JSON-RPC server in addition to dcrd. These were removed in major version 6 of this module. Projects depending on these calls are advised to use the package which is able to wrap rpcclient.Client using the aforementioned RawRequest method: Using struct embedding, it is possible to create a single variable with the combined method sets of both rpcclient.Client and dcrwallet.Client: This technique is valuable as dcrwallet (syncing in RPC mode) will passthrough any unknown RPCs to the backing dcrd server, proxying requests and responses for the client. There are 3 categories of errors that will be returned throughout this package: The first category of errors are typically one of ErrInvalidAuth, ErrInvalidEndpoint, ErrClientDisconnect, or ErrClientShutdown. NOTE: The ErrClientDisconnect will not be returned unless the DisableAutoReconnect flag is set since the client automatically handles reconnect by default as previously described. The second category of errors typically indicates a programmer error and as such the type can vary, but usually will be best handled by simply showing/logging it. The third category of errors, that is errors returned by the server, can be detected by type asserting the error in a *dcrjson.RPCError. For example, to detect if a command is unimplemented by the remote RPC server: The following full-blown client examples are in the examples directory:
Package notifications provides a notifications service definition.
Package notifications provides primitives to interact with the openapi HTTP API. Code generated by version v1.12.4 DO NOT EDIT.
Package notifize - a desktop notification package for Go / golang
Package fsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications.
Package pinpointemail provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Pinpoint Email Service. Welcome to the Amazon Pinpoint Email API Reference. This guide provides information about the Amazon Pinpoint Email API (version 1.0), including supported operations, data types, parameters, and schemas. Amazon Pinpointis an AWS service that you can use to engage with your customers across multiple messaging channels. You can use Amazon Pinpoint to send email, SMS text messages, voice messages, and push notifications. The Amazon Pinpoint Email API provides programmatic access to options that are unique to the email channel and supplement the options provided by the Amazon Pinpoint API. If you're new to Amazon Pinpoint, you might find it helpful to also review the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide . The Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide provides tutorials, code samples, and procedures that demonstrate how to use Amazon Pinpoint features programmatically and how to integrate Amazon Pinpoint functionality into mobile apps and other types of applications. The guide also provides information about key topics such as Amazon Pinpoint integration with other AWS services and the limits that apply to using the service. The Amazon Pinpoint Email API is available in several AWS Regions and it provides an endpoint for each of these Regions. For a list of all the Regions and endpoints where the API is currently available, see AWS Service Endpointsin the Amazon Web Services General Reference. To learn more about AWS Regions, see Managing AWS Regionsin the Amazon Web Services General Reference. In each Region, AWS maintains multiple Availability Zones. These Availability Zones are physically isolated from each other, but are united by private, low-latency, high-throughput, and highly redundant network connections. These Availability Zones enable us to provide very high levels of availability and redundancy, while also minimizing latency. To learn more about the number of Availability Zones that are available in each Region, see AWS Global Infrastructure.
Package systray is a cross-platform Go library to place an icon and menu in the notification area.