Package pubsub provides an easy way to publish and receive Google Cloud Pub/Sub messages, hiding the details of the underlying server RPCs. Pub/Sub is a many-to-many, asynchronous messaging system that decouples senders and receivers. More information about Pub/Sub is available at See for authentication, timeouts, connection pooling and similar aspects of this package. Pub/Sub messages are published to topics. A Topic may be created using Client.CreateTopic like so: Messages may then be published to a Topic: Topic.Publish queues the message for publishing and returns immediately. When enough messages have accumulated, or enough time has elapsed, the batch of messages is sent to the Pub/Sub service. Topic.Publish returns a PublishResult, which behaves like a future: its Get method blocks until the message has been sent to the service. The first time you call Topic.Publish on a Topic, goroutines are started in the background. To clean up these goroutines, call Topic.Stop: To receive messages published to a Topic, clients create a Subscription for the topic. There may be more than one subscription per topic ; each message that is published to the topic will be delivered to all associated subscriptions. A Subscription may be created like so: Messages are then consumed from a Subscription via callback. The callback is invoked concurrently by multiple goroutines, maximizing throughput. To terminate a call to Subscription.Receive, cancel its context. Once client code has processed the Message, it must call Message.Ack or Message.Nack; otherwise the Message will eventually be redelivered. Ack/Nack MUST be called within the Subscription.Receive handler function, and not from a goroutine. Otherwise, flow control (e.g. ReceiveSettings.MaxOutstandingMessages) will not be respected, and messages can get orphaned when cancelling Receive. If the client cannot or doesn't want to process the message, it can call Message.Nack to speed redelivery. For more information and configuration options, see Ack Deadlines below. Note: It is possible for a Message to be redelivered even if Message.Ack has been called. Client code must be robust to multiple deliveries of messages. Note: This uses pubsub's streaming pull feature. This feature has properties that may be surprising. Please take a look at for more details on how streaming pull behaves compared to the synchronous pull method. The number of StreamingPull connections can be configured by setting NumGoroutines in ReceiveSettings. The default value of 10 means the client library will maintain 10 StreamingPull connections. This is more than sufficient for most use cases, as StreamingPull connections can handle up to 10 MB/s In some cases, using too many streams can lead to client library behaving poorly as the application becomes I/O bound. By default, the number of connections in the gRPC conn pool is min(4,GOMAXPROCS). Each connection supports up to 100 streams. Thus, if you have 4 or more CPU cores, the default setting allows a maximum of 400 streams which is already excessive for most use cases. If you want to change the limits on the number of streams, you can change the number of connections in the gRPC connection pool as shown below: The default pubsub deadlines are suitable for most use cases, but may be overridden. This section describes the tradeoffs that should be considered when overriding the defaults. Behind the scenes, each message returned by the Pub/Sub server has an associated lease, known as an "ack deadline". Unless a message is acknowledged within the ack deadline, or the client requests that the ack deadline be extended, the message will become eligible for redelivery. As a convenience, the pubsub client will automatically extend deadlines until either: Ack deadlines are extended periodically by the client. The period between extensions, as well as the length of the extension, automatically adjusts based on the time it takes the subscriber application to ack messages (based on the 99th percentile of ack latency). By default, this extension period is capped at 10m, but this limit can be configured by the "MaxExtensionPeriod" setting. This has the effect that subscribers that process messages quickly have their message ack deadlines extended for a short amount, whereas subscribers that process message slowly have their message ack deadlines extended for a large amount. The net effect is fewer RPCs sent from the client library. For example, consider a subscriber that takes 3 minutes to process each message. Since the library has already recorded several 3-minute "ack latencies"s in a percentile distribution, future message extensions are sent with a value of 3 minutes, every 3 minutes. Suppose the application crashes 5 seconds after the library sends such an extension: the Pub/Sub server would wait the remaining 2m55s before re-sending the messages out to other subscribers. Please note that by default, the client library does not use the subscription's AckDeadline for the MaxExtension value. For use cases where message processing exceeds 30 minutes, we recommend using the base client in a pull model, since long-lived streams are periodically killed by firewalls. See the example at To use an emulator with this library, you can set the PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to the address at which your emulator is running. This will send requests to that address instead of to Pub/Sub. You can then create and use a client as usual:
Package restful , a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic. A WebService has a collection of Route objects that dispatch incoming Http Requests to a function calls. Typically, a WebService has a root path (e.g. /users) and defines common MIME types for its routes. WebServices must be added to a container (see below) in order to handler Http requests from a server. A Route is defined by a HTTP method, an URL path and (optionally) the MIME types it consumes (Content-Type) and produces (Accept). This package has the logic to find the best matching Route and if found, call its Function. The (*Request, *Response) arguments provide functions for reading information from the request and writing information back to the response. See the example with a full implementation. A Route parameter can be specified using the format "uri/{var[:regexp]}" or the special version "uri/{var:*}" for matching the tail of the path. For example, /persons/{name:[A-Z][A-Z]} can be used to restrict values for the parameter "name" to only contain capital alphabetic characters. Regular expressions must use the standard Go syntax as described in the regexp package. ( This feature requires the use of a CurlyRouter. A Container holds a collection of WebServices, Filters and a http.ServeMux for multiplexing http requests. Using the statements "restful.Add(...) and restful.Filter(...)" will register WebServices and Filters to the Default Container. The Default container of go-restful uses the http.DefaultServeMux. You can create your own Container and create a new http.Server for that particular container. A filter dynamically intercepts requests and responses to transform or use the information contained in the requests or responses. You can use filters to perform generic logging, measurement, authentication, redirect, set response headers etc. In the restful package there are three hooks into the request,response flow where filters can be added. Each filter must define a FilterFunction: Use the following statement to pass the request,response pair to the next filter or RouteFunction These are processed before any registered WebService. These are processed before any Route of a WebService. These are processed before calling the function associated with the Route. See the example with full implementations. Two encodings are supported: gzip and deflate. To enable this for all responses: If a Http request includes the Accept-Encoding header then the response content will be compressed using the specified encoding. Alternatively, you can create a Filter that performs the encoding and install it per WebService or Route. See the example By installing a pre-defined container filter, your Webservice(s) can respond to the OPTIONS Http request. By installing the filter of a CrossOriginResourceSharing (CORS), your WebService(s) can handle CORS requests. Unexpected things happen. If a request cannot be processed because of a failure, your service needs to tell via the response what happened and why. For this reason HTTP status codes exist and it is important to use the correct code in every exceptional situation. If path or query parameters are not valid (content or type) then use http.StatusBadRequest. Despite a valid URI, the resource requested may not be available If the application logic could not process the request (or write the response) then use http.StatusInternalServerError. The request has a valid URL but the method (GET,PUT,POST,...) is not allowed. The request does not have or has an unknown Accept Header set for this operation. The request does not have or has an unknown Content-Type Header set for this operation. In addition to setting the correct (error) Http status code, you can choose to write a ServiceError message on the response. This package has several options that affect the performance of your service. It is important to understand them and how you can change it. DoNotRecover controls whether panics will be caught to return HTTP 500. If set to false, the container will recover from panics. Default value is true If content encoding is enabled then the default strategy for getting new gzip/zlib writers and readers is to use a sync.Pool. Because writers are expensive structures, performance is even more improved when using a preloaded cache. You can also inject your own implementation. This package has the means to produce detail logging of the complete Http request matching process and filter invocation. Enabling this feature requires you to set an implementation of restful.StdLogger (e.g. log.Logger) instance such as: The restful.SetLogger() method allows you to override the logger used by the package. By default restful uses the standard library `log` package and logs to stdout. Different logging packages are supported as long as they conform to `StdLogger` interface defined in the `log` sub-package, writing an adapter for your preferred package is simple. (c) 2012-2015, MIT License
Package restful , a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic. A WebService has a collection of Route objects that dispatch incoming Http Requests to a function calls. Typically, a WebService has a root path (e.g. /users) and defines common MIME types for its routes. WebServices must be added to a container (see below) in order to handler Http requests from a server. A Route is defined by a HTTP method, an URL path and (optionally) the MIME types it consumes (Content-Type) and produces (Accept). This package has the logic to find the best matching Route and if found, call its Function. The (*Request, *Response) arguments provide functions for reading information from the request and writing information back to the response. See the example with a full implementation. A Route parameter can be specified using the format "uri/{var[:regexp]}" or the special version "uri/{var:*}" for matching the tail of the path. For example, /persons/{name:[A-Z][A-Z]} can be used to restrict values for the parameter "name" to only contain capital alphabetic characters. Regular expressions must use the standard Go syntax as described in the regexp package. ( This feature requires the use of a CurlyRouter. A Container holds a collection of WebServices, Filters and a http.ServeMux for multiplexing http requests. Using the statements "restful.Add(...) and restful.Filter(...)" will register WebServices and Filters to the Default Container. The Default container of go-restful uses the http.DefaultServeMux. You can create your own Container and create a new http.Server for that particular container. A filter dynamically intercepts requests and responses to transform or use the information contained in the requests or responses. You can use filters to perform generic logging, measurement, authentication, redirect, set response headers etc. In the restful package there are three hooks into the request,response flow where filters can be added. Each filter must define a FilterFunction: Use the following statement to pass the request,response pair to the next filter or RouteFunction These are processed before any registered WebService. These are processed before any Route of a WebService. These are processed before calling the function associated with the Route. See the example with full implementations. Two encodings are supported: gzip and deflate. To enable this for all responses: If a Http request includes the Accept-Encoding header then the response content will be compressed using the specified encoding. Alternatively, you can create a Filter that performs the encoding and install it per WebService or Route. See the example By installing a pre-defined container filter, your Webservice(s) can respond to the OPTIONS Http request. By installing the filter of a CrossOriginResourceSharing (CORS), your WebService(s) can handle CORS requests. Unexpected things happen. If a request cannot be processed because of a failure, your service needs to tell via the response what happened and why. For this reason HTTP status codes exist and it is important to use the correct code in every exceptional situation. If path or query parameters are not valid (content or type) then use http.StatusBadRequest. Despite a valid URI, the resource requested may not be available If the application logic could not process the request (or write the response) then use http.StatusInternalServerError. The request has a valid URL but the method (GET,PUT,POST,...) is not allowed. The request does not have or has an unknown Accept Header set for this operation. The request does not have or has an unknown Content-Type Header set for this operation. In addition to setting the correct (error) Http status code, you can choose to write a ServiceError message on the response. This package has several options that affect the performance of your service. It is important to understand them and how you can change it. DoNotRecover controls whether panics will be caught to return HTTP 500. If set to false, the container will recover from panics. Default value is true If content encoding is enabled then the default strategy for getting new gzip/zlib writers and readers is to use a sync.Pool. Because writers are expensive structures, performance is even more improved when using a preloaded cache. You can also inject your own implementation. This package has the means to produce detail logging of the complete Http request matching process and filter invocation. Enabling this feature requires you to set an implementation of restful.StdLogger (e.g. log.Logger) instance such as: The restful.SetLogger() method allows you to override the logger used by the package. By default restful uses the standard library `log` package and logs to stdout. Different logging packages are supported as long as they conform to `StdLogger` interface defined in the `log` sub-package, writing an adapter for your preferred package is simple. (c) 2012-2015, MIT License
Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes. It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it manually: Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned. Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the timeouts, though patches are welcome. Currently all ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control. This works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports. You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from different goroutines). Example usage:
Package swf provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Amazon Simple Workflow Service. The Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) makes it easy to build applications that use Amazon's cloud to coordinate work across distributed components. In Amazon SWF, a task represents a logical unit of work that is performed by a component of your workflow. Coordinating tasks in a workflow involves managing intertask dependencies, scheduling, and concurrency in accordance with the logical flow of the application. Amazon SWF gives you full control over implementing tasks and coordinating them without worrying about underlying complexities such as tracking their progress and maintaining their state. This documentation serves as reference only. For a broader overview of the Amazon SWF programming model, see the Amazon SWF Developer Guide.
Package skipper provides an HTTP routing library with flexible configuration as well as a runtime update of the routing rules. Skipper works as an HTTP reverse proxy that is responsible for mapping incoming requests to multiple HTTP backend services, based on routes that are selected by the request attributes. At the same time, both the requests and the responses can be augmented by a filter chain that is specifically defined for each route. Optionally, it can provide circuit breaker mechanism individually for each backend host. Skipper can load and update the route definitions from multiple data sources without being restarted. It provides a default executable command with a few built-in filters, however, its primary use case is to be extended with custom filters, predicates or data sources. For further information read 'Extending Skipper'. Skipper took the core design and inspiration from Vulcand: Skipper is 'go get' compatible. If needed, create a 'go workspace' first: Get the Skipper packages: Create a file with a route: Optionally, verify the syntax of the file: Start Skipper and make an HTTP request: The core of Skipper's request processing is implemented by a reverse proxy in the 'proxy' package. The proxy receives the incoming request, forwards it to the routing engine in order to receive the most specific matching route. When a route matches, the request is forwarded to all filters defined by it. The filters can modify the request or execute any kind of program logic. Once the request has been processed by all the filters, it is forwarded to the backend endpoint of the route. The response from the backend goes once again through all the filters in reverse order. Finally, it is mapped as the response of the original incoming request. Besides the default proxying mechanism, it is possible to define routes without a real network backend endpoint. One of these cases is called a 'shunt' backend, in which case one of the filters needs to handle the request providing its own response (e.g. the 'static' filter). Actually, filters themselves can instruct the request flow to shunt by calling the Serve(*http.Response) method of the filter context. Another case of a route without a network backend is the 'loopback'. A loopback route can be used to match a request, modified by filters, against the lookup tree with different conditions and then execute a different route. One example scenario can be to use a single route as an entry point to execute some calculation to get an A/B testing decision and then matching the updated request metadata for the actual destination route. This way the calculation can be executed for only those requests that don't contain information about a previously calculated decision. For further details, see the 'proxy' and 'filters' package documentation. Finding a request's route happens by matching the request attributes to the conditions in the route's definitions. Such definitions may have the following conditions: - method - path (optionally with wildcards) - path regular expressions - host regular expressions - headers - header regular expressions It is also possible to create custom predicates with any other matching criteria. The relation between the conditions in a route definition is 'and', meaning, that a request must fulfill each condition to match a route. For further details, see the 'routing' package documentation. Filters are applied in order of definition to the request and in reverse order to the response. They are used to modify request and response attributes, such as headers, or execute background tasks, like logging. Some filters may handle the requests without proxying them to service backends. Filters, depending on their implementation, may accept/require parameters, that are set specifically to the route. For further details, see the 'filters' package documentation. Each route has one of the following backends: HTTP endpoint, shunt, loopback or dynamic. Backend endpoints can be any HTTP service. They are specified by their network address, including the protocol scheme, the domain name or the IP address, and optionally the port number: e.g. "". (The path and query are sent from the original request, or set by filters.) A shunt route means that Skipper handles the request alone and doesn't make requests to a backend service. In this case, it is the responsibility of one of the filters to generate the response. A loopback route executes the routing mechanism on current state of the request from the start, including the route lookup. This way it serves as a form of an internal redirect. A dynamic route means that the final target will be defined in a filter. One of the filters in the chain must set the target backend url explicitly. Route definitions consist of the following: - request matching conditions (predicates) - filter chain (optional) - backend The eskip package implements the in-memory and text representations of route definitions, including a parser. (Note to contributors: in order to stay compatible with 'go get', the generated part of the parser is stored in the repository. When changing the grammar, 'go generate' needs to be executed explicitly to update the parser.) For further details, see the 'eskip' package documentation Skipper has filter implementations of basic auth and OAuth2. It can be integrated with tokeninfo based OAuth2 providers. For details, see: Skipper's route definitions of Skipper are loaded from one or more data sources. It can receive incremental updates from those data sources at runtime. It provides three different data clients: - Kubernetes: Skipper can be used as part of a Kubernetes Ingress Controller implementation together with . In this scenario, Skipper uses the Kubernetes API's Ingress extensions as a source for routing. For a complete deployment example, see more details in: . - Innkeeper: the Innkeeper service implements a storage for large sets of Skipper routes, with an HTTP+JSON API, OAuth2 authentication and role management. See the 'innkeeper' package and - etcd: Skipper can load routes and receive updates from etcd clusters ( See the 'etcd' package. - static file: package eskipfile implements a simple data client, which can load route definitions from a static file in eskip format. Currently, it loads the routes on startup. It doesn't support runtime updates. Skipper can use additional data sources, provided by extensions. Sources must implement the DataClient interface in the routing package. Skipper provides circuit breakers, configured either globally, based on backend hosts or based on individual routes. It supports two types of circuit breaker behavior: open on N consecutive failures, or open on N failures out of M requests. For details, see: Skipper can be started with the default executable command 'skipper', or as a library built into an application. The easiest way to start Skipper as a library is to execute the 'Run' function of the current, root package. Each option accepted by the 'Run' function is wired in the default executable as well, as a command line flag. E.g. EtcdUrls becomes -etcd-urls as a comma separated list. For command line help, enter: An additional utility, eskip, can be used to verify, print, update and delete routes from/to files or etcd (Innkeeper on the roadmap). See the cmd/eskip command package, and/or enter in the command line: Skipper doesn't use dynamically loaded plugins, however, it can be used as a library, and it can be extended with custom predicates, filters and/or custom data sources. To create a custom predicate, one needs to implement the PredicateSpec interface in the routing package. Instances of the PredicateSpec are used internally by the routing package to create the actual Predicate objects as referenced in eskip routes, with concrete arguments. Example, randompredicate.go: In the above example, a custom predicate is created, that can be referenced in eskip definitions with the name 'Random': To create a custom filter we need to implement the Spec interface of the filters package. 'Spec' is the specification of a filter, and it is used to create concrete filter instances, while the raw route definitions are processed. Example, hellofilter.go: The above example creates a filter specification, and in the routes where they are included, the filter instances will set the 'X-Hello' header for each and every response. The name of the filter is 'hello', and in a route definition it is referenced as: The easiest way to create a custom Skipper variant is to implement the required filters (as in the example above) by importing the Skipper package, and starting it with the 'Run' command. Example, hello.go: A file containing the routes, routes.eskip: Start the custom router: The 'Run' function in the root Skipper package starts its own listener but it doesn't provide the best composability. The proxy package, however, provides a standard http.Handler, so it is possible to use it in a more complex solution as a building block for routing. Skipper provides detailed logging of failures, and access logs in Apache log format. Skipper also collects detailed performance metrics, and exposes them on a separate listener endpoint for pulling snapshots. For details, see the 'logging' and 'metrics' packages documentation. The router's performance depends on the environment and on the used filters. Under ideal circumstances, and without filters, the biggest time factor is the route lookup. Skipper is able to scale to thousands of routes with logarithmic performance degradation. However, this comes at the cost of increased memory consumption, due to storing the whole lookup tree in a single structure. Benchmarks for the tree lookup can be run by: In case more aggressive scale is needed, it is possible to setup Skipper in a cascade model, with multiple Skipper instances for specific route segments.
Package pointer implements Andersen's analysis, an inclusion-based pointer analysis algorithm first described in (Andersen, 1994). A pointer analysis relates every pointer expression in a whole program to the set of memory locations to which it might point. This information can be used to construct a call graph of the program that precisely represents the destinations of dynamic function and method calls. It can also be used to determine, for example, which pairs of channel operations operate on the same channel. The package allows the client to request a set of expressions of interest for which the points-to information will be returned once the analysis is complete. In addition, the client may request that a callgraph is constructed. The example program in example_test.go demonstrates both of these features. Clients should not request more information than they need since it may increase the cost of the analysis significantly. Our algorithm is INCLUSION-BASED: the points-to sets for x and y will be related by pts(y) ⊇ pts(x) if the program contains the statement y = x. It is FLOW-INSENSITIVE: it ignores all control flow constructs and the order of statements in a program. It is therefore a "MAY ALIAS" analysis: its facts are of the form "P may/may not point to L", not "P must point to L". It is FIELD-SENSITIVE: it builds separate points-to sets for distinct fields, such as x and y in struct { x, y *int }. It is mostly CONTEXT-INSENSITIVE: most functions are analyzed once, so values can flow in at one call to the function and return out at another. Only some smaller functions are analyzed with consideration of their calling context. It has a CONTEXT-SENSITIVE HEAP: objects are named by both allocation site and context, so the objects returned by two distinct calls to f: are distinguished up to the limits of the calling context. It is a WHOLE PROGRAM analysis: it requires SSA-form IR for the complete Go program and summaries for native code. See the (Hind, PASTE'01) survey paper for an explanation of these terms. The analysis is fully sound when invoked on pure Go programs that do not use reflection or unsafe.Pointer conversions. In other words, if there is any possible execution of the program in which pointer P may point to object O, the analysis will report that fact. By default, the "reflect" library is ignored by the analysis, as if all its functions were no-ops, but if the client enables the Reflection flag, the analysis will make a reasonable attempt to model the effects of calls into this library. However, this comes at a significant performance cost, and not all features of that library are yet implemented. In addition, some simplifying approximations must be made to ensure that the analysis terminates; for example, reflection can be used to construct an infinite set of types and values of those types, but the analysis arbitrarily bounds the depth of such types. Most but not all reflection operations are supported. In particular, addressable reflect.Values are not yet implemented, so operations such as (reflect.Value).Set have no analytic effect. The pointer analysis makes no attempt to understand aliasing between the operand x and result y of an unsafe.Pointer conversion: It is as if the conversion allocated an entirely new object: The analysis cannot model the aliasing effects of functions written in languages other than Go, such as runtime intrinsics in C or assembly, or code accessed via cgo. The result is as if such functions are no-ops. However, various important intrinsics are understood by the analysis, along with built-ins such as append. The analysis currently provides no way for users to specify the aliasing effects of native code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The remaining documentation is intended for package maintainers and pointer analysis specialists. Maintainers should have a solid understanding of the referenced papers (especially those by H&L and PKH) before making making significant changes. The implementation is similar to that described in (Pearce et al, PASTE'04). Unlike many algorithms which interleave constraint generation and solving, constructing the callgraph as they go, this implementation for the most part observes a phase ordering (generation before solving), with only simple (copy) constraints being generated during solving. (The exception is reflection, which creates various constraints during solving as new types flow to reflect.Value operations.) This improves the traction of presolver optimisations, but imposes certain restrictions, e.g. potential context sensitivity is limited since all variants must be created a priori. A type is said to be "pointer-like" if it is a reference to an object. Pointer-like types include pointers and also interfaces, maps, channels, functions and slices. We occasionally use C's x->f notation to distinguish the case where x is a struct pointer from x.f where is a struct value. Pointer analysis literature (and our comments) often uses the notation dst=*src+offset to mean something different than what it means in Go. It means: for each node index p in pts(src), the node index p+offset is in pts(dst). Similarly *dst+offset=src is used for store constraints and dst=src+offset for offset-address constraints. Nodes are the key datastructure of the analysis, and have a dual role: they represent both constraint variables (equivalence classes of pointers) and members of points-to sets (things that can be pointed at, i.e. "labels"). Nodes are naturally numbered. The numbering enables compact representations of sets of nodes such as bitvectors (or BDDs); and the ordering enables a very cheap way to group related nodes together. For example, passing n parameters consists of generating n parallel constraints from caller+i to callee+i for 0<=i<n. The zero nodeid means "not a pointer". For simplicity, we generate flow constraints even for non-pointer types such as int. The pointer equivalence (PE) presolver optimization detects which variables cannot point to anything; this includes not only all variables of non-pointer types (such as int) but also variables of pointer-like types if they are always nil, or are parameters to a function that is never called. Each node represents a scalar part of a value or object. Aggregate types (structs, tuples, arrays) are recursively flattened out into a sequential list of scalar component types, and all the elements of an array are represented by a single node. (The flattening of a basic type is a list containing a single node.) Nodes are connected into a graph with various kinds of labelled edges: simple edges (or copy constraints) represent value flow. Complex edges (load, store, etc) trigger the creation of new simple edges during the solving phase. Conceptually, an "object" is a contiguous sequence of nodes denoting an addressable location: something that a pointer can point to. The first node of an object has a non-nil obj field containing information about the allocation: its size, context, and ssa.Value. Objects include: Many objects have no Go types. For example, the func, map and chan type kinds in Go are all varieties of pointers, but their respective objects are actual functions (executable code), maps (hash tables), and channels (synchronized queues). Given the way we model interfaces, they too are pointers to "tagged" objects with no Go type. And an *ssa.Global denotes the address of a global variable, but the object for a Global is the actual data. So, the types of an ssa.Value that creates an object is "off by one indirection": a pointer to the object. The individual nodes of an object are sometimes referred to as "labels". For uniformity, all objects have a non-zero number of fields, even those of the empty type struct{}. (All arrays are treated as if of length 1, so there are no empty arrays. The empty tuple is never address-taken, so is never an object.) An tagged object has the following layout: The T node's typ field is the dynamic type of the "payload": the value v which follows, flattened out. The T node's obj has the otTagged flag. Tagged objects are needed when generalizing across types: interfaces, reflect.Values, reflect.Types. Each of these three types is modelled as a pointer that exclusively points to tagged objects. Tagged objects may be indirect (obj.flags ⊇ {otIndirect}) meaning that the value v is not of type T but *T; this is used only for reflect.Values that represent lvalues. (These are not implemented yet.) Variables of the following "scalar" types may be represented by a single node: basic types, pointers, channels, maps, slices, 'func' pointers, interfaces. Pointers: Nothing to say here, oddly. Basic types (bool, string, numbers, unsafe.Pointer): Currently all fields in the flattening of a type, including non-pointer basic types such as int, are represented in objects and values. Though non-pointer nodes within values are uninteresting, non-pointer nodes in objects may be useful (if address-taken) because they permit the analysis to deduce, in this example, that p points to s.x. If we ignored such object fields, we could only say that p points somewhere within s. All other basic types are ignored. Expressions of these types have zero nodeid, and fields of these types within aggregate other types are omitted. unsafe.Pointers are not modelled as pointers, so a conversion of an unsafe.Pointer to *T is (unsoundly) treated equivalent to new(T). Channels: An expression of type 'chan T' is a kind of pointer that points exclusively to channel objects, i.e. objects created by MakeChan (or reflection). 'chan T' is treated like *T. *ssa.MakeChan is treated as equivalent to new(T). *ssa.Send and receive (*ssa.UnOp(ARROW)) and are equivalent to store Maps: An expression of type 'map[K]V' is a kind of pointer that points exclusively to map objects, i.e. objects created by MakeMap (or reflection). map K[V] is treated like *M where M = struct{k K; v V}. *ssa.MakeMap is equivalent to new(M). *ssa.MapUpdate is equivalent to *y=x where *y and x have type M. *ssa.Lookup is equivalent to y=x.v where x has type *M. Slices: A slice []T, which dynamically resembles a struct{array *T, len, cap int}, is treated as if it were just a *T pointer; the len and cap fields are ignored. *ssa.MakeSlice is treated like new([1]T): an allocation of a *ssa.Index on a slice is equivalent to a load. *ssa.IndexAddr on a slice returns the address of the sole element of the slice, i.e. the same address. *ssa.Slice is treated as a simple copy. Functions: An expression of type 'func...' is a kind of pointer that points exclusively to function objects. A function object has the following layout: There may be multiple function objects for the same *ssa.Function due to context-sensitive treatment of some functions. The first node is the function's identity node. Associated with every callsite is a special "targets" variable, whose pts() contains the identity node of each function to which the call may dispatch. Identity words are not otherwise used during the analysis, but we construct the call graph from the pts() solution for such nodes. The following block of contiguous nodes represents the flattened-out types of the parameters ("P-block") and results ("R-block") of the function object. The treatment of free variables of closures (*ssa.FreeVar) is like that of global variables; it is not context-sensitive. *ssa.MakeClosure instructions create copy edges to Captures. A Go value of type 'func' (i.e. a pointer to one or more functions) is a pointer whose pts() contains function objects. The valueNode() for an *ssa.Function returns a singleton for that function. Interfaces: An expression of type 'interface{...}' is a kind of pointer that points exclusively to tagged objects. All tagged objects pointed to by an interface are direct (the otIndirect flag is clear) and concrete (the tag type T is not itself an interface type). The associated ssa.Value for an interface's tagged objects may be an *ssa.MakeInterface instruction, or nil if the tagged object was created by an instrinsic (e.g. reflection). Constructing an interface value causes generation of constraints for all of the concrete type's methods; we can't tell a priori which ones may be called. TypeAssert y = x.(T) is implemented by a dynamic constraint triggered by each tagged object O added to pts(x): a typeFilter constraint if T is an interface type, or an untag constraint if T is a concrete type. A typeFilter tests whether O.typ implements T; if so, O is added to pts(y). An untagFilter tests whether O.typ is assignable to T,and if so, a copy edge O.v -> y is added. ChangeInterface is a simple copy because the representation of tagged objects is independent of the interface type (in contrast to the "method tables" approach used by the gc runtime). y := Invoke x.m(...) is implemented by allocating contiguous P/R blocks for the callsite and adding a dynamic rule triggered by each tagged object added to pts(x). The rule adds param/results copy edges to/from each discovered concrete method. (Q. Why do we model an interface as a pointer to a pair of type and value, rather than as a pair of a pointer to type and a pointer to value? A. Control-flow joins would merge interfaces ({T1}, {V1}) and ({T2}, {V2}) to make ({T1,T2}, {V1,V2}), leading to the infeasible and type-unsafe combination (T1,V2). Treating the value and its concrete type as inseparable makes the analysis type-safe.) Type parameters: Type parameters are not directly supported by the analysis. Calls to generic functions will be left as if they had empty bodies. Users of the package are expected to use the ssa.InstantiateGenerics builder mode when building code that uses or depends on code containing generics. reflect.Value: A reflect.Value is modelled very similar to an interface{}, i.e. as a pointer exclusively to tagged objects, but with two generalizations. 1. a reflect.Value that represents an lvalue points to an indirect (obj.flags ⊇ {otIndirect}) tagged object, which has a similar layout to an tagged object except that the value is a pointer to the dynamic type. Indirect tagged objects preserve the correct aliasing so that mutations made by (reflect.Value).Set can be observed. Indirect objects only arise when an lvalue is derived from an rvalue by indirection, e.g. the following code: Whether indirect or not, the concrete type of the tagged object corresponds to the user-visible dynamic type, and the existence of a pointer is an implementation detail. (NB: indirect tagged objects are not yet implemented) 2. The dynamic type tag of a tagged object pointed to by a reflect.Value may be an interface type; it need not be concrete. This arises in code such as this: pts(eface) is a singleton containing an interface{}-tagged object. That tagged object's payload is an interface{} value, i.e. the pts of the payload contains only concrete-tagged objects, although in this example it's the zero interface{} value, so its pts is empty. reflect.Type: Just as in the real "reflect" library, we represent a reflect.Type as an interface whose sole implementation is the concrete type, *reflect.rtype. (This choice is forced on us by go/types: clients cannot fabricate types with arbitrary method sets.) rtype instances are canonical: there is at most one per dynamic type. (rtypes are in fact large structs but since identity is all that matters, we represent them by a single node.) The payload of each *rtype-tagged object is an *rtype pointer that points to exactly one such canonical rtype object. We exploit this by setting the node.typ of the payload to the dynamic type, not '*rtype'. This saves us an indirection in each resolution rule. As an optimisation, *rtype-tagged objects are canonicalized too. Aggregate types: Aggregate types are treated as if all directly contained aggregates are recursively flattened out. Structs: *ssa.Field y = x.f creates a simple edge to y from x's node at f's offset. *ssa.FieldAddr y = &x->f requires a dynamic closure rule to create The nodes of a struct consist of a special 'identity' node (whose type is that of the struct itself), followed by the nodes for all the struct's fields, recursively flattened out. A pointer to the struct is a pointer to its identity node. That node allows us to distinguish a pointer to a struct from a pointer to its first field. Field offsets are logical field offsets (plus one for the identity node), so the sizes of the fields can be ignored by the analysis. (The identity node is non-traditional but enables the distinction described above, which is valuable for code comprehension tools. Typical pointer analyses for C, whose purpose is compiler optimization, must soundly model unsafe.Pointer (void*) conversions, and this requires fidelity to the actual memory layout using physical field offsets.) *ssa.Field y = x.f creates a simple edge to y from x's node at f's offset. *ssa.FieldAddr y = &x->f requires a dynamic closure rule to create Arrays: We model an array by an identity node (whose type is that of the array itself) followed by a node representing all the elements of the array; the analysis does not distinguish elements with different indices. Effectively, an array is treated like struct{elem T}, a load y=x[i] like y=x.elem, and a store x[i]=y like x.elem=y; the index i is ignored. A pointer to an array is pointer to its identity node. (A slice is also a pointer to an array's identity node.) The identity node allows us to distinguish a pointer to an array from a pointer to one of its elements, but it is rather costly because it introduces more offset constraints into the system. Furthermore, sound treatment of unsafe.Pointer would require us to dispense with this node. Arrays may be allocated by Alloc, by make([]T), by calls to append, and via reflection. Tuples (T, ...): Tuples are treated like structs with naturally numbered fields. *ssa.Extract is analogous to *ssa.Field. However, tuples have no identity field since by construction, they cannot be address-taken. There are three kinds of function call: Cases 1 and 2 apply equally to methods and standalone functions. Static calls: A static call consists three steps: A static function call is little more than two struct value copies between the P/R blocks of caller and callee: Context sensitivity: Static calls (alone) may be treated context sensitively, i.e. each callsite may cause a distinct re-analysis of the callee, improving precision. Our current context-sensitivity policy treats all intrinsics and getter/setter methods in this manner since such functions are small and seem like an obvious source of spurious confluences, though this has not yet been evaluated. Dynamic function calls: Dynamic calls work in a similar manner except that the creation of copy edges occurs dynamically, in a similar fashion to a pair of struct copies in which the callee is indirect: (Recall that the function object's P- and R-blocks are contiguous.) Interface method invocation: For invoke-mode calls, we create a params/results block for the callsite and attach a dynamic closure rule to the interface. For each new tagged object that flows to the interface, we look up the concrete method, find its function object, and connect its P/R blocks to the callsite's P/R blocks, adding copy edges to the graph during solving. Recording call targets: The analysis notifies its clients of each callsite it encounters, passing a CallSite interface. Among other things, the CallSite contains a synthetic constraint variable ("targets") whose points-to solution includes the set of all function objects to which the call may dispatch. It is via this mechanism that the callgraph is made available. Clients may also elect to be notified of callgraph edges directly; internally this just iterates all "targets" variables' pts(·)s. We implement Hash-Value Numbering (HVN), a pre-solver constraint optimization described in Hardekopf & Lin, SAS'07. This is documented in more detail in hvn.go. We intend to add its cousins HR and HU in future. The solver is currently a naive Andersen-style implementation; it does not perform online cycle detection, though we plan to add solver optimisations such as Hybrid- and Lazy- Cycle Detection from (Hardekopf & Lin, PLDI'07). It uses difference propagation (Pearce et al, SQC'04) to avoid redundant re-triggering of closure rules for values already seen. Points-to sets are represented using sparse bit vectors (similar to those used in LLVM and gcc), which are more space- and time-efficient than sets based on Go's built-in map type or dense bit vectors. Nodes are permuted prior to solving so that object nodes (which may appear in points-to sets) are lower numbered than non-object (var) nodes. This improves the density of the set over which the PTSs range, and thus the efficiency of the representation. Partly thanks to avoiding map iteration, the execution of the solver is 100% deterministic, a great help during debugging. Andersen, L. O. 1994. Program analysis and specialization for the C programming language. Ph.D. dissertation. DIKU, University of Copenhagen. David J. Pearce, Paul H. J. Kelly, and Chris Hankin. 2004. Efficient field-sensitive pointer analysis for C. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering (PASTE '04). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 37-42. David J. Pearce, Paul H. J. Kelly, and Chris Hankin. 2004. Online Cycle Detection and Difference Propagation: Applications to Pointer Analysis. Software Quality Control 12, 4 (December 2004), 311-337. David Grove and Craig Chambers. 2001. A framework for call graph construction algorithms. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 23, 6 (November 2001), 685-746. Ben Hardekopf and Calvin Lin. 2007. The ant and the grasshopper: fast and accurate pointer analysis for millions of lines of code. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language design and implementation (PLDI '07). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 290-299. Ben Hardekopf and Calvin Lin. 2007. Exploiting pointer and location equivalence to optimize pointer analysis. In Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Static Analysis (SAS'07), Hanne Riis Nielson and Gilberto Filé (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 265-280. Atanas Rountev and Satish Chandra. 2000. Off-line variable substitution for scaling points-to analysis. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2000 conference on Programming language design and implementation (PLDI '00). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 47-56. DOI=10.1145/349299.349310 This program demonstrates how to use the pointer analysis to obtain a conservative call-graph of a Go program. It also shows how to compute the points-to set of a variable, in this case, (C).f's ch parameter.
Package rtcp implements encoding and decoding of RTCP packets according to RFCs 3550 and 5506. RTCP is a sister protocol of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). Its basic functionality and packet structure is defined in RFC 3550. RTCP provides out-of-band statistics and control information for an RTP session. It partners with RTP in the delivery and packaging of multimedia data, but does not transport any media data itself. The primary function of RTCP is to provide feedback on the quality of service (QoS) in media distribution by periodically sending statistics information such as transmitted octet and packet counts, packet loss, packet delay variation, and round-trip delay time to participants in a streaming multimedia session. An application may use this information to control quality of service parameters, perhaps by limiting flow, or using a different codec. Decoding RTCP packets: Encoding RTCP packets:
Package restful , a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic. A WebService has a collection of Route objects that dispatch incoming Http Requests to a function calls. Typically, a WebService has a root path (e.g. /users) and defines common MIME types for its routes. WebServices must be added to a container (see below) in order to handler Http requests from a server. A Route is defined by a HTTP method, an URL path and (optionally) the MIME types it consumes (Content-Type) and produces (Accept). This package has the logic to find the best matching Route and if found, call its Function. The (*Request, *Response) arguments provide functions for reading information from the request and writing information back to the response. See the example with a full implementation. A Route parameter can be specified using the format "uri/{var[:regexp]}" or the special version "uri/{var:*}" for matching the tail of the path. For example, /persons/{name:[A-Z][A-Z]} can be used to restrict values for the parameter "name" to only contain capital alphabetic characters. Regular expressions must use the standard Go syntax as described in the regexp package. ( This feature requires the use of a CurlyRouter. A Container holds a collection of WebServices, Filters and a http.ServeMux for multiplexing http requests. Using the statements "restful.Add(...) and restful.Filter(...)" will register WebServices and Filters to the Default Container. The Default container of go-restful uses the http.DefaultServeMux. You can create your own Container and create a new http.Server for that particular container. A filter dynamically intercepts requests and responses to transform or use the information contained in the requests or responses. You can use filters to perform generic logging, measurement, authentication, redirect, set response headers etc. In the restful package there are three hooks into the request,response flow where filters can be added. Each filter must define a FilterFunction: Use the following statement to pass the request,response pair to the next filter or RouteFunction These are processed before any registered WebService. These are processed before any Route of a WebService. These are processed before calling the function associated with the Route. See the example with full implementations. Two encodings are supported: gzip and deflate. To enable this for all responses: If a Http request includes the Accept-Encoding header then the response content will be compressed using the specified encoding. Alternatively, you can create a Filter that performs the encoding and install it per WebService or Route. See the example By installing a pre-defined container filter, your Webservice(s) can respond to the OPTIONS Http request. By installing the filter of a CrossOriginResourceSharing (CORS), your WebService(s) can handle CORS requests. Unexpected things happen. If a request cannot be processed because of a failure, your service needs to tell via the response what happened and why. For this reason HTTP status codes exist and it is important to use the correct code in every exceptional situation. If path or query parameters are not valid (content or type) then use http.StatusBadRequest. Despite a valid URI, the resource requested may not be available If the application logic could not process the request (or write the response) then use http.StatusInternalServerError. The request has a valid URL but the method (GET,PUT,POST,...) is not allowed. The request does not have or has an unknown Accept Header set for this operation. The request does not have or has an unknown Content-Type Header set for this operation. In addition to setting the correct (error) Http status code, you can choose to write a ServiceError message on the response. This package has several options that affect the performance of your service. It is important to understand them and how you can change it. DoNotRecover controls whether panics will be caught to return HTTP 500. If set to false, the container will recover from panics. Default value is true If content encoding is enabled then the default strategy for getting new gzip/zlib writers and readers is to use a sync.Pool. Because writers are expensive structures, performance is even more improved when using a preloaded cache. You can also inject your own implementation. This package has the means to produce detail logging of the complete Http request matching process and filter invocation. Enabling this feature requires you to set an implementation of restful.StdLogger (e.g. log.Logger) instance such as: The restful.SetLogger() method allows you to override the logger used by the package. By default restful uses the standard library `log` package and logs to stdout. Different logging packages are supported as long as they conform to `StdLogger` interface defined in the `log` sub-package, writing an adapter for your preferred package is simple. (c) 2012-2015, MIT License
Utilities missing from the "reflect" package: easier struct traversal, deep dereferencing, various boolean tests such as generic `IsNil`, and some more. Small and dependency-free. • Functions that take a `reflect.Value` have "Rval" in the name. • Functions that take a `reflect.Type` have "Rtype" in the name. In general, utils for struct traversal can be implemented as function that take closures, or as stateful iterator objects. Both approaches were tested and demonstrated similar performance characteristics. The iterator-based approach can be more convenient to use because it doesn't interrupt the control flow of the caller code. However, the closure-based approach is much simpler to implement and get right. It's also much simpler to wrap, making it easier for users of this package to implement their own iterator functions in terms of the existing ones.
Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes. It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it manually: Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned. Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the timeouts, though patches are welcome. Currently all ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control. This works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports. You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from different goroutines). Example usage:
Package rtcp implements encoding and decoding of RTCP packets according to RFC 3550. RTCP is a sister protocol of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). Its basic functionality and packet structure is defined in RFC 3550. RTCP provides out-of-band statistics and control information for an RTP session. It partners with RTP in the delivery and packaging of multimedia data, but does not transport any media data itself. The primary function of RTCP is to provide feedback on the quality of service (QoS) in media distribution by periodically sending statistics information such as transmitted octet and packet counts, packet loss, packet delay variation, and round-trip delay time to participants in a streaming multimedia session. An application may use this information to control quality of service parameters, perhaps by limiting flow, or using a different codec. Decoding RTCP packets: Encoding RTCP packets:
Package floc allows to orchestrate goroutines with ease. The goal of the project is to make the process of running goroutines in parallel and synchronizing them easy. Floc follows for objectives: -- Easy to use functional interface. -- Better control over execution with one entry point and one exit point. -- Simple parallelism and synchronization of jobs. -- As little overhead, in comparison to direct use of goroutines and sync primitives, as possible. The package categorizes middleware used for architect flows in subpackages. -- `guard` contains middleware which help protect flow from falling into panic or unpredicted behavior. -- `pred` contains some basic predicates for AND, OR, NOT logic. -- `run` provides middleware for designing flow, i.e. for running job sequentially, in parallel, in background and so on. Here is a quick example of what the package capable of.
Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes. It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it manually: Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned. Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the timeouts, though patches are welcome. Currently ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control by default. This works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports. You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from different goroutines). Example usage:
The package defines a single interface and a few implementations of the interface. The externalization of the loop flow control makes it easy to test the internal functions of background goroutines by, for instance, only running the loop once while under test. The design is that any errors which need to be returned from the loop will be passed back on a channel whose implementation is left up to the individual Looper. Calling methods can wait on execution and for any resulting errors by calling the Wait() method on the Looper. In this example, we are going to run a FreeLooper with 5 iterations. In the course of running, an error is generated, which the parent function captures and outputs. As a result of the error only 3 of the 5 iterations are completed and the output reflects this.
Extensible Go library for creating fast, SSR-first frontend avoiding vanilla templating downsides. Creating asynchronous and dynamic layout parts is a complex problem for larger projects using `html/template`. This library tries to simplify overall setup and process. Let's go straight into a simple example. Then, we will dig into details, step by step, how it works. Kyoto provides a set of simple net/http handlers, handler builders and function wrappers to provide serving, pages rendering, component actions, etc. Anyway, this is not an ultimative solution for any case. If you ever need to wrap/extend existing functionality, library encourages this. See functions inside of nethttp.go file for details and advanced usage. Example: Kyoto provides a way to define components. It's a very common approach for modern libraries to manage frontend parts. In kyoto each component is a context receiver, which returns it's state. Each component becomes a part of the page or top-level component, which executes component asynchronously and gets a state future object. In that way your components are executing in a non-blocking way. Pages are just top-level components, where you can configure rendering and page related stuff. Example: As an option, you can wrap component with another function to accept additional paramenters from top-level page/component. Example: Kyoto provides a context, which holds common objects like http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, etc. See kyoto.Context for details. Example: Kyoto provides a set of parameters and functions to provide a comfortable template building process. You can configure template building parameters with kyoto.TemplateConf configuration. See template.go for available functions and kyoto.TemplateConfiguration for configuration details. Example: Kyoto provides a way to simplify building dynamic UIs. For this purpose it has a feature named actions. Logic is pretty simple. Client calls an action (sends a request to the server). Action is executing on server side and server is sending updated component markup to the client which will be morphed into DOM. That's it. To use actions, you need to go through a few steps. You'll need to include a client into page (JS functions for communication) and register an actions handler for a needed component. Let's start from including a client. Then, let's register an actions handler for a needed component. That's all! Now we ready to use actions to provide a dynamic UI. Example: In this example you can see provided modifications to the quick start example. First, we've added a state and name into our components' markup. In this way we are saving our components' state between actions and find a component root. Unfortunately, we have to manually provide a component name for now, we haven't found a way to provide it dynamically. Second, we've added a reload button with onclick function call. We're using a function Action provided by a client. Action triggering will be described in details later. Third, we've added an action handler inside of our component. This handler will be executed when a client calls an action with a corresponding name. It's highly recommended to keep components' state as small as possible. It will be transmitted on each action call. Kyoto have multiple ways to trigger actions. Now we will check them one by one. This is the simplest way to trigger an action. It's just a function call with a referer (usually 'this', f.e. button) as a first argument (used to determine root), action name as a second argument and arguments as a rest. Arguments must to be JSON serializable. It's possible to trigger an action of another component. If you want to call an action of parent component, use $ prefix in action name. If you want to call an action of component by id, use <id:action> as an action name. This is a specific action which is triggered when a form is submitted. Usually called in onsubmit="..." attribute of a form. You'll need to implement 'Submit' action to handle this trigger. This is a special HTML attribute which will trigger an action on page load. This may be useful for components' lazy loading. With this special HTML attributes you can trigger an action with interval. Useful for components that must to be updated over time (f.e. charts, stats, etc). You can use this trigger with ssa:poll and ssa:poll.interval HTML attributes. This one attribute allows you to trigger an action when an element is visible on the screen. May be useful for lazy loading. Kyoto provides a way to control action flow. For now, it's possible to control display style on component call and push multiple UI updates to the client during a single action. Because kyoto makes a roundtrip to the server every time an action is triggered on the page, there are cases where the page may not react immediately to a user event (like a click). That's why the library provides a way to easily control display attributes on action call. You can use this HTML attribute to control display during action call. At the end of an action the layout will be restored. A small note. Don't forget to set a default display for loading elements like spinners and loaders. You can push multiple component UI updates during a single action call. Just call kyoto.ActionFlush(ctx, state) to initiate an update. Kyoto provides a way to control action rendering. Now there is at least 2 rendering options after an action call: morph (default) and replace. Morph will try to morph received markup to the current one with morphdom library. In case of an error, or explicit "replace" mode, markup will be replaced with x.outerHTML = '...'.
Package hunch provides functions like: `All`, `First`, `Retry`, `Waterfall` etc., that makes asynchronous flow control more intuitive.
Extensible Go library for creating fast, SSR-first frontend avoiding vanilla templating downsides. Creating asynchronous and dynamic layout parts is a complex problem for larger projects using `html/template`. Library tries to simplify this process. Let's go straight into a simple example. Then, we will dig into details, step by step, how it works. Kyoto provides a simple net/http handlers and function wrappers to handle pages rendering and serving. See functions inside of nethttp.go file for details and advanced usage. Example: Kyoto provides a way to define components. It's a very common approach for modern libraries to manage frontend parts. In kyoto each component is a context receiver, which returns it's state. Each component becomes a part of the page or top-level component, which executes component asynchronously and gets a state future object. In that way your components are executing in a non-blocking way. Pages are just top-level components, where you can configure rendering and page related stuff. Example: As an option, you can wrap component with another function to accept additional paramenters from top-level page/component. Example: Kyoto provides a context, which holds common objects like http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, etc. See kyoto.Context for details. Example: Kyoto provides a set of parameters and functions to provide a comfortable template building process. You can configure template building parameters with kyoto.TemplateConf configuration. See template.go for available functions and kyoto.TemplateConfiguration for configuration details. Example: Kyoto provides a way to simplify building dynamic UIs. For this purpose it has a feature named actions. Logic is pretty simple. Client calls an action (sends a request to the server). Action is executing on server side and server is sending updated component markup to the client which will be morphed into DOM. That's it. To use actions, you need to go through a few steps. You'll need to include a client into page (JS functions for communication) and register an actions handler for a needed component. Let's start from including a client. Then, let's register an actions handler for a needed component. That's all! Now we ready to use actions to provide a dynamic UI. Example: In this example you can see provided modifications to the quick start example. First, we've added a state and name into our components' markup. In this way we are saving our components' state between actions and find a component root. Unfortunately, we have to manually provide a component name for now, we haven't found a way to provide it dynamically. Second, we've added a reload button with onclick function call. We're using a function Action provided by a client. Action triggering will be described in details later. Third, we've added an action handler inside of our component. This handler will be executed when a client calls an action with a corresponding name. It's highly recommended to keep components' state as small as possible. It will be transmitted on each action call. Kyoto have multiple ways to trigger actions. Now we will check them one by one. This is the simplest way to trigger an action. It's just a function call with a referer (usually 'this', f.e. button) as a first argument (used to determine root), action name as a second argument and arguments as a rest. Arguments must to be JSON serializable. It's possible to trigger an action of another component. If you want to call an action of parent component, use $ prefix in action name. If you want to call an action of component by id, use <id:action> as an action name. This is a specific action which is triggered when a form is submitted. Usually called in onsubmit="..." attribute of a form. You'll need to implement 'Submit' action to handle this trigger. This is a special HTML attribute which will trigger an action on page load. This may be useful for components' lazy loading. With this special HTML attributes you can trigger an action with interval. Useful for components that must to be updated over time (f.e. charts, stats, etc). You can use this trigger with ssa:poll and ssa:poll.interval HTML attributes. This one attribute allows you to trigger an action when an element is visible on the screen. May be useful for lazy loading. Kyoto provides a way to control action flow. For now, it's possible to control display style on component call and push multiple UI updates to the client during a single action. Because kyoto makes a roundtrip to the server every time an action is triggered on the page, there are cases where the page may not react immediately to a user event (like a click). That's why the library provides a way to easily control display attributes on action call. You can use this HTML attribute to control display during action call. At the end of an action the layout will be restored. A small note. Don't forget to set a default display for loading elements like spinners and loaders. You can push multiple component UI updates during a single action call. Just call kyoto.ActionFlush(ctx, state) to initiate an update. Kyoto provides a way to control action rendering. Now there is at least 2 rendering options after an action call: morph (default) and replace. Morph will try to morph received markup to the current one with morphdom library. In case of an error, or explicit "replace" mode, markup will be replaced with x.outerHTML = '...'.
Package restful, a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic. A WebService has a collection of Route objects that dispatch incoming Http Requests to a function calls. Typically, a WebService has a root path (e.g. /users) and defines common MIME types for its routes. WebServices must be added to a container (see below) in order to handler Http requests from a server. A Route is defined by a HTTP method, an URL path and (optionally) the MIME types it consumes (Content-Type) and produces (Accept). This package has the logic to find the best matching Route and if found, call its Function. The (*Request, *Response) arguments provide functions for reading information from the request and writing information back to the response. See the example with a full implementation. A Route parameter can be specified using the format "uri/{var[:regexp]}" or the special version "uri/{var:*}" for matching the tail of the path. For example, /persons/{name:[A-Z][A-Z]} can be used to restrict values for the parameter "name" to only contain capital alphabetic characters. Regular expressions must use the standard Go syntax as described in the regexp package. ( This feature requires the use of a CurlyRouter. A Container holds a collection of WebServices, Filters and a http.ServeMux for multiplexing http requests. Using the statements "restful.Add(...) and restful.Filter(...)" will register WebServices and Filters to the Default Container. The Default container of go-restful uses the http.DefaultServeMux. You can create your own Container and create a new http.Server for that particular container. A filter dynamically intercepts requests and responses to transform or use the information contained in the requests or responses. You can use filters to perform generic logging, measurement, authentication, redirect, set response headers etc. In the restful package there are three hooks into the request,response flow where filters can be added. Each filter must define a FilterFunction: Use the following statement to pass the request,response pair to the next filter or RouteFunction These are processed before any registered WebService. These are processed before any Route of a WebService. These are processed before calling the function associated with the Route. See the example with full implementations. Two encodings are supported: gzip and deflate. To enable this for all responses: If a Http request includes the Accept-Encoding header then the response content will be compressed using the specified encoding. Alternatively, you can create a Filter that performs the encoding and install it per WebService or Route. See the example By installing a pre-defined container filter, your Webservice(s) can respond to the OPTIONS Http request. By installing the filter of a CrossOriginResourceSharing (CORS), your WebService(s) can handle CORS requests. Unexpected things happen. If a request cannot be processed because of a failure, your service needs to tell via the response what happened and why. For this reason HTTP status codes exist and it is important to use the correct code in every exceptional situation. If path or query parameters are not valid (content or type) then use http.StatusBadRequest. Despite a valid URI, the resource requested may not be available If the application logic could not process the request (or write the response) then use http.StatusInternalServerError. The request has a valid URL but the method (GET,PUT,POST,...) is not allowed. The request does not have or has an unknown Accept Header set for this operation. The request does not have or has an unknown Content-Type Header set for this operation. In addition to setting the correct (error) Http status code, you can choose to write a ServiceError message on the response. This package has several options that affect the performance of your service. It is important to understand them and how you can change it. The default router is the RouterJSR311 which is an implementation of its spec ( However, it uses regular expressions for all its routes which, depending on your usecase, may consume a significant amount of time. The CurlyRouter implementation is more lightweight that also allows you to use wildcards and expressions, but only if needed. DoNotRecover controls whether panics will be caught to return HTTP 500. If set to true, Route functions are responsible for handling any error situation. Default value is false; it will recover from panics. This has performance implications. SetCacheReadEntity controls whether the response data ([]byte) is cached such that ReadEntity is repeatable. If you expect to read large amounts of payload data, and you do not use this feature, you should set it to false. This package has the means to produce detail logging of the complete Http request matching process and filter invocation. Enabling this feature requires you to set a log.Logger instance such as: (c) 2012-2014, MIT License
Package restful , a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic. A WebService has a collection of Route objects that dispatch incoming Http Requests to a function calls. Typically, a WebService has a root path (e.g. /users) and defines common MIME types for its routes. WebServices must be added to a container (see below) in order to handler Http requests from a server. A Route is defined by a HTTP method, an URL path and (optionally) the MIME types it consumes (Content-Type) and produces (Accept). This package has the logic to find the best matching Route and if found, call its Function. The (*Request, *Response) arguments provide functions for reading information from the request and writing information back to the response. See the example with a full implementation. A Route parameter can be specified using the format "uri/{var[:regexp]}" or the special version "uri/{var:*}" for matching the tail of the path. For example, /persons/{name:[A-Z][A-Z]} can be used to restrict values for the parameter "name" to only contain capital alphabetic characters. Regular expressions must use the standard Go syntax as described in the regexp package. ( This feature requires the use of a CurlyRouter. A Container holds a collection of WebServices, Filters and a http.ServeMux for multiplexing http requests. Using the statements "restful.Add(...) and restful.Filter(...)" will register WebServices and Filters to the Default Container. The Default container of go-restful uses the http.DefaultServeMux. You can create your own Container and create a new http.Server for that particular container. A filter dynamically intercepts requests and responses to transform or use the information contained in the requests or responses. You can use filters to perform generic logging, measurement, authentication, redirect, set response headers etc. In the restful package there are three hooks into the request,response flow where filters can be added. Each filter must define a FilterFunction: Use the following statement to pass the request,response pair to the next filter or RouteFunction These are processed before any registered WebService. These are processed before any Route of a WebService. These are processed before calling the function associated with the Route. See the example with full implementations. Two encodings are supported: gzip and deflate. To enable this for all responses: If a Http request includes the Accept-Encoding header then the response content will be compressed using the specified encoding. Alternatively, you can create a Filter that performs the encoding and install it per WebService or Route. See the example By installing a pre-defined container filter, your Webservice(s) can respond to the OPTIONS Http request. By installing the filter of a CrossOriginResourceSharing (CORS), your WebService(s) can handle CORS requests. Unexpected things happen. If a request cannot be processed because of a failure, your service needs to tell via the response what happened and why. For this reason HTTP status codes exist and it is important to use the correct code in every exceptional situation. If path or query parameters are not valid (content or type) then use http.StatusBadRequest. Despite a valid URI, the resource requested may not be available If the application logic could not process the request (or write the response) then use http.StatusInternalServerError. The request has a valid URL but the method (GET,PUT,POST,...) is not allowed. The request does not have or has an unknown Accept Header set for this operation. The request does not have or has an unknown Content-Type Header set for this operation. In addition to setting the correct (error) Http status code, you can choose to write a ServiceError message on the response. This package has several options that affect the performance of your service. It is important to understand them and how you can change it. DoNotRecover controls whether panics will be caught to return HTTP 500. If set to false, the container will recover from panics. Default value is true If content encoding is enabled then the default strategy for getting new gzip/zlib writers and readers is to use a sync.Pool. Because writers are expensive structures, performance is even more improved when using a preloaded cache. You can also inject your own implementation. This package has the means to produce detail logging of the complete Http request matching process and filter invocation. Enabling this feature requires you to set an implementation of restful.StdLogger (e.g. log.Logger) instance such as: The restful.SetLogger() method allows you to override the logger used by the package. By default restful uses the standard library `log` package and logs to stdout. Different logging packages are supported as long as they conform to `StdLogger` interface defined in the `log` sub-package, writing an adapter for your preferred package is simple. (c) 2012-2015, MIT License
Package restful , a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic. A WebService has a collection of Route objects that dispatch incoming Http Requests to a function calls. Typically, a WebService has a root path (e.g. /users) and defines common MIME types for its routes. WebServices must be added to a container (see below) in order to handler Http requests from a server. A Route is defined by a HTTP method, an URL path and (optionally) the MIME types it consumes (Content-Type) and produces (Accept). This package has the logic to find the best matching Route and if found, call its Function. The (*Request, *Response) arguments provide functions for reading information from the request and writing information back to the response. See the example with a full implementation. A Route parameter can be specified using the format "uri/{var[:regexp]}" or the special version "uri/{var:*}" for matching the tail of the path. For example, /persons/{name:[A-Z][A-Z]} can be used to restrict values for the parameter "name" to only contain capital alphabetic characters. Regular expressions must use the standard Go syntax as described in the regexp package. ( This feature requires the use of a CurlyRouter. A Container holds a collection of WebServices, Filters and a http.ServeMux for multiplexing http requests. Using the statements "restful.Add(...) and restful.Filter(...)" will register WebServices and Filters to the Default Container. The Default container of go-restful uses the http.DefaultServeMux. You can create your own Container and create a new http.Server for that particular container. A filter dynamically intercepts requests and responses to transform or use the information contained in the requests or responses. You can use filters to perform generic logging, measurement, authentication, redirect, set response headers etc. In the restful package there are three hooks into the request,response flow where filters can be added. Each filter must define a FilterFunction: Use the following statement to pass the request,response pair to the next filter or RouteFunction These are processed before any registered WebService. These are processed before any Route of a WebService. These are processed before calling the function associated with the Route. See the example with full implementations. Two encodings are supported: gzip and deflate. To enable this for all responses: If a Http request includes the Accept-Encoding header then the response content will be compressed using the specified encoding. Alternatively, you can create a Filter that performs the encoding and install it per WebService or Route. See the example By installing a pre-defined container filter, your Webservice(s) can respond to the OPTIONS Http request. By installing the filter of a CrossOriginResourceSharing (CORS), your WebService(s) can handle CORS requests. Unexpected things happen. If a request cannot be processed because of a failure, your service needs to tell via the response what happened and why. For this reason HTTP status codes exist and it is important to use the correct code in every exceptional situation. If path or query parameters are not valid (content or type) then use http.StatusBadRequest. Despite a valid URI, the resource requested may not be available If the application logic could not process the request (or write the response) then use http.StatusInternalServerError. The request has a valid URL but the method (GET,PUT,POST,...) is not allowed. The request does not have or has an unknown Accept Header set for this operation. The request does not have or has an unknown Content-Type Header set for this operation. In addition to setting the correct (error) Http status code, you can choose to write a ServiceError message on the response. This package has several options that affect the performance of your service. It is important to understand them and how you can change it. DoNotRecover controls whether panics will be caught to return HTTP 500. If set to false, the container will recover from panics. Default value is true If content encoding is enabled then the default strategy for getting new gzip/zlib writers and readers is to use a sync.Pool. Because writers are expensive structures, performance is even more improved when using a preloaded cache. You can also inject your own implementation. This package has the means to produce detail logging of the complete Http request matching process and filter invocation. Enabling this feature requires you to set an implementation of restful.StdLogger (e.g. log.Logger) instance such as: The restful.SetLogger() method allows you to override the logger used by the package. By default restful uses the standard library `log` package and logs to stdout. Different logging packages are supported as long as they conform to `StdLogger` interface defined in the `log` sub-package, writing an adapter for your preferred package is simple. (c) 2012-2015, MIT License
Package restful , a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic. A WebService has a collection of Route objects that dispatch incoming Http Requests to a function calls. Typically, a WebService has a root path (e.g. /users) and defines common MIME types for its routes. WebServices must be added to a container (see below) in order to handler Http requests from a server. A Route is defined by a HTTP method, an URL path and (optionally) the MIME types it consumes (Content-Type) and produces (Accept). This package has the logic to find the best matching Route and if found, call its Function. The (*Request, *Response) arguments provide functions for reading information from the request and writing information back to the response. See the example with a full implementation. A Route parameter can be specified using the format "uri/{var[:regexp]}" or the special version "uri/{var:*}" for matching the tail of the path. For example, /persons/{name:[A-Z][A-Z]} can be used to restrict values for the parameter "name" to only contain capital alphabetic characters. Regular expressions must use the standard Go syntax as described in the regexp package. ( This feature requires the use of a CurlyRouter. A Container holds a collection of WebServices, Filters and a http.ServeMux for multiplexing http requests. Using the statements "restful.Add(...) and restful.Filter(...)" will register WebServices and Filters to the Default Container. The Default container of go-restful uses the http.DefaultServeMux. You can create your own Container and create a new http.Server for that particular container. A filter dynamically intercepts requests and responses to transform or use the information contained in the requests or responses. You can use filters to perform generic logging, measurement, authentication, redirect, set response headers etc. In the restful package there are three hooks into the request,response flow where filters can be added. Each filter must define a FilterFunction: Use the following statement to pass the request,response pair to the next filter or RouteFunction These are processed before any registered WebService. These are processed before any Route of a WebService. These are processed before calling the function associated with the Route. See the example with full implementations. Two encodings are supported: gzip and deflate. To enable this for all responses: If a Http request includes the Accept-Encoding header then the response content will be compressed using the specified encoding. Alternatively, you can create a Filter that performs the encoding and install it per WebService or Route. See the example By installing a pre-defined container filter, your Webservice(s) can respond to the OPTIONS Http request. By installing the filter of a CrossOriginResourceSharing (CORS), your WebService(s) can handle CORS requests. Unexpected things happen. If a request cannot be processed because of a failure, your service needs to tell via the response what happened and why. For this reason HTTP status codes exist and it is important to use the correct code in every exceptional situation. If path or query parameters are not valid (content or type) then use http.StatusBadRequest. Despite a valid URI, the resource requested may not be available If the application logic could not process the request (or write the response) then use http.StatusInternalServerError. The request has a valid URL but the method (GET,PUT,POST,...) is not allowed. The request does not have or has an unknown Accept Header set for this operation. The request does not have or has an unknown Content-Type Header set for this operation. In addition to setting the correct (error) Http status code, you can choose to write a ServiceError message on the response. This package has several options that affect the performance of your service. It is important to understand them and how you can change it. DoNotRecover controls whether panics will be caught to return HTTP 500. If set to false, the container will recover from panics. Default value is true If content encoding is enabled then the default strategy for getting new gzip/zlib writers and readers is to use a sync.Pool. Because writers are expensive structures, performance is even more improved when using a preloaded cache. You can also inject your own implementation. This package has the means to produce detail logging of the complete Http request matching process and filter invocation. Enabling this feature requires you to set an implementation of restful.StdLogger (e.g. log.Logger) instance such as: The restful.SetLogger() method allows you to override the logger used by the package. By default restful uses the standard library `log` package and logs to stdout. Different logging packages are supported as long as they conform to `StdLogger` interface defined in the `log` sub-package, writing an adapter for your preferred package is simple. (c) 2012-2015, MIT License
Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes. It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it manually: Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned. Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the timeouts, though patches are welcome. Currently all ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control. This works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports. You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from different goroutines). Example usage:
Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes. It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it manually: Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned. Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the timeouts, though patches are welcome. Currently all ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control. This works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports. You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from different goroutines). Example usage:
Goserial is a simple go package to allow you to read and write from the serial port as a stream of bytes. It aims to have the same API on all platforms, including windows. As an added bonus, the windows package does not use cgo, so you can cross compile for windows from another platform. Unfortunately goinstall does not currently let you cross compile so you will have to do it manually: Currently there is very little in the way of configurability. You can set the baud rate. Then you can Read(), Write(), or Close() the connection. Read() will block until at least one byte is returned. Write is the same. There is currently no exposed way to set the timeouts, though patches are welcome. Currently all ports are opened with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no hardware flow control, and no software flow control. This works fine for many real devices and many faux serial devices including usb-to-serial converters and bluetooth serial ports. You may Read() and Write() simulantiously on the same connection (from different goroutines). Example usage:
Package rtcp implements encoding and decoding of RTCP packets according to RFCs 3550 and 5506. RTCP is a sister protocol of the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). Its basic functionality and packet structure is defined in RFC 3550. RTCP provides out-of-band statistics and control information for an RTP session. It partners with RTP in the delivery and packaging of multimedia data, but does not transport any media data itself. The primary function of RTCP is to provide feedback on the quality of service (QoS) in media distribution by periodically sending statistics information such as transmitted octet and packet counts, packet loss, packet delay variation, and round-trip delay time to participants in a streaming multimedia session. An application may use this information to control quality of service parameters, perhaps by limiting flow, or using a different codec. Decoding RTCP packets: Encoding RTCP packets:
Package floc allows to orchestrate goroutines with ease. The goal of the project is to make the process of running goroutines in parallel and synchronizing them easy. Floc follows for objectives: -- Split the overall work into the number of small jobs. Floc cannot force you to do that but doing that grants many advantages starting from simpler testing and up to better control on execution. -- Make end algorithms more clear and simpler by expressing them through the combination of jobs. In short terms floc allows to express job through jobs. -- Provide better control over execution with one entry point and one exit point. That is achieved by allowing any job finish execution with Cancel or Complete. -- Simple parallelism and synchronization of jobs. -- As little overhead, in comparison to direct use of goroutines and sync primitives, as possible. The package categorizes middleware used for flow building in subpackages. -- `guard` contains middleware which help protect flow from falling into panic or unpredicted behavior. -- `pred` contains some basic predicates for AND, OR, NOT logics. -- `run` provides middleware for designing flow, i.e. for running job sequentially, in parallel, in background and so on. Here is a quick example of what the package capable of.
Package floc allows to orchestrate goroutines with ease. The goal of the project is to make the process of running goroutines in parallel and synchronizing them easy. Floc follows for objectives: -- Easy to use functional interface. -- Better control over execution with one entry point and one exit point. -- Simple parallelism and synchronization of jobs. -- As little overhead, in comparison to direct use of goroutines and sync primitives, as possible. The package categorizes middleware used for architect flows in subpackages. -- `guard` contains middleware which help protect flow from falling into panic or unpredicted behavior. -- `pred` contains some basic predicates for AND, OR, NOT logic. -- `run` provides middleware for designing flow, i.e. for running job sequentially, in parallel, in background and so on. Here is a quick example of what the package capable of.
Package tello provides an unofficial, easy-to-use, standalone API for the Ryze Tello® drone. Tello is a registered trademark of Ryze Tech. The author(s) of this package is/are in no way affiliated with Ryze, DJI, or Intel. The package has been developed by gathering together information from a variety of sources on the Internet (especially the generous contributors at, and by examining data packets sent to/from the Tello. The package will probably be extended as more knowledge of the drone's protocol is obtained. Use this package at your own risk. The author(s) is/are in no way responsible for any damage caused either to or by the drone when using this software. The following features have been implemented... An example application using this package is available at This documentation should be consulted alongside The drone provides two types of connection: a 'control' connection which handles all commands to and from the drone including flight, status and (still) pictures, and a 'video' connection which provides an H.264 video stream from the forward-facing camera. You must establish a control connection to use the drone, but the video connection is optional and cannot be started unless a control connection is running. Funcs vs. Channels Certain functionality is made available in two forms: single-shot function calls and streaming (channel) data flows. Eg. GetFlightData() vs. StreamFlightData(), and UpdateSticks() vs. StartStickListener(). Use whichever paradigm you prefer, but be aware that the channel-based calls should return immediately (the channels are buffered) whereas the function-based options could conceivably cause your application to pause very briefly if the Tello is very busy. (In practice, the author has not found this to be an issue.)
Package webpackager implements the control flow of Web Packager. The code below illustrates the usage of this package: Config allows you to change some behaviors of the Packager. packager.Run(url) retrieves an HTTP response using FetchClient, processes it using Processor, and turns it into a signed exchange using ExchangeFactory. Processor inspects the HTTP response to see the eligibility for signed exchanges and manipulates it to optimize the page loading. The generated signed exchanges are stored in ResourceCache to prevent duplicates. The code above sets just two parameters, ExchangeFactory and ResourceCache, and uses the defaults for other parameters. With this setup, the packager retrieves the content just through HTTP, applies the recommended set of optimizations, generates signed exchanges compliant with the version b3, and saves them in files named like "index.html.sxg" under "/tmp/sxg". Config has a few more parameters. See its definition for the details. You can also pass your own implementations to Config to inject custom logic into the packaging flow. You could write, for example, a custom FetchClient to retrieve the content from a database table instead of web servers, a custom Processor or HTMLTask to apply your optimization techniques, a ResourceCache to store the produced signed exchanges into another database table in addition to a local drive, and so on. The cmd/webpackager package provides a command line interface to execute the packaging flow without writing the driver code on your own.
Package floc allows to orchestrate goroutines with ease. The goal of the project is to make the process of running goroutines in parallel and synchronizing them easy. Floc follows for objectives: -- Easy to use functional interface. -- Better control over execution with one entry point and one exit point. -- Simple parallelism and synchronization of jobs. -- As little overhead, in comparison to direct use of goroutines and sync primitives, as possible. The package categorizes middleware used for architect flows in subpackages. -- `guard` contains middleware which help protect flow from falling into panic or unpredicted behavior. -- `pred` contains some basic predicates for AND, OR, NOT logic. -- `run` provides middleware for designing flow, i.e. for running job sequentially, in parallel, in background and so on. -- `errors` all error types used in the package. Here is a quick example of what the package capable of.
Package sypl provides a Simple Yet Powerful Logger built on top of the Golang logger. A sypl logger can have many `Output`s, and each `Output` is responsible for writing to a specified destination. Each Output can have multiple `Processor`s, which run in isolation manipulating the log message. The order of execution is according to the registering order. The above features allow sypl to fit into many different logging flows and needs. In a application with many loggers, and child loggers, sometimes more fine control is needed, specially when debugging applications. Sypl offers two powerful ways to achieve that: `SYPL_FILTER`, and `SYPL_DEBUG` env vars. `SYPL_FILTER` allows to specify the name(s) of the component(s) that should be logged, for example, for a given application with the following loggers: `svc`, `pv`, and `cm`, if a developer wants only to see `svc`, and `pv` logging, it's achieved just setting `SYPL_FILTER="svc,pv"`. `SYPL_DEBUG` allows to specify the max level, for example, for a given application with the following loggers: `svc`, `pv`, and `cm`, if a developer sets: The possibilities are endless! Checkout the [`debugAndFilter`](example_test.go) for more.
Package iolang implements a version of the Io programming language. Io is a dynamic, prototype-based language inspired by Smalltalk (everything is an object), Self (prototypes - *everything* is an object), Lisp (even the program code is made up of objects), NewtonScript (differential inheritance), Act1 (concurrency via actors and futures), and Lua (small and embeddable implementations). It was originally developed in C by Steve Dekorte. Currently, this implementation is focusing primarily on becoming a fully fledged interpreter. A read-eval-print loop exists, primarily for integration testing. There is no file interpreter, so written Io programs are not yet executable. The interpreter can easily be embedded in another program. To start, use the NewVM function to create and initialize the interpreter. The VM object has a number of fields that then can be used to make objects available to Io code, especially the Lobby and Addons objects. Use the VM's NewNumber, NewString, or any other object creation methods to create the object, then use SetSlot to set those objects' slots to them. Hello World in Io: Io code executes via message passing. For example, the above snippet compiles to two messages: Upon evaluation, the first message, being a literal, immediately becomes that string value. Then, the println message is sent to it, activating the slot on the string object named "println", which is a method that writes the object to standard output. Messages can also be provided with arguments, which are simply additional messages to provide more information with the message, in parentheses. We could add arguments to our program: But the program executes the same way, because neither string literals nor (the default) println use their arguments. When an object receives a message, it checks for a slot on the object with the same name as the message text. If the object has such a slot, then it is activated and produces a value. Slots can be added to objects using the := assignment operator; executing creates a slot on Object named x with the value 1. Certain objects have special behavior when activated. Methods are encapsulated messages that, when activated, send that message to the object which received the message that activated the method. The println method above is an example: it is defined (roughly) as In the Hello World example, this method is activated with the "Hello, world!" string as its receiver, so it executes in the context of the string, meaning that slot lookups are performed on the string, and the "self" slot within the method refers to the string. Methods have their own locals, so new slots created within them exist only inside the method body. They can also be defined to take arguments; for example, if the println method were instead defined as then we would pass the object to print as an argument instead of printing the receiver. If an object does not own a slot with the same name as a message passed to it, the object will instead check for that slot in its prototypes. Objects can have any number of protos, and the search proceeds in depth-first order without duplicates. If the slot is found in one of the protos, then it is activated, but still with the original object as the receiver. This implements an inheritance-like concept, but with "superclasses" being themselves objects. (If there isn't any proto with the slot, then the message is sent to the object's "forward" slot, and if that slot doesn't exist, either, an exception is raised.) Producing "subclasses" is done using the clone method. A clone of an object is a new object having empty slots and that object as its only prototype. If we say "y := x clone", then y will respond to the same messages as x via delegation; new slots can be created which will be activated in place of the proto's, providing polymorphism. The typical pattern to implement a new "type" is to say: do is an Object method which evaluates code in the context of its receiver. "Instances" of the new "class" can then be created by saying: Now instance is an object which responds to NewType's x, z, and someMethod slots, as well as all Object slots. Notice that clone is the method used both to create a new type and an instance of that type - this is prototype-based programming. An important aspect of Io lacking syntax beyond messages is that control flow is implemented as Object methods. "Object if" is a method taking one to three arguments: All three of these forms are essentially equivalent. if evaluates the condition, then if it is true (controlled by the result's asBoolean slot), it evaluates the second, otherwise it evaluates the third. If the branch to evaluate doesn't exist, if instead returns the boolean to enable the other forms, as well as to support the elseif method. Note that because message arguments are themselves messages, the wrong branches are never evaluated, so their side effects don't happen. There are also loops, including but not limited to: Each loop, being a method, produces a value, which is by default the last value encountered during evaluation of the loop. Object methods continue, break, and return also do what their equivalents in most other programming languages do, except that continue and break can be supplied an argument to change the loop result. For a more in-depth introduction to Io, check out the official guide and reference at as well as the original implementation's GitHub repository at for code samples.
Package iris provides a beautifully expressive and easy to use foundation for your next website, API, or distributed app. Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub: 8.5.9 Final The only requirement is the Go Programming Language, at least version 1.8 but 1.9 is highly recommended. Iris takes advantage of the vendor directory feature wisely: You get truly reproducible builds, as this method guards against upstream renames and deletes. A simple copy-paste and `go get ./...` to resolve two dependencies: and the will work for ever even for older versions, the newest version can be retrieved by `go get` but this file contains documentation for an older version of Iris. Follow the instructions below: 1. install the Go Programming Language: 2. clear yours previously `$GOPATH/src/` folder or create new 3. download the Iris v8.5.9 (final): 4. extract the contents of the `iris-v8` folder that's inside the downloaded zip file to your `$GOPATH/src/` 5. navigate to your `$GOPATH/src/` folder if you're not already there and open a terminal/command prompt, execute the command: `go get ./...` and you're ready to GO:) Example code: You can start the server(s) listening to any type of `net.Listener` or even `http.Server` instance. The method for initialization of the server should be passed at the end, via `Run` function. Below you'll see some useful examples: UNIX and BSD hosts can take advandage of the reuse port feature. Example code: That's all with listening, you have the full control when you need it. Let's continue by learning how to catch CONTROL+C/COMMAND+C or unix kill command and shutdown the server gracefully. In order to manually manage what to do when app is interrupted, we have to disable the default behavior with the option `WithoutInterruptHandler` and register a new interrupt handler (globally, across all possible hosts). Example code: Access to all hosts that serve your application can be provided by the `Application#Hosts` field, after the `Run` method. But the most common scenario is that you may need access to the host before the `Run` method, there are two ways of gain access to the host supervisor, read below. First way is to use the `app.NewHost` to create a new host and use one of its `Serve` or `Listen` functions to start the application via the `iris#Raw` Runner. Note that this way needs an extra import of the `net/http` package. Example Code: Second, and probably easier way is to use the `host.Configurator`. Note that this method requires an extra import statement of "" when using go < 1.9, if you're targeting on go1.9 then you can use the `iris#Supervisor` and omit the extra host import. All common `Runners` we saw earlier (`iris#Addr, iris#Listener, iris#Server, iris#TLS, iris#AutoTLS`) accept a variadic argument of `host.Configurator`, there are just `func(*host.Supervisor)`. Therefore the `Application` gives you the rights to modify the auto-created host supervisor through these. Example Code: Read more about listening and gracefully shutdown by navigating to: All HTTP methods are supported, developers can also register handlers for same paths for different methods. The first parameter is the HTTP Method, second parameter is the request path of the route, third variadic parameter should contains one or more iris.Handler executed by the registered order when a user requests for that specific resouce path from the server. Example code: In order to make things easier for the user, iris provides functions for all HTTP Methods. The first parameter is the request path of the route, second variadic parameter should contains one or more iris.Handler executed by the registered order when a user requests for that specific resouce path from the server. Example code: A set of routes that are being groupped by path prefix can (optionally) share the same middleware handlers and template layout. A group can have a nested group too. `.Party` is being used to group routes, developers can declare an unlimited number of (nested) groups. Example code: iris developers are able to register their own handlers for http statuses like 404 not found, 500 internal server error and so on. Example code: With the help of iris's expressionist router you can build any form of API you desire, with safety. Example code: Iris has first-class support for the MVC pattern, you'll not find these stuff anywhere else in the Go world. Example Code: Iris web framework supports Request data, Models, Persistence Data and Binding with the fastest possible execution. Characteristics: All HTTP Methods are supported, for example if want to serve `GET` then the controller should have a function named `Get()`, you can define more than one method function to serve in the same Controller struct. Persistence data inside your Controller struct (share data between requests) via `iris:"persistence"` tag right to the field or Bind using `app.Controller("/" , new(myController), theBindValue)`. Models inside your Controller struct (set-ed at the Method function and rendered by the View) via `iris:"model"` tag right to the field, i.e User UserModel `iris:"model" name:"user"` view will recognise it as `{{.user}}`. If `name` tag is missing then it takes the field's name, in this case the `"User"`. Access to the request path and its parameters via the `Path and Params` fields. Access to the template file that should be rendered via the `Tmpl` field. Access to the template data that should be rendered inside the template file via `Data` field. Access to the template layout via the `Layout` field. Access to the low-level `iris.Context` via the `Ctx` field. Get the relative request path by using the controller's name via `RelPath()`. Get the relative template path directory by using the controller's name via `RelTmpl()`. Flow as you used to, `Controllers` can be registered to any `Party`, including Subdomains, the Party's begin and done handlers work as expected. Optional `BeginRequest(ctx)` function to perform any initialization before the method execution, useful to call middlewares or when many methods use the same collection of data. Optional `EndRequest(ctx)` function to perform any finalization after any method executed. Inheritance, recursively, see for example our `mvc.SessionController/iris.SessionController`, it has the `mvc.Controller/iris.Controller` as an embedded field and it adds its logic to its `BeginRequest`. Source file: Read access to the current route via the `Route` field. Support for more than one input arguments (map to dynamic request path parameters). Register one or more relative paths and able to get path parameters, i.e Response via output arguments, optionally, i.e Where `any` means everything, from custom structs to standard language's types-. `Result` is an interface which contains only that function: Dispatch(ctx iris.Context) and Get where HTTP Method function(Post, Put, Delete...). Iris has a very powerful and blazing fast MVC support, you can return any value of any type from a method function and it will be sent to the client as expected. * if `string` then it's the body. * if `string` is the second output argument then it's the content type. * if `int` then it's the status code. * if `bool` is false then it throws 404 not found http error by skipping everything else. * if `error` and not nil then (any type) response will be omitted and error's text with a 400 bad request will be rendered instead. * if `(int, error)` and error is not nil then the response result will be the error's text with the status code as `int`. * if `custom struct` or `interface{}` or `slice` or `map` then it will be rendered as json, unless a `string` content type is following. * if `mvc.Result` then it executes its `Dispatch` function, so good design patters can be used to split the model's logic where needed. The example below is not intended to be used in production but it's a good showcase of some of the return types we saw before; Another good example with a typical folder structure, that many developers are used to work, can be found at: By creating components that are independent of one another, developers are able to reuse components quickly and easily in other applications. The same (or similar) view for one application can be refactored for another application with different data because the view is simply handling how the data is being displayed to the user. If you're new to back-end web development read about the MVC architectural pattern first, a good start is that wikipedia article: Follow the examples at: At the previous example, we've seen static routes, group of routes, subdomains, wildcard subdomains, a small example of parameterized path with a single known parameter and custom http errors, now it's time to see wildcard parameters and macros. iris, like net/http std package registers route's handlers by a Handler, the iris' type of handler is just a func(ctx iris.Context) where context comes from Iris has the easiest and the most powerful routing process you have ever meet. At the same time, iris has its own interpeter(yes like a programming language) for route's path syntax and their dynamic path parameters parsing and evaluation, We call them "macros" for shortcut. How? It calculates its needs and if not any special regexp needed then it just registers the route with the low-level path syntax, otherwise it pre-compiles the regexp and adds the necessary middleware(s). Standard macro types for parameters: if type is missing then parameter's type is defaulted to string, so {param} == {param:string}. If a function not found on that type then the "string"'s types functions are being used. i.e: Besides the fact that iris provides the basic types and some default "macro funcs" you are able to register your own too!. Register a named path parameter function: at the func(argument ...) you can have any standard type, it will be validated before the server starts so don't care about performance here, the only thing it runs at serve time is the returning func(paramValue string) bool. Example Code: A path parameter name should contain only alphabetical letters, symbols, containing '_' and numbers are NOT allowed. If route failed to be registered, the app will panic without any warnings if you didn't catch the second return value(error) on .Handle/.Get.... Last, do not confuse ctx.Values() with ctx.Params(). Path parameter's values goes to ctx.Params() and context's local storage that can be used to communicate between handlers and middleware(s) goes to ctx.Values(), path parameters and the rest of any custom values are separated for your own good. Run Static Files Example code: More examples can be found here: Middleware is just a concept of ordered chain of handlers. Middleware can be registered globally, per-party, per-subdomain and per-route. Example code: iris is able to wrap and convert any external, third-party Handler you used to use to your web application. Let's convert the net/http external middleware which returns a `next form` handler. Example code: Iris supports 5 template engines out-of-the-box, developers can still use any external golang template engine, as `context/context#ResponseWriter()` is an `io.Writer`. All of these five template engines have common features with common API, like Layout, Template Funcs, Party-specific layout, partial rendering and more. Example code: View engine supports bundled( template files too. go-bindata gives you two functions, asset and assetNames, these can be setted to each of the template engines using the `.Binary` func. Example code: A real example can be found here: Enable auto-reloading of templates on each request. Useful while developers are in dev mode as they no neeed to restart their app on every template edit. Example code: Note: In case you're wondering, the code behind the view engines derives from the "" package, access to the engines' variables can be granded by "" package too. Each one of these template engines has different options located here: . This example will show how to store and access data from a session. You don’t need any third-party library, but If you want you can use any session manager compatible or not. In this example we will only allow authenticated users to view our secret message on the /secret page. To get access to it, the will first have to visit /login to get a valid session cookie, which logs him in. Additionally he can visit /logout to revoke his access to our secret message. Example code: Running the example: Sessions persistence can be achieved using one (or more) `sessiondb`. Example Code: More examples: In this example we will create a small chat between web sockets via browser. Example Server Code: Example Client(javascript) Code: Running the example: But you should have a basic idea of the framework by now, we just scratched the surface. If you enjoy what you just saw and want to learn more, please follow the below links: Examples: Middleware: Home Page:
Package iris provides a beautifully expressive and easy to use foundation for your next website, API, or distributed app. Source code and other details for the project are available at GitHub: 11.1.1 The only requirement is the Go Programming Language, at least version 1.8 but 1.11.1 and above is highly recommended. Example code: You can start the server(s) listening to any type of `net.Listener` or even `http.Server` instance. The method for initialization of the server should be passed at the end, via `Run` function. Below you'll see some useful examples: UNIX and BSD hosts can take advantage of the reuse port feature. Example code: That's all with listening, you have the full control when you need it. Let's continue by learning how to catch CONTROL+C/COMMAND+C or unix kill command and shutdown the server gracefully. In order to manually manage what to do when app is interrupted, we have to disable the default behavior with the option `WithoutInterruptHandler` and register a new interrupt handler (globally, across all possible hosts). Example code: Access to all hosts that serve your application can be provided by the `Application#Hosts` field, after the `Run` method. But the most common scenario is that you may need access to the host before the `Run` method, there are two ways of gain access to the host supervisor, read below. First way is to use the `app.NewHost` to create a new host and use one of its `Serve` or `Listen` functions to start the application via the `iris#Raw` Runner. Note that this way needs an extra import of the `net/http` package. Example Code: Second, and probably easier way is to use the `host.Configurator`. Note that this method requires an extra import statement of "" when using go < 1.9, if you're targeting on go1.9 then you can use the `iris#Supervisor` and omit the extra host import. All common `Runners` we saw earlier (`iris#Addr, iris#Listener, iris#Server, iris#TLS, iris#AutoTLS`) accept a variadic argument of `host.Configurator`, there are just `func(*host.Supervisor)`. Therefore the `Application` gives you the rights to modify the auto-created host supervisor through these. Example Code: Read more about listening and gracefully shutdown by navigating to: All HTTP methods are supported, developers can also register handlers for same paths for different methods. The first parameter is the HTTP Method, second parameter is the request path of the route, third variadic parameter should contains one or more iris.Handler executed by the registered order when a user requests for that specific resouce path from the server. Example code: In order to make things easier for the user, iris provides functions for all HTTP Methods. The first parameter is the request path of the route, second variadic parameter should contains one or more iris.Handler executed by the registered order when a user requests for that specific resouce path from the server. Example code: A set of routes that are being groupped by path prefix can (optionally) share the same middleware handlers and template layout. A group can have a nested group too. `.Party` is being used to group routes, developers can declare an unlimited number of (nested) groups. Example code: iris developers are able to register their own handlers for http statuses like 404 not found, 500 internal server error and so on. Example code: With the help of iris's expressionist router you can build any form of API you desire, with safety. Example code: At the previous example, we've seen static routes, group of routes, subdomains, wildcard subdomains, a small example of parameterized path with a single known parameter and custom http errors, now it's time to see wildcard parameters and macros. iris, like net/http std package registers route's handlers by a Handler, the iris' type of handler is just a func(ctx iris.Context) where context comes from Iris has the easiest and the most powerful routing process you have ever meet. At the same time, iris has its own interpeter(yes like a programming language) for route's path syntax and their dynamic path parameters parsing and evaluation, We call them "macros" for shortcut. How? It calculates its needs and if not any special regexp needed then it just registers the route with the low-level path syntax, otherwise it pre-compiles the regexp and adds the necessary middleware(s). Standard macro types for parameters: if type is missing then parameter's type is defaulted to string, so {param} == {param:string}. If a function not found on that type then the "string"'s types functions are being used. i.e: Besides the fact that iris provides the basic types and some default "macro funcs" you are able to register your own too!. Register a named path parameter function: at the func(argument ...) you can have any standard type, it will be validated before the server starts so don't care about performance here, the only thing it runs at serve time is the returning func(paramValue string) bool. Example Code: Last, do not confuse ctx.Values() with ctx.Params(). Path parameter's values goes to ctx.Params() and context's local storage that can be used to communicate between handlers and middleware(s) goes to ctx.Values(), path parameters and the rest of any custom values are separated for your own good. Run Static Files Example code: More examples can be found here: Middleware is just a concept of ordered chain of handlers. Middleware can be registered globally, per-party, per-subdomain and per-route. Example code: iris is able to wrap and convert any external, third-party Handler you used to use to your web application. Let's convert the net/http external middleware which returns a `next form` handler. Example code: Iris supports 5 template engines out-of-the-box, developers can still use any external golang template engine, as `context/context#ResponseWriter()` is an `io.Writer`. All of these five template engines have common features with common API, like Layout, Template Funcs, Party-specific layout, partial rendering and more. Example code: View engine supports bundled( template files too. go-bindata gives you two functions, asset and assetNames, these can be setted to each of the template engines using the `.Binary` func. Example code: A real example can be found here: Enable auto-reloading of templates on each request. Useful while developers are in dev mode as they no neeed to restart their app on every template edit. Example code: Note: In case you're wondering, the code behind the view engines derives from the "" package, access to the engines' variables can be granded by "" package too. Each one of these template engines has different options located here: . This example will show how to store and access data from a session. You don’t need any third-party library, but If you want you can use any session manager compatible or not. In this example we will only allow authenticated users to view our secret message on the /secret page. To get access to it, the will first have to visit /login to get a valid session cookie, which logs him in. Additionally he can visit /logout to revoke his access to our secret message. Example code: Running the example: Sessions persistence can be achieved using one (or more) `sessiondb`. Example Code: More examples: In this example we will create a small chat between web sockets via browser. Example Server Code: Example Client(javascript) Code: Running the example: Iris has first-class support for the MVC pattern, you'll not find these stuff anywhere else in the Go world. Example Code: // GetUserBy serves // Method: GET // Resource: http://localhost:8080/user/{username:string} // By is a reserved "keyword" to tell the framework that you're going to // bind path parameters in the function's input arguments, and it also // helps to have "Get" and "GetBy" in the same controller. // // func (c *ExampleController) GetUserBy(username string) mvc.Result { // return mvc.View{ // Name: "user/username.html", // Data: username, // } // } Can use more than one, the factory will make sure that the correct http methods are being registered for each route for this controller, uncomment these if you want: Iris web framework supports Request data, Models, Persistence Data and Binding with the fastest possible execution. Characteristics: All HTTP Methods are supported, for example if want to serve `GET` then the controller should have a function named `Get()`, you can define more than one method function to serve in the same Controller. Register custom controller's struct's methods as handlers with custom paths(even with regex parametermized path) via the `BeforeActivation` custom event callback, per-controller. Example: Persistence data inside your Controller struct (share data between requests) by defining services to the Dependencies or have a `Singleton` controller scope. Share the dependencies between controllers or register them on a parent MVC Application, and ability to modify dependencies per-controller on the `BeforeActivation` optional event callback inside a Controller, i.e Access to the `Context` as a controller's field(no manual binding is neede) i.e `Ctx iris.Context` or via a method's input argument, i.e Models inside your Controller struct (set-ed at the Method function and rendered by the View). You can return models from a controller's method or set a field in the request lifecycle and return that field to another method, in the same request lifecycle. Flow as you used to, mvc application has its own `Router` which is a type of `iris/router.Party`, the standard iris api. `Controllers` can be registered to any `Party`, including Subdomains, the Party's begin and done handlers work as expected. Optional `BeginRequest(ctx)` function to perform any initialization before the method execution, useful to call middlewares or when many methods use the same collection of data. Optional `EndRequest(ctx)` function to perform any finalization after any method executed. Session dynamic dependency via manager's `Start` to the MVC Application, i.e Inheritance, recursively. Access to the dynamic path parameters via the controller's methods' input arguments, no binding is needed. When you use the Iris' default syntax to parse handlers from a controller, you need to suffix the methods with the `By` word, uppercase is a new sub path. Example: Register one or more relative paths and able to get path parameters, i.e Response via output arguments, optionally, i.e Where `any` means everything, from custom structs to standard language's types-. `Result` is an interface which contains only that function: Dispatch(ctx iris.Context) and Get where HTTP Method function(Post, Put, Delete...). Iris has a very powerful and blazing fast MVC support, you can return any value of any type from a method function and it will be sent to the client as expected. * if `string` then it's the body. * if `string` is the second output argument then it's the content type. * if `int` then it's the status code. * if `bool` is false then it throws 404 not found http error by skipping everything else. * if `error` and not nil then (any type) response will be omitted and error's text with a 400 bad request will be rendered instead. * if `(int, error)` and error is not nil then the response result will be the error's text with the status code as `int`. * if `custom struct` or `interface{}` or `slice` or `map` then it will be rendered as json, unless a `string` content type is following. * if `mvc.Result` then it executes its `Dispatch` function, so good design patters can be used to split the model's logic where needed. Examples with good patterns to follow but not intend to be used in production of course can be found at: By creating components that are independent of one another, developers are able to reuse components quickly and easily in other applications. The same (or similar) view for one application can be refactored for another application with different data because the view is simply handling how the data is being displayed to the user. If you're new to back-end web development read about the MVC architectural pattern first, a good start is that wikipedia article: But you should have a basic idea of the framework by now, we just scratched the surface. If you enjoy what you just saw and want to learn more, please follow the below links: Examples: Middleware: Home Page: Book (in-progress):
Package hunch provides functions like: `All`, `First`, `Retry`, `Waterfall` etc., that makes asynchronous flow control more intuitive.
Extensible Go library for creating fast, SSR-first frontend avoiding vanilla templating downsides. Creating asynchronous and dynamic layout parts is a complex problem for larger projects using `html/template`. Library tries to simplify this process. Let's go straight into a simple example. Then, we will dig into details, step by step, how it works. Kyoto provides a simple net/http handlers and function wrappers to handle pages rendering and serving. See functions inside of nethttp.go file for details and advanced usage. Example: Kyoto provides a way to define components. It's a very common approach for modern libraries to manage frontend parts. In kyoto each component is a context receiver, which returns it's state. Each component becomes a part of the page or top-level component, which executes component asynchronously and gets a state future object. In that way your components are executing in a non-blocking way. Pages are just top-level components, where you can configure rendering and page related stuff. Example: As an option, you can wrap component with another function to accept additional paramenters from top-level page/component. Example: Kyoto provides a context, which holds common objects like http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, etc. See kyoto.Context for details. Example: Kyoto provides a set of parameters and functions to provide a comfortable template building process. You can configure template building parameters with kyoto.TemplateConf configuration. See template.go for available functions and kyoto.TemplateConfiguration for configuration details. Example: Kyoto provides a way to simplify building dynamic UIs. For this purpose it has a feature named actions. Logic is pretty simple. Client calls an action (sends a request to the server). Action is executing on server side and server is sending updated component markup to the client which will be morphed into DOM. That's it. To use actions, you need to go through a few steps. You'll need to include a client into page (JS functions for communication) and register an actions handler for a needed component. Let's start from including a client. Then, let's register an actions handler for a needed component. That's all! Now we ready to use actions to provide a dynamic UI. Example: In this example you can see provided modifications to the quick start example. First, we've added a state and name into our components' markup. In this way we are saving our components' state between actions and find a component root. Unfortunately, we have to manually provide a component name for now, we haven't found a way to provide it dynamically. Second, we've added a reload button with onclick function call. We're using a function Action provided by a client. Action triggering will be described in details later. Third, we've added an action handler inside of our component. This handler will be executed when a client calls an action with a corresponding name. It's highly recommended to keep components' state as small as possible. It will be transmitted on each action call. Kyoto have multiple ways to trigger actions. Now we will check them one by one. This is the simplest way to trigger an action. It's just a function call with a referer (usually 'this', f.e. button) as a first argument (used to determine root), action name as a second argument and arguments as a rest. Arguments must to be JSON serializable. It's possible to trigger an action of another component. If you want to call an action of parent component, use $ prefix in action name. If you want to call an action of component by id, use <id:action> as an action name. This is a specific action which is triggered when a form is submitted. Usually called in onsubmit="..." attribute of a form. You'll need to implement 'Submit' action to handle this trigger. This is a special HTML attribute which will trigger an action on page load. This may be useful for components' lazy loading. With this special HTML attributes you can trigger an action with interval. Useful for components that must to be updated over time (f.e. charts, stats, etc). You can use this trigger with ssa:poll and ssa:poll.interval HTML attributes. This one attribute allows you to trigger an action when an element is visible on the screen. May be useful for lazy loading. Kyoto provides a way to control action flow. For now, it's possible to control display style on component call and push multiple UI updates to the client during a single action. Because kyoto makes a roundtrip to the server every time an action is triggered on the page, there are cases where the page may not react immediately to a user event (like a click). That's why the library provides a way to easily control display attributes on action call. You can use this HTML attribute to control display during action call. At the end of an action the layout will be restored. A small note. Don't forget to set a default display for loading elements like spinners and loaders. You can push multiple component UI updates during a single action call. Just call kyoto.ActionFlush(ctx, state) to initiate an update. Kyoto provides a way to control action rendering. Now there is at least 2 rendering options after an action call: morph (default) and replace. Morph will try to morph received markup to the current one with morphdom library. In case of an error, or explicit "replace" mode, markup will be replaced with x.outerHTML = '...'.