Package dns implements a full featured interface to the Domain Name System. Both server- and client-side programming is supported. The package allows complete control over what is sent out to the DNS. The API follows the less-is-more principle, by presenting a small, clean interface. It supports (asynchronous) querying/replying, incoming/outgoing zone transfers, TSIG, EDNS0, dynamic updates, notifies and DNSSEC validation/signing. Note that domain names MUST be fully qualified before sending them, unqualified names in a message will result in a packing failure. Resource records are native types. They are not stored in wire format. Basic usage pattern for creating a new resource record: Or directly from a string: Or when the default origin (.) and TTL (3600) and class (IN) suit you: Or even: In the DNS messages are exchanged, these messages contain resource records (sets). Use pattern for creating a message: Or when not certain if the domain name is fully qualified: The message m is now a message with the question section set to ask the MX records for the zone. The following is slightly more verbose, but more flexible: After creating a message it can be sent. Basic use pattern for synchronous querying the DNS at a server configured on and port 53: Suppressing multiple outstanding queries (with the same question, type and class) is as easy as setting: More advanced options are available using a net.Dialer and the corresponding API. For example it is possible to set a timeout, or to specify a source IP address and port to use for the connection: If these "advanced" features are not needed, a simple UDP query can be sent, with: When this functions returns you will get DNS message. A DNS message consists out of four sections. The question section: in.Question, the answer section: in.Answer, the authority section: in.Ns and the additional section: in.Extra. Each of these sections (except the Question section) contain a []RR. Basic use pattern for accessing the rdata of a TXT RR as the first RR in the Answer section: Both domain names and TXT character strings are converted to presentation form both when unpacked and when converted to strings. For TXT character strings, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds will be converted to \t, \r and \n respectively. Back slashes and quotations marks will be escaped. Bytes below 32 and above 127 will be converted to \DDD form. For domain names, in addition to the above rules brackets, periods, spaces, semicolons and the at symbol are escaped. DNSSEC (DNS Security Extension) adds a layer of security to the DNS. It uses public key cryptography to sign resource records. The public keys are stored in DNSKEY records and the signatures in RRSIG records. Requesting DNSSEC information for a zone is done by adding the DO (DNSSEC OK) bit to a request. Signature generation, signature verification and key generation are all supported. Dynamic updates reuses the DNS message format, but renames three of the sections. Question is Zone, Answer is Prerequisite, Authority is Update, only the Additional is not renamed. See RFC 2136 for the gory details. You can set a rather complex set of rules for the existence of absence of certain resource records or names in a zone to specify if resource records should be added or removed. The table from RFC 2136 supplemented with the Go DNS function shows which functions exist to specify the prerequisites. The prerequisite section can also be left empty. If you have decided on the prerequisites you can tell what RRs should be added or deleted. The next table shows the options you have and what functions to call. An TSIG or transaction signature adds a HMAC TSIG record to each message sent. The supported algorithms include: HmacSHA1, HmacSHA256 and HmacSHA512. Basic use pattern when querying with a TSIG name "axfr." (note that these key names must be fully qualified - as they are domain names) and the base64 secret "so6ZGir4GPAqINNh9U5c3A==": If an incoming message contains a TSIG record it MUST be the last record in the additional section (RFC2845 3.2). This means that you should make the call to SetTsig last, right before executing the query. If you make any changes to the RRset after calling SetTsig() the signature will be incorrect. When requesting an zone transfer (almost all TSIG usage is when requesting zone transfers), with TSIG, this is the basic use pattern. In this example we request an AXFR for with TSIG key named "axfr." and secret "so6ZGir4GPAqINNh9U5c3A==" and using the server You can now read the records from the transfer as they come in. Each envelope is checked with TSIG. If something is not correct an error is returned. A custom TSIG implementation can be used. This requires additional code to perform any session establishment and signature generation/verification. The client must be configured with an implementation of the TsigProvider interface: Basic use pattern validating and replying to a message that has TSIG set. RFC 6895 sets aside a range of type codes for private use. This range is 65,280 - 65,534 (0xFF00 - 0xFFFE). When experimenting with new Resource Records these can be used, before requesting an official type code from IANA. See for more information. EDNS0 is an extension mechanism for the DNS defined in RFC 2671 and updated by RFC 6891. It defines a new RR type, the OPT RR, which is then completely abused. Basic use pattern for creating an (empty) OPT RR: The rdata of an OPT RR consists out of a slice of EDNS0 (RFC 6891) interfaces. Currently only a few have been standardized: EDNS0_NSID (RFC 5001) and EDNS0_SUBNET (RFC 7871). Note that these options may be combined in an OPT RR. Basic use pattern for a server to check if (and which) options are set: SIG(0) From RFC 2931: It works like TSIG, except that SIG(0) uses public key cryptography, instead of the shared secret approach in TSIG. Supported algorithms: ECDSAP256SHA256, ECDSAP384SHA384, RSASHA1, RSASHA256 and RSASHA512. Signing subsequent messages in multi-message sessions is not implemented.
Package btcec implements support for the elliptic curves needed for bitcoin. Bitcoin uses elliptic curve cryptography using koblitz curves (specifically secp256k1) for cryptographic functions. See for details on the standard. This package provides the data structures and functions implementing the crypto/elliptic Curve interface in order to permit using these curves with the standard crypto/ecdsa package provided with go. Helper functionality is provided to parse signatures and public keys from standard formats. It was designed for use with btcd, but should be general enough for other uses of elliptic curve crypto. It was originally based on some initial work by ThePiachu, but has significantly diverged since then.
Package secp256k1 implements optimized secp256k1 elliptic curve operations in pure Go. This package provides an optimized pure Go implementation of elliptic curve cryptography operations over the secp256k1 curve as well as data structures and functions for working with public and private secp256k1 keys. See for details on the standard. In addition, sub packages are provided to produce, verify, parse, and serialize ECDSA signatures and EC-Schnorr-DCRv0 (a custom Schnorr-based signature scheme specific to Decred) signatures. See the files in the relevant sub packages for more details about those aspects. An overview of the features provided by this package are as follows: It also provides an implementation of the Go standard library crypto/elliptic Curve interface via the S256 function so that it may be used with other packages in the standard library such as crypto/tls, crypto/x509, and crypto/ecdsa. However, in the case of ECDSA, it is highly recommended to use the ecdsa sub package of this package instead since it is optimized specifically for secp256k1 and is significantly faster as a result. Although this package was primarily written for dcrd, it has intentionally been designed so it can be used as a standalone package for any projects needing to use optimized secp256k1 elliptic curve cryptography. Finally, a comprehensive suite of tests is provided to provide a high level of quality assurance. At the time of this writing, the primary public key cryptography in widespread use on the Decred network used to secure coins is based on elliptic curves defined by the secp256k1 domain parameters. This example demonstrates use of GenerateSharedSecret to encrypt a message for a recipient's public key, and subsequently decrypt the message using the recipient's private key.
Package circl provides a collection of cryptographic primitives. The goal of this module is to be used as a tool for experimental deployment of cryptographic algorithms targeting Post-Quantum (PQ) and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). Following blog post describes ideas behind CIRCL in more details:
Package secp256k1 implements optimized secp256k1 elliptic curve operations. This package provides an optimized pure Go implementation of elliptic curve cryptography operations over the secp256k1 curve as well as data structures and functions for working with public and private secp256k1 keys. See for details on the standard. In addition, sub packages are provided to produce, verify, parse, and serialize ECDSA signatures and EC-Schnorr-DCRv0 (a custom Schnorr-based signature scheme specific to Decred) signatures. See the files in the relevant sub packages for more details about those aspects. An overview of the features provided by this package are as follows: It also provides an implementation of the Go standard library crypto/elliptic Curve interface via the S256 function so that it may be used with other packages in the standard library such as crypto/tls, crypto/x509, and crypto/ecdsa. However, in the case of ECDSA, it is highly recommended to use the ecdsa sub package of this package instead since it is optimized specifically for secp256k1 and is significantly faster as a result. Although this package was primarily written for dcrd, it has intentionally been designed so it can be used as a standalone package for any projects needing to use optimized secp256k1 elliptic curve cryptography. Finally, a comprehensive suite of tests is provided to provide a high level of quality assurance. At the time of this writing, the primary public key cryptography in widespread use on the Decred network used to secure coins is based on elliptic curves defined by the secp256k1 domain parameters. This example demonstrates use of GenerateSharedSecret to encrypt a message for a recipient's public key, and subsequently decrypt the message using the recipient's private key.
Package secp256k1 implements support for the elliptic curves needed for Decred. Decred uses elliptic curve cryptography using koblitz curves (specifically secp256k1) for cryptographic functions. See for details on the standard. This package provides the data structures and functions implementing the crypto/elliptic Curve interface in order to permit using these curves with the standard crypto/ecdsa package provided with go. Helper functionality is provided to parse signatures and public keys from standard formats. It was designed for use with dcrd, but should be general enough for other uses of elliptic curve crypto. It was originally based on some initial work by ThePiachu, but has significantly diverged since then. This example demonstrates decrypting a message using a private key that is first parsed from raw bytes. This example demonstrates encrypting a message for a public key that is first parsed from raw bytes, then decrypting it using the corresponding private key. This example demonstrates signing a message with a secp256k1 private key that is first parsed form raw bytes and serializing the generated signature. This example demonstrates verifying a secp256k1 signature against a public key that is first parsed from raw bytes. The signature is also parsed from raw bytes.
Package secp256k1 implements support for the elliptic curves needed for Decred. Decred uses elliptic curve cryptography using koblitz curves (specifically secp256k1) for cryptographic functions. See for details on the standard. This package provides the data structures and functions implementing the crypto/elliptic Curve interface in order to permit using these curves with the standard crypto/ecdsa package provided with go. Helper functionality is provided to parse signatures and public keys from standard formats. It was designed for use with dcrd, but should be general enough for other uses of elliptic curve crypto. It was originally based on some initial work by ThePiachu, but has significantly diverged since then. This example demonstrates decrypting a message using a private key that is first parsed from raw bytes. This example demonstrates encrypting a message for a public key that is first parsed from raw bytes, then decrypting it using the corresponding private key. This example demonstrates signing a message with a secp256k1 private key that is first parsed form raw bytes and serializing the generated signature. This example demonstrates verifying a secp256k1 signature against a public key that is first parsed from raw bytes. The signature is also parsed from raw bytes.
Package kyber provides a toolbox of advanced cryptographic primitives, for applications that need more than straightforward signing and encryption. This top level package defines the interfaces to cryptographic primitives designed to be independent of specific cryptographic algorithms, to facilitate upgrading applications to new cryptographic algorithms or switching to alternative algorithms for experimentation purposes. This toolkits public-key crypto API includes a kyber.Group interface supporting a broad class of group-based public-key primitives including DSA-style integer residue groups and elliptic curve groups. Users of this API can write higher-level crypto algorithms such as zero-knowledge proofs without knowing or caring exactly what kind of group, let alone which precise security parameters or elliptic curves, are being used. The kyber.Group interface supports the standard algebraic operations on group elements and scalars that nontrivial public-key algorithms tend to rely on. The interface uses additive group terminology typical for elliptic curves, such that point addition is homomorphically equivalent to adding their (potentially secret) scalar multipliers. But the API and its operations apply equally well to DSA-style integer groups. As a trivial example, generating a public/private keypair is as simple as: The first statement picks a private key (Scalar) from a the suites's source of cryptographic random or pseudo-random bits, while the second performs elliptic curve scalar multiplication of the curve's standard base point (indicated by the 'nil' argument to Mul) by the scalar private key 'a'. Similarly, computing a Diffie-Hellman shared secret using Alice's private key 'a' and Bob's public key 'B' can be done via: Note that we use 'Mul' rather than 'Exp' here because the library uses the additive-group terminology common for elliptic curve crypto, rather than the multiplicative-group terminology of traditional integer groups - but the two are semantically equivalent and the interface itself works for both elliptic curve and integer groups. Various sub-packages provide several specific implementations of these cryptographic interfaces. In particular, the 'group/mod' sub-package provides implementations of modular integer groups underlying conventional DSA-style algorithms. The `group/nist` package provides NIST-standardized elliptic curves built on the Go crypto library. The 'group/edwards25519' sub-package provides the kyber.Group interface using the popular Ed25519 curve. Other sub-packages build more interesting high-level cryptographic tools atop these primitive interfaces, including: - share: Polynomial commitment and verifiable Shamir secret splitting for implementing verifiable 't-of-n' threshold cryptographic schemes. This can be used to encrypt a message so that any 2 out of 3 receivers must work together to decrypt it, for example. - proof: An implementation of the general Camenisch/Stadler framework for discrete logarithm knowledge proofs. This system supports both interactive and non-interactive proofs of a wide variety of statements such as, "I know the secret x associated with public key X or I know the secret y associated with public key Y", without revealing anything about either secret or even which branch of the "or" clause is true. - sign: The sign directory contains different signature schemes. - sign/anon provides anonymous and pseudonymous public-key encryption and signing, where the sender of a signed message or the receiver of an encrypted message is defined as an explicit anonymity set containing several public keys rather than just one. For example, a member of an organization's board of trustees might prove to be a member of the board without revealing which member she is. - sign/cosi provides collective signature algorithm, where a bunch of signers create a unique, compact and efficiently verifiable signature using the Schnorr signature as a basis. - sign/eddsa provides a kyber-native implementation of the EdDSA signature scheme. - sign/schnorr provides a basic vanilla Schnorr signature scheme implementation. - shuffle: Verifiable cryptographic shuffles of ElGamal ciphertexts, which can be used to implement (for example) voting or auction schemes that keep the sources of individual votes or bids private without anyone having to trust more than one of the shuffler(s) to shuffle votes/bids honestly. As should be obvious, this library is intended to be used by developers who are at least moderately knowledgeable about cryptography. If you want a crypto library that makes it easy to implement "basic crypto" functionality correctly - i.e., plain public-key encryption and signing - then [NaCl secretbox]( may be a better choice. This toolkit's purpose is to make it possible - and preferably easy - to do slightly more interesting things that most current crypto libraries don't support effectively. The one existing crypto library that this toolkit is probably most comparable to is the Charm rapid prototyping library for Python ( This library incorporates and/or builds on existing code from a variety of sources, as documented in the relevant sub-packages. This library is offered as-is, and without a guarantee. It will need an independent security review before it should be considered ready for use in security-critical applications. If you integrate Kyber into your application it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to arrange for that audit. If you notice a possible security problem, please report it to
ZCrypto is a research and data collection cryptography library, designed to be used for measuring and analyzing cryptographic deployments on the Internet. It is largely centered around the WebPKI. ZCrypto contains forks of the Golang X.509 and TLS libraries that speak old TLS versions, deprecated ciphers. ZCrypto provides more lenient and open access to X.509 certificates and TLS handshake state than its standard library counterparts. ZCrypto also contains a custom X.509 chain builder, designed for bulk chain building across large sets of certificates.
Package libtrust provides an interface for managing authentication and authorization using public key cryptography. Authentication is handled using the identity attached to the public key and verified through TLS x509 certificates, a key challenge, or signature. Authorization and access control is managed through a trust graph distributed between both remote trust servers and locally cached and managed data.
Package nacl is a pure Go implementation of the NaCL cryptography library. Compared with the implementation in, this library offers all of the API's present in NaCL, as well as some utilities for generating and loading keys and nonces, and encrypting messages. NaCl's goal is to provide all of the core operations needed to build higher-level cryptographic tools, as well as to demonstrate how to implement these tools in Go. Compared with the equivalent packages in the Go standard library and x/crypto package, we replace some function calls with their equivalents in this package, and make more use of return values (versus writing to a byte array specified at stdin). Most functions should be compatible with their C/C++ counterparts in the library here: In many cases the tests are ported directly to this library.
Package paymentcryptography provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Payment Cryptography Control Plane. Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography Control Plane APIs manage encryption keys for use during payment-related cryptographic operations. You can create, import, export, share, manage, and delete keys. You can also manage Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies for keys. For more information, see Identity and access managementin the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography User Guide. To use encryption keys for payment-related transaction processing and associated cryptographic operations, you use the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography Data Plane. You can perform actions like encrypt, decrypt, generate, and verify payment-related data. All Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography API calls must be signed and transmitted using Transport Layer Security (TLS). We recommend you always use the latest supported TLS version for logging API requests. Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography supports CloudTrail for control plane operations, a service that logs Amazon Web Services API calls and related events for your Amazon Web Services account and delivers them to an Amazon S3 bucket you specify. By using the information collected by CloudTrail, you can determine what requests were made to Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography, who made the request, when it was made, and so on. If you don't configure a trail, you can still view the most recent events in the CloudTrail console. For more information, see the CloudTrail User Guide.
Package paymentcryptographydata provides the API client, operations, and parameter types for Payment Cryptography Data Plane. You use the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography Data Plane to manage how encryption keys are used for payment-related transaction processing and associated cryptographic operations. You can encrypt, decrypt, generate, verify, and translate payment-related cryptographic operations in Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography. For more information, see Data operationsin the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography User Guide. To manage your encryption keys, you use the Amazon Web Services Payment Cryptography Control Plane. You can create, import, export, share, manage, and delete keys. You can also manage Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies for keys.
Package pbc provides structures for building pairing-based cryptosystems. It is a wrapper around the Pairing-Based Cryptography (PBC) Library authored by Ben Lynn ( This wrapper provides access to all PBC functions. It supports generation of various types of elliptic curves and pairings, element initialization, I/O, and arithmetic. These features can be used to quickly build pairing-based or conventional cryptosystems. The PBC library is designed to be extremely fast. Internally, it uses GMP for arbitrary-precision arithmetic. It also includes a wide variety of optimizations that make pairing-based cryptography highly efficient. To improve performance, PBC does not perform type checking to ensure that operations actually make sense. The Go wrapper provides the ability to add compatibility checks to most operations, or to use unchecked elements to maximize performance. Since this library provides low-level access to pairing primitives, it is very easy to accidentally construct insecure systems. This library is intended to be used by cryptographers or to implement well-analyzed cryptosystems. Cryptographic pairings are defined over three mathematical groups: G1, G2, and GT, where each group is typically of the same order r. Additionally, a bilinear map e maps a pair of elements — one from G1 and another from G2 — to an element in GT. This map e has the following additional property: If G1 == G2, then a pairing is said to be symmetric. Otherwise, it is asymmetric. Pairings can be used to construct a variety of efficient cryptosystems. The PBC library currently supports 5 different types of pairings, each with configurable parameters. These types are designated alphabetically, roughly in chronological order of introduction. Type A, D, E, F, and G pairings are implemented in the library. Each type has different time and space requirements. For more information about the types, see the documentation for the corresponding generator calls, or the PBC manual page at This package must be compiled using cgo. It also requires the installation of GMP and PBC. During the build process, this package will attempt to include <gmp.h> and <pbc/pbc.h>, and then dynamically link to GMP and PBC. Most systems include a package for GMP. To install GMP in Debian / Ubuntu: For an RPM installation with YUM: For installation with Fink ( on Mac OS X: For more information or to compile from source, visit To install the PBC library, download the appropriate files for your system from PBC has three dependencies: the gcc compiler, flex (, and bison ( See the respective sites for installation instructions. Most distributions include packages for these libraries. For example, in Debian / Ubuntu: The PBC source can be compiled and installed using the usual GNU Build System: After installing, you may need to rebuild the search path for libraries: It is possible to install the package on Windows through the use of MinGW and MSYS. MSYS is required for installing PBC, while GMP can be installed through a package. Based on your MinGW installation, you may need to add "-I/usr/local/include" to CPPFLAGS and "-L/usr/local/lib" to LDFLAGS when building PBC. Likewise, you may need to add these options to CGO_CPPFLAGS and CGO_LDFLAGS when installing this package. This package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For additional details, see the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files. This example generates a pairing and some random group elements, then applies the pairing operation. This example computes and verifies a Boneh-Lynn-Shacham signature in a simulated conversation between Alice and Bob.
Package kyber provides a toolbox of advanced cryptographic primitives, for applications that need more than straightforward signing and encryption. This top level package defines the interfaces to cryptographic primitives designed to be independent of specific cryptographic algorithms, to facilitate upgrading applications to new cryptographic algorithms or switching to alternative algorithms for experimentation purposes. This toolkits public-key crypto API includes a kyber.Group interface supporting a broad class of group-based public-key primitives including DSA-style integer residue groups and elliptic curve groups. Users of this API can write higher-level crypto algorithms such as zero-knowledge proofs without knowing or caring exactly what kind of group, let alone which precise security parameters or elliptic curves, are being used. The kyber.Group interface supports the standard algebraic operations on group elements and scalars that nontrivial public-key algorithms tend to rely on. The interface uses additive group terminology typical for elliptic curves, such that point addition is homomorphically equivalent to adding their (potentially secret) scalar multipliers. But the API and its operations apply equally well to DSA-style integer groups. As a trivial example, generating a public/private keypair is as simple as: The first statement picks a private key (Scalar) from a the suites's source of cryptographic random or pseudo-random bits, while the second performs elliptic curve scalar multiplication of the curve's standard base point (indicated by the 'nil' argument to Mul) by the scalar private key 'a'. Similarly, computing a Diffie-Hellman shared secret using Alice's private key 'a' and Bob's public key 'B' can be done via: Note that we use 'Mul' rather than 'Exp' here because the library uses the additive-group terminology common for elliptic curve crypto, rather than the multiplicative-group terminology of traditional integer groups - but the two are semantically equivalent and the interface itself works for both elliptic curve and integer groups. Various sub-packages provide several specific implementations of these cryptographic interfaces. In particular, the 'group/mod' sub-package provides implementations of modular integer groups underlying conventional DSA-style algorithms. The `group/nist` package provides NIST-standardized elliptic curves built on the Go crypto library. The 'group/edwards25519' sub-package provides the kyber.Group interface using the popular Ed25519 curve. Other sub-packages build more interesting high-level cryptographic tools atop these primitive interfaces, including: - share: Polynomial commitment and verifiable Shamir secret splitting for implementing verifiable 't-of-n' threshold cryptographic schemes. This can be used to encrypt a message so that any 2 out of 3 receivers must work together to decrypt it, for example. - proof: An implementation of the general Camenisch/Stadler framework for discrete logarithm knowledge proofs. This system supports both interactive and non-interactive proofs of a wide variety of statements such as, "I know the secret x associated with public key X or I know the secret y associated with public key Y", without revealing anything about either secret or even which branch of the "or" clause is true. - sign: The sign directory contains different signature schemes. - sign/anon provides anonymous and pseudonymous public-key encryption and signing, where the sender of a signed message or the receiver of an encrypted message is defined as an explicit anonymity set containing several public keys rather than just one. For example, a member of an organization's board of trustees might prove to be a member of the board without revealing which member she is. - sign/cosi provides collective signature algorithm, where a bunch of signers create a unique, compact and efficiently verifiable signature using the Schnorr signature as a basis. - sign/eddsa provides a kyber-native implementation of the EdDSA signature scheme. - sign/schnorr provides a basic vanilla Schnorr signature scheme implementation. - shuffle: Verifiable cryptographic shuffles of ElGamal ciphertexts, which can be used to implement (for example) voting or auction schemes that keep the sources of individual votes or bids private without anyone having to trust more than one of the shuffler(s) to shuffle votes/bids honestly. As should be obvious, this library is intended to be used by developers who are at least moderately knowledgeable about cryptography. If you want a crypto library that makes it easy to implement "basic crypto" functionality correctly - i.e., plain public-key encryption and signing - then [NaCl secretbox]( may be a better choice. This toolkit's purpose is to make it possible - and preferably easy - to do slightly more interesting things that most current crypto libraries don't support effectively. The one existing crypto library that this toolkit is probably most comparable to is the Charm rapid prototyping library for Python ( This library incorporates and/or builds on existing code from a variety of sources, as documented in the relevant sub-packages. This library is offered as-is, and without a guarantee. It will need an independent security review before it should be considered ready for use in security-critical applications. If you integrate Kyber into your application it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to arrange for that audit. If you notice a possible security problem, please report it to
Package btcec implements support for the elliptic curves needed for litecoin. Litecoin uses elliptic curve cryptography using koblitz curves (specifically secp256k1) for cryptographic functions. See for details on the standard. This package provides the data structures and functions implementing the crypto/elliptic Curve interface in order to permit using these curves with the standard crypto/ecdsa package provided with go. Helper functionality is provided to parse signatures and public keys from standard formats. It was designed for use with ltcd, but should be general enough for other uses of elliptic curve crypto. It was originally based on some initial work by ThePiachu, but has significantly diverged since then.
Package btcec implements support for the elliptic curves needed for bitcoin. Bitcoin uses elliptic curve cryptography using koblitz curves (specifically secp256k1) for cryptographic functions. See for details on the standard. This package provides the data structures and functions implementing the crypto/elliptic Curve interface in order to permit using these curves with the standard crypto/ecdsa package provided with go. Helper functionality is provided to parse signatures and public keys from standard formats. It was designed for use with btcd, but should be general enough for other uses of elliptic curve crypto. It was originally based on some initial work by ThePiachu, but has significantly diverged since then.
Package kyber provides a toolbox of advanced cryptographic primitives, for applications that need more than straightforward signing and encryption. This top level package defines the interfaces to cryptographic primitives designed to be independent of specific cryptographic algorithms, to facilitate upgrading applications to new cryptographic algorithms or switching to alternative algorithms for experimentation purposes. This toolkits public-key crypto API includes a kyber.Group interface supporting a broad class of group-based public-key primitives including DSA-style integer residue groups and elliptic curve groups. Users of this API can write higher-level crypto algorithms such as zero-knowledge proofs without knowing or caring exactly what kind of group, let alone which precise security parameters or elliptic curves, are being used. The kyber.Group interface supports the standard algebraic operations on group elements and scalars that nontrivial public-key algorithms tend to rely on. The interface uses additive group terminology typical for elliptic curves, such that point addition is homomorphically equivalent to adding their (potentially secret) scalar multipliers. But the API and its operations apply equally well to DSA-style integer groups. As a trivial example, generating a public/private keypair is as simple as: The first statement picks a private key (Scalar) from a the suites's source of cryptographic random or pseudo-random bits, while the second performs elliptic curve scalar multiplication of the curve's standard base point (indicated by the 'nil' argument to Mul) by the scalar private key 'a'. Similarly, computing a Diffie-Hellman shared secret using Alice's private key 'a' and Bob's public key 'B' can be done via: Note that we use 'Mul' rather than 'Exp' here because the library uses the additive-group terminology common for elliptic curve crypto, rather than the multiplicative-group terminology of traditional integer groups - but the two are semantically equivalent and the interface itself works for both elliptic curve and integer groups. Various sub-packages provide several specific implementations of these cryptographic interfaces. In particular, the 'group/mod' sub-package provides implementations of modular integer groups underlying conventional DSA-style algorithms. The `group/nist` package provides NIST-standardized elliptic curves built on the Go crypto library. The 'group/edwards25519' sub-package provides the kyber.Group interface using the popular Ed25519 curve. Other sub-packages build more interesting high-level cryptographic tools atop these primitive interfaces, including: - share: Polynomial commitment and verifiable Shamir secret splitting for implementing verifiable 't-of-n' threshold cryptographic schemes. This can be used to encrypt a message so that any 2 out of 3 receivers must work together to decrypt it, for example. - proof: An implementation of the general Camenisch/Stadler framework for discrete logarithm knowledge proofs. This system supports both interactive and non-interactive proofs of a wide variety of statements such as, "I know the secret x associated with public key X or I know the secret y associated with public key Y", without revealing anything about either secret or even which branch of the "or" clause is true. - sign: The sign directory contains different signature schemes. - sign/anon provides anonymous and pseudonymous public-key encryption and signing, where the sender of a signed message or the receiver of an encrypted message is defined as an explicit anonymity set containing several public keys rather than just one. For example, a member of an organization's board of trustees might prove to be a member of the board without revealing which member she is. - sign/cosi provides collective signature algorithm, where a bunch of signers create a unique, compact and efficiently verifiable signature using the Schnorr signature as a basis. - sign/eddsa provides a kyber-native implementation of the EdDSA signature scheme. - sign/schnorr provides a basic vanilla Schnorr signature scheme implementation. - shuffle: Verifiable cryptographic shuffles of ElGamal ciphertexts, which can be used to implement (for example) voting or auction schemes that keep the sources of individual votes or bids private without anyone having to trust more than one of the shuffler(s) to shuffle votes/bids honestly. For now this library should currently be considered experimental: it will definitely be changing in non-backward-compatible ways, and it will need independent security review before it should be considered ready for use in security-critical applications. However, we intend to bring the library closer to stability and real-world usability as quickly as development resources permit, and as interest and application demand dictates. As should be obvious, this library is intended to be used by developers who are at least moderately knowledgeable about cryptography. If you want a crypto library that makes it easy to implement "basic crypto" functionality correctly - i.e., plain public-key encryption and signing - then [NaCl secretbox]( may be a better choice. This toolkit's purpose is to make it possible - and preferably easy - to do slightly more interesting things that most current crypto libraries don't support effectively. The one existing crypto library that this toolkit is probably most comparable to is the Charm rapid prototyping library for Python ( This library incorporates and/or builds on existing code from a variety of sources, as documented in the relevant sub-packages.
go-crypto is a customized/convenience cryptography package for supporting Tendermint. It wraps select functionality of equivalent functions in the Go standard library, for easy usage with our libraries. Keys: All key generation functions return an instance of the PrivKey interface which implements methods From the above method we can: a) Retrieve the public key if needed For example: We also provide hashing wrappers around algorithms: Sha256 Ripemd160