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Package p2phttp allows to serve HTTP endpoints and make HTTP requests through LibP2P ( using Go's standard "http" and "net" stacks. Instead of the regular "host:port" addressing, `p2phttp` uses a Peer ID and lets LibP2P take care of the routing, thus taking advantage of features like multi-routes, NAT transversal and stream multiplexing over a single connection. When already running a LibP2P facility, this package allows to expose existing HTTP-based services (like REST APIs) through LibP2P and to use those services with minimal changes to the code-base. For example, a simple http.Server on LibP2P works as: As shown above, a Server only needs a "" listener. This listener will use a libP2P host to watch for stream tagged with our Protocol. On the other side, a client just needs to be initialized with a custom LibP2P host-based transport to perform requests to such server: In the example above, the client registers a "libp2p" protocol for which the custom transport is used. It can still perform regular "http" requests. The protocol name used is arbitraty and non standard. Note that LibP2P hosts cannot dial to themselves, so there is no possibility of using the same host as server and as client.

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HTTP on top of libp2p

Package p2phttp allows to serve HTTP endpoints and make HTTP requests through libp2p using Go's standard "http" and "net" stack.

Instead of the regular "host:port" addressing, p2phttp uses a Peer ID and lets libp2p take care of the routing, thus taking advantage of features like multi-routes, NAT transversal and stream multiplexing over a single connection.

Table of Contents


This package is a library that uses Go modules for dependency management.


Full documentation can be read at Godoc. The important bits follow.

A simple http.Server on libp2p works as:

listener, _ := gostream.Listen(host1, p2phttp.DefaultP2PProtocol)
defer listener.Close()
go func() {
	http.HandleFunc("/hello", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	server := &http.Server{}

The listener is provided by .

A client just needs to be initialized with a custom libp2p host-based transport to perform requests to such server:

tr := &http.Transport{}
tr.RegisterProtocol("libp2p", p2phttp.NewTransport(clientHost))
client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
res, err := client.Get("libp2p://Qmaoi4isbcTbFfohQyn28EiYM5CDWQx9QRCjDh3CTeiY7P/hello")


PRs accepted.


MIT © Protocol Labs, Inc.


Package last updated on 26 Feb 2023

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