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Package gopaque implements the OPAQUE protocol. The OPAQUE protocol, described as of this writing in the RFC draft at, is a protocol that allows a user with a password to register and authenticate with a server without ever giving that server the password. It uses the OPAQUE password authenticated key exchange (PAKE) which uses derived keys for registration authentication. A high-level introduction to OPAQUE (and PAKEs in general) is available at This implementation uses the crypto library. The implementation is intentionally very extensible and exposed, but sensible default implementations are provided for every abstraction. The registration and authentication flows are below, followed by a couple of code examples clarifying usage. This was developed by a hobbyist, not a cryptographer. The code has not been reviewed for accuracy or security. No care was taken to obfuscate the errors or prevent timing attacks. Only use after reviewing the code and understanding the implications. OPAQUE registration is a 3-message process starting with the user where a user registers with the server. The only input a user needs is the password and after registration, the server has the info to perform authentication. The steps for a user are: 1 - Create a NewUserRegister with the user ID 2 - Call Init with the password and send the resulting UserRegisterInit to the server 3 - Receive the server's ServerRegisterInit 4 - Call Complete with the server's ServerRegisterInit and send the resulting UserRegisterComplete to the server The steps for a server are: 1 - Receive the user's UserRegisterInit 2 - Create a NewServerRegister with a private key 3 - Call Init with the user's UserRegisterInit and send the resulting ServerRegisterInit to the user 4 - Receive the user's UserRegisterComplete 5 - Call Complete with the user's UserRegisterComplete and persist the resulting ServerRegisterComplete OPAQUE authentication is intended to be used in conjunction with a key exchange protocol to authenticate a user. Gopaque supports either an external key exchange protocol or one embedded into the auth process. The pure OPAQUE part of the flow is only a 2-message process, but validation with a key exchange often adds a third message. The steps below assume the key exchange is embedded in the auth process instead of being external. The steps for a user are: 1 - Create a NewUserAuth with an embedded key exchange 2 - Call Init with the password and send the resulting UserAuthInit to the server 3 - Receive the server's ServerAuthComplete 4 - Call Complete with the server's ServerAuthComplete. The resulting UserAuthFinish has user and server key information. This would be the last step if we were not using an embedded key exchange. Since we are, take the resulting UserAuthComplete and send it to the server. The steps for a server are: 1 - Receive the user's UserAuthInit 2 - Create a NewServerAuth with an embedded key exchange 3 - Call Complete with the user's UserAuthInit and persisted ServerRegisterComplete and send the resulting ServerAuthComplete to the user. This would be the last step if we were not using an embedded key exchange. 4 - Receive the user's UserAuthComplete 5 - Call Finish with the user's UserAuthComplete This simple example doesn't marshal the messages, it just sends them. This example is a more complex example showing marshalling and using separate user and server-side connections.

Version published


Last updated on 25 Jun 2020

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