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Updating tools to support type parameters.

This guide is maintained by Rob Findley (

status: this document is currently a rough-draft. See golang/go#50447 for more details.

  1. Who should read this guide
  2. Introduction
  3. Summary of new language features and their APIs
  4. Examples
    1. Generic types: type parameters
    2. Constraint Interfaces
    3. Instantiation
    4. Generic types continued: method sets and predicates
  5. Updating tools while building at older Go versions
  6. Further help

Who should read this guide

Read this guide if you are a tool author seeking to update your tools to support generics Go code. Generics introduce significant new complexity to the Go type system, because types can now be parameterized. While the fundamentals of the go/types APIs remain the same, some previously valid assumptions no longer hold. For example:

  • Type declarations need not correspond 1:1 with the types they define.
  • Interfaces are no longer determined entirely by their method set.
  • The set of concrete types implementing types.Type has grown to include types.TypeParam and types.Union.


With Go 1.18, Go now supports generic programming via type parameters. This document is a guide for tool authors that want to update their tools to support the new language constructs.

This guide assumes knowledge of the language changes to support generics. See the following references for more information:

It also assumes knowledge of go/ast and go/types. If you're just getting started, x/example/gotypes is a great introduction (and was the inspiration for this guide).

Summary of new language features and their APIs

The introduction of of generic features appears as a large change to the language, but a high level introduces only a few new concepts. We can break down our discussion into the following three broad categories: generic types, constraint interfaces, and instantiation. In each category below, the relevant new APIs are listed (some constructors and getters/setters may be elided where they are trivial):

Generic types. Types and functions may be generic, meaning their declaration may have a non-empty type parameter list, as in type List[T any] ... or func f[T1, T2 any]() { ... }. Type parameter lists define placeholder types (type parameters), scoped to the declaration, which may be substituted by any type satisfying their corresponding constraint interface to instantiate a new type or function.

Generic types may have methods, which declare receiver type parameters via their receiver type expression: func (r T[P1, ..., PN]) method(...) (...) {...}.

New APIs:

  • The field ast.TypeSpec.TypeParams holds the type parameter list syntax for type declarations.
  • The field ast.FuncType.TypeParams holds the type parameter list syntax for function declarations.
  • The type types.TypeParam is a types.Type representing a type parameter. On this type, the Constraint and SetConstraint methods allow getting/setting the constraint, the Index method returns the numeric index of the type parameter in the type parameter list that declares it, and the Obj method returns the object in the scope a for the type parameter (a types.TypeName). Generic type declarations have a new *types.Scope for type parameter declarations.
  • The type types.TypeParamList holds a list of type parameters.
  • The method types.Named.TypeParams returns the type parameters for a type declaration.
  • The method types.Named.SetTypeParams sets type parameters on a defined type.
  • The function types.NewSignatureType creates a new (possibly generic) signature type.
  • The method types.Signature.RecvTypeParams returns the receiver type parameters for a method.
  • The method types.Signature.TypeParams returns the type parameters for a function.

Constraint Interfaces: type parameter constraints are interfaces, expressed by an interface type expression. Interfaces that are only used in constraint position are permitted new embedded elements composed of tilde expressions (~T) and unions (A | B | ~C). The new builtin interface type comparable is implemented by types for which == and != are valid (note that interfaces must be statically comparable in this case, i.e., each type in the interface's type set must be comparable). As a special case, the interface keyword may be omitted from constraint expressions if it may be implied (in which case we say the interface is implicit).

New APIs:

  • The constant token.TILDE is used to represent tilde expressions as an ast.UnaryExpr.
  • Union expressions are represented as an ast.BinaryExpr using |. This means that ast.BinaryExpr may now be both a type and value expression.
  • The method types.Interface.IsImplicit reports whether the interface keyword was elided from this interface.
  • The method types.Interface.MarkImplicit marks an interface as being implicit.
  • The method types.Interface.IsComparable reports whether every type in an interface's type set is comparable.
  • The method types.Interface.IsMethodSet reports whether an interface is defined entirely by its methods (has no specific types).
  • The type types.Union is a type that represents an embedded union expression in an interface. May only appear as an embedded element in interfaces.
  • The type types.Term represents a (possibly tilde) term of a union.

Instantiation: generic types and functions may be instantiated to create non-generic types and functions by providing type arguments (var x T[int]). Function type arguments may be inferred via function arguments, or via type parameter constraints.

New APIs:

  • The type ast.IndexListExpr holds index expressions with multiple indices, as in instantiation expressions with multiple type arguments or in receivers declaring multiple type parameters.
  • The function types.Instantiate instantiates a generic type with type arguments.
  • The type types.Context is an opaque instantiation context that may be shared to reduce duplicate instances.
  • The field types.Config.Context holds a shared Context to use for instantiation while type-checking.
  • The type types.TypeList holds a list of types.
  • The type types.ArgumentError holds an error associated with a specific type argument index. Used to represent instantiation errors.
  • The field types.Info.Instances maps instantiated identifiers to information about the resulting type instance.
  • The type types.Instance holds information about a type or function instance.
  • The method types.Named.TypeArgs reports the type arguments used to instantiate a named type.


The following examples demonstrate the new APIs, and discuss their properties. All examples are runnable, contained in subdirectories of the directory holding this README.

Generic types: type parameters

We say that a type is generic if it has type parameters but no type arguments. This section explains how we can inspect generic types with the new go/types APIs.

Type parameter lists

Suppose we want to understand the generic library below, which defines a generic Pair, a constraint interface Constraint, and a generic function MakePair.

package main

type Constraint interface {
	Value() any

type Pair[L, R any] struct {
	left  L
	right R

func MakePair[L, R Constraint](l L, r R) Pair[L, R] {
	return Pair[L, R]{l, r}

We can use the new TypeParams fields in ast.TypeSpec and ast.FuncType to access the type parameter list. From there, we can access type parameter types in at least three ways:

  • by looking up type parameter definitions in types.Info
  • by calling TypeParams() on types.Named or types.Signature
  • by looking up type parameter objects in the declaration scope. Note that there now may be a scope associated with an ast.TypeSpec node.
func PrintTypeParams(fset *token.FileSet, file *ast.File) error {
	conf := types.Config{Importer: importer.Default()}
	info := &types.Info{
		Scopes: make(map[ast.Node]*types.Scope),
		Defs:   make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Object),
	_, err := conf.Check("hello", fset, []*ast.File{file}, info)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// For convenience, we can use ast.Inspect to find the nodes we want to
	// investigate.
	ast.Inspect(file, func(n ast.Node) bool {
		var name *ast.Ident              // the name of the generic object, or nil
		var tparamFields *ast.FieldList  // the list of type parameter fields
		var tparams *types.TypeParamList // the list of type parameter types
		var scopeNode ast.Node           // the node associated with the declaration scope

		switch n := n.(type) {
		case *ast.TypeSpec:
			name = n.Name
			tparamFields = n.TypeParams
			tparams = info.Defs[name].Type().(*types.Named).TypeParams()
			scopeNode = n
		case *ast.FuncDecl:
			name = n.Name
			tparamFields = n.Type.TypeParams
			tparams = info.Defs[name].Type().(*types.Signature).TypeParams()
			scopeNode = n.Type
			// Not a type or function declaration.
			return true

		// Option 1: find type parameters by looking at their declaring field list.
		if tparamFields != nil {
			fmt.Printf("%s has a type parameter field list with %d fields\n", name.Name, tparamFields.NumFields())
			for _, field := range tparamFields.List {
				for _, name := range field.Names {
					tparam := info.Defs[name]
					fmt.Printf("  field %s defines an object %q\n", name.Name, tparam)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("%s does not have a type parameter list\n", name.Name)

		// Option 2: find type parameters via the TypeParams() method on the
		// generic type.
		if tparams.Len() > 0 {
			fmt.Printf("%s has %d type parameters:\n", name.Name, tparams.Len())
			for i := 0; i < tparams.Len(); i++ {
				tparam := tparams.At(i)
				fmt.Printf("  %s has constraint %s\n", tparam, tparam.Constraint())
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("%s does not have type parameters\n", name.Name)

		// Option 3: find type parameters by looking in the declaration scope.
		scope, ok := info.Scopes[scopeNode]
		if ok {
			fmt.Printf("%s has a scope with %d objects:\n", name.Name, scope.Len())
			for _, name := range scope.Names() {
				fmt.Printf("  %s is a %T\n", name, scope.Lookup(name))
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("%s does not have a scope\n", name.Name)

		return true
	return nil

This program produces the following output. Note that not every type spec has a scope.

> go run
Constraint does not have a type parameter list
Constraint does not have type parameters
Constraint does not have a scope
Pair has a type parameter field list with 2 fields
  field L defines an object "type parameter L any"
  field R defines an object "type parameter R any"
Pair has 2 type parameters:
  L has constraint any
  R has constraint any
Pair has a scope with 2 objects:
  L is a *types.TypeName
  R is a *types.TypeName
MakePair has a type parameter field list with 2 fields
  field L defines an object "type parameter L hello.Constraint"
  field R defines an object "type parameter R hello.Constraint"
MakePair has 2 type parameters:
  L has constraint hello.Constraint
  R has constraint hello.Constraint
MakePair has a scope with 4 objects:
  L is a *types.TypeName
  R is a *types.TypeName
  l is a *types.Var
  r is a *types.Var

Constraint Interfaces

In order to allow operations on type parameters, Go 1.18 introduces the notion of type sets, which is abstractly the set of types that implement an interface. This section discusses the new syntax for restrictions on interface type sets, and the APIs we can use to understand them.

New interface elements

Consider the generic library below:

package p

type Numeric interface{
	~int | ~float64 // etc...

func Square[N Numeric](n N) N {
	return n*n

type Findable interface {

func Find[T Findable](s []T, v T) int {
	for i, v2 := range s {
		if v2 == v {
			return i
	return -1

In this library, we can see a few new features added in Go 1.18. The first is the new syntax in the Numeric type: unions of tilde-terms, specifying that the numeric type may only be satisfied by types whose underlying type is int or float64.

The go/ast package parses this new syntax as a combination of unary and binary expressions, which we can see using the following program:

func PrintNumericSyntax(fset *token.FileSet, file *ast.File) {
	// node is the AST node corresponding to the declaration for "Numeric."
	node := file.Scope.Lookup("Numeric").Decl.(*ast.TypeSpec)
	// Find the embedded syntax node.
	embedded := node.Type.(*ast.InterfaceType).Methods.List[0].Type
	// Use go/ast's built-in Print function to inspect the parsed syntax.
	ast.Print(fset, embedded)


     0  *ast.BinaryExpr {
     1  .  X: *ast.UnaryExpr {
     2  .  .  OpPos: p.go:6:2
     3  .  .  Op: ~
     4  .  .  X: *ast.Ident {
     5  .  .  .  NamePos: p.go:6:3
     6  .  .  .  Name: "int"
     7  .  .  }
     8  .  }
     9  .  OpPos: p.go:6:7
    10  .  Op: |
    11  .  Y: *ast.UnaryExpr {
    12  .  .  OpPos: p.go:6:9
    13  .  .  Op: ~
    14  .  .  X: *ast.Ident {
    15  .  .  .  NamePos: p.go:6:10
    16  .  .  .  Name: "float64"
    17  .  .  }
    18  .  }
    19  }

Once type-checked, these embedded expressions are represented using the new types.Union type, which flattens the expression into a list of *types.Term. We can also investigate two new methods of interface: types.Interface.IsComparable, which reports whether the type set of an interface is comparable, and types.Interface.IsMethodSet, which reports whether an interface is expressable using methods alone.

func PrintInterfaceTypes(fset *token.FileSet, file *ast.File) error {
	conf := types.Config{}
	pkg, err := conf.Check("hello", fset, []*ast.File{file}, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	PrintIface(pkg, "Numeric")
	PrintIface(pkg, "Findable")

	return nil

func PrintIface(pkg *types.Package, name string) {
	obj := pkg.Scope().Lookup(name)
	iface := obj.Type().Underlying().(*types.Interface)
	for i := 0; i < iface.NumEmbeddeds(); i++ {
		fmt.Printf("\tembeded: %s\n", iface.EmbeddedType(i))
	for i := 0; i < iface.NumMethods(); i++ {
		fmt.Printf("\tembeded: %s\n", iface.EmbeddedType(i))
	fmt.Printf("\tIsComparable(): %t\n", iface.IsComparable())
	fmt.Printf("\tIsMethodSet(): %t\n", iface.IsMethodSet())


type hello.Numeric interface{~int|~float64}
        embeded: ~int|~float64
        IsComparable(): true
        IsMethodSet(): false
type hello.Findable interface{comparable}
        embeded: comparable
        IsComparable(): true
        IsMethodSet(): false

The Findable type demonstrates another new feature of Go 1.18: the comparable built-in. Comparable is a special interface type, not expressable using ordinary Go syntax, whose type-set consists of all comparable types.

Implicit interfaces

For interfaces that do not have methods, we can inline them in constraints and elide the interface keyword. In the example above, we could have done this for the Square function:

package p

func Square[N ~int|~float64](n N) N {
	return n*n

In such cases, the types.Interface.IsImplicit method reports whether the interface type was implicit. This does not affect the behavior of the interface, but is captured for more accurate type strings:

func ShowImplicit(pkg *types.Package) {
	Square := pkg.Scope().Lookup("Square").Type().(*types.Signature)
	N := Square.TypeParams().At(0)
	constraint := N.Constraint().(*types.Interface)
	fmt.Println("IsImplicit:", constraint.IsImplicit())


IsImplicit: true

The types.Interface.MarkImplicit method is used to mark interfaces as implicit by the importer.

Type sets

The examples above demonstrate the new APIs for accessing information about the new interface elements, but how do we understand type sets, the new abstraction that these elements help define? Type sets may be arbitrarily complex, as in the following example:

package complex

type A interface{ ~string|~[]byte }

type B interface{ int|string }

type C interface { ~string|~int }

type D interface{ A|B; C }

Here, the type set of D simplifies to ~string|int, but the current go/types APIs do not expose this information. This will likely be added to go/types in future versions of Go, but in the meantime we can use the typeparams.NormalTerms helper:

func PrintNormalTerms(pkg *types.Package) error {
	D := pkg.Scope().Lookup("D").Type()
	terms, err := typeparams.NormalTerms(D)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for i, term := range terms {
		if i > 0 {
	return nil

which outputs:


See the documentation for typeparams.NormalTerms for more information on how this calculation proceeds.


We say that a type is instantiated if it is created from a generic type by substituting type arguments for type parameters. Instantiation can occur via explicitly provided type arguments, as in the expression T[A_1, ..., A_n], or implicitly, through type inference.. This section describes how to find and understand instantiated types.

Finding instantiated types

Certain applications may find it useful to locate all instantiated types in a package. For this purpose, go/types provides a new types.Info.Instances field that maps instantiated identifiers to information about their instance.

For example, consider the following code:

package p

type Pair[L, R comparable] struct {
	left  L
	right R

func (p Pair[L, _]) Left() L {
	return p.left

func Equal[L, R comparable](x, y Pair[L, R]) bool {
	return x.left == y.left && x.right == y.right

var X Pair[int, string]
var Y Pair[string, int]

var E = Equal[int, string]

We can find instances by type-checking with the types.Info.Instances map initialized:

func CheckInstances(fset *token.FileSet, file *ast.File) (*types.Package, error) {
	conf := types.Config{}
	info := &types.Info{
		Instances: make(map[*ast.Ident]types.Instance),
	pkg, err := conf.Check("p", fset, []*ast.File{file}, info)
	for id, inst := range info.Instances {
		posn := fset.Position(id.Pos())
		fmt.Printf("%s: %s instantiated with %s: %s\n", posn, id.Name, FormatTypeList(inst.TypeArgs), inst.Type)
	return pkg, err


hello.go:21:9: Equal instantiated with [int, string]: func(x p.Pair[int, string], y p.Pair[int, string]) bool
hello.go:10:9: Pair instantiated with [L, _]: p.Pair[L, _]
hello.go:14:34: Pair instantiated with [L, R]: p.Pair[L, R]
hello.go:18:7: Pair instantiated with [int, string]: p.Pair[int, string]
hello.go:19:7: Pair instantiated with [string, int]: p.Pair[string, int]

The types.Instance type provides information about the (possibly inferred) type arguments that were used to instantiate the generic type, and the resulting type. Notably, it does not include the generic type that was instantiated, because this type can be found using types.Info.Uses[id].Type() (where id is the identifier node being instantiated).

Note that the receiver type of method Left also appears in the Instances map. This may be counterintuitive -- more on this below.

Creating new instantiated types

go/types also provides an API for creating type instances: types.Instantiate. This function accepts a generic type and type arguments, and returns an instantiated type (or an error). The resulting instance may be a newly constructed type, or a previously created instance with the same type identity. To facilitate the reuse of frequently used instances, types.Instantiate accepts a types.Context as its first argument, which records instances.

If the final validate argument to types.Instantiate is set, the provided type arguments will be verified against their corresponding type parameter constraint; i.e., types.Instantiate will check that each type arguments implements the corresponding type parameter constraint. If a type arguments does not implement the respective constraint, the resulting error will wrap a new ArgumentError type indicating which type argument index was bad.

func Instantiate(pkg *types.Package) error {
	Pair := pkg.Scope().Lookup("Pair").Type()
	X := pkg.Scope().Lookup("X").Type()
	Y := pkg.Scope().Lookup("Y").Type()

	// X and Y have different types, because their type arguments are different.
	Compare("X", "Y", X, Y)

	// Create a shared context for the subsequent instantiations.
	ctxt := types.NewContext()

	// Instantiating with [int, string] yields an instance that is identical (but
	// not equal) to X.
	Int, String := types.Typ[types.Int], types.Typ[types.String]
	inst1, _ := types.Instantiate(ctxt, Pair, []types.Type{Int, String}, true)
	Compare("X", "inst1", X, inst1)

	// Instantiating again returns the same exact instance, because of the shared
	// Context.
	inst2, _ := types.Instantiate(ctxt, Pair, []types.Type{Int, String}, true)
	Compare("inst1", "inst2", inst1, inst2)

	// Instantiating with 'any' is an error, because any is not comparable.
	Any := types.Universe.Lookup("any").Type()
	_, err := types.Instantiate(ctxt, Pair, []types.Type{Int, Any}, true)
	var argErr *types.ArgumentError
	if errors.As(err, &argErr) {
		fmt.Printf("Argument %d: %v\n", argErr.Index, argErr.Err)

	return nil

func Compare(leftName, rightName string, left, right types.Type) {
	fmt.Printf("Identical(%s, %s) : %t\n", leftName, rightName, types.Identical(left, right))
	fmt.Printf("%s == %s : %t\n\n", leftName, rightName, left == right)


Identical(p.Pair[int, string], p.Pair[string, int]) : false
p.Pair[int, string] == p.Pair[string, int] : false

Identical(p.Pair[int, string], p.Pair[int, string]) : true
p.Pair[int, string] == p.Pair[int, string] : false

Identical(p.Pair[string, int], p.Pair[int, string]) : false
p.Pair[string, int] == p.Pair[int, string] : false

Identical(p.Pair[int, string], p.Pair[int, string]) : true
p.Pair[int, string] == p.Pair[int, string] : true

Argument 1: any does not implement comparable

Using a shared context while type checking

To share a common types.Context argument with a type-checking pass, set the new types.Config.Context field.

Generic types continued: method sets and predicates

Generic types are fundamentally different from ordinary types, in that they may not be used without instantiation. In some senses they are not really types: the go spec defines types as "a set of values, together with operations and methods", but uninstantiated generic types do not define a set of values. Rather, they define a set of types. In that sense, they are a "meta type", or a "type template" (disclaimer: I am using these terms imprecisely).

However, for the purposes of go/types it is convenient to treat generic types as a types.Type. This section explains how generic types behave in existing go/types APIs.

Method Sets

Methods on uninstantiated generic types are different from methods on an ordinary type. Consider that for an ordinary type T, the receiver base type of each method in its method set is T. However, this can't be the case for a generic type: generic types cannot be used without instantation, and neither can the type of the receiver variable. Instead, the receiver base type is an instantiated type, instantiated with the method's receiver type parameters.

This has some surprising consequences, which we observed in the section on instantiation above: for a generic type G, each of its methods will define a unique instantiation of G, as each method has distinct receiver type parameters.

To see this, consider the following example:

package p

type Pair[L, R any] struct {
	left  L
	right R

func (p Pair[L, _]) Left() L {
	return p.left

func (p Pair[_, R]) Right() R {
	return p.right

var IntPair Pair[int, int]

Let's inspect the method sets of the types in this library:

func PrintMethods(pkg *types.Package) {
	// Look up *Named types in the package scope.
	lookup := func(name string) *types.Named {
		return pkg.Scope().Lookup(name).Type().(*types.Named)

	Pair := lookup("Pair")
	IntPair := lookup("IntPair")
	PrintMethodSet("Pair", Pair)
	PrintMethodSet("Pair[int, int]", IntPair)
	LeftObj, _, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(Pair, false, pkg, "Left")
	LeftRecvType := LeftObj.Type().(*types.Signature).Recv().Type()
	PrintMethodSet("Pair[L, _]", LeftRecvType)

func PrintMethodSet(name string, typ types.Type) {
	fmt.Println(name + ":")
	methodSet := types.NewMethodSet(typ)
	for i := 0; i < methodSet.Len(); i++ {
		method := methodSet.At(i).Obj()


func (p.Pair[L, _]).Left() L
func (p.Pair[_, R]).Right() R

Pair[int, int]:
func (p.Pair[int, int]).Left() int
func (p.Pair[int, int]).Right() int

Pair[L, _]:
func (p.Pair[L, _]).Left() L
func (p.Pair[L, _]).Right() _

In this example, we can see that all of Pair, Pair[int, int], and Pair[L, _] have distinct method sets, though the method set of Pair and Pair[L, _] intersect in the Left method.

Only the objects in Pair's method set are recorded in types.Info.Defs. To get back to this "canonical" method object, the typeparams package provides the OriginMethod helper:

func CompareOrigins(pkg *types.Package) {
	Pair := pkg.Scope().Lookup("Pair").Type().(*types.Named)
	IntPair := pkg.Scope().Lookup("IntPair").Type().(*types.Named)
	Left, _, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(Pair, false, pkg, "Left")
	LeftInt, _, _ := types.LookupFieldOrMethod(IntPair, false, pkg, "Left")

	fmt.Println("Pair.Left == Pair[int, int].Left:", Left == LeftInt)
	origin := typeparams.OriginMethod(LeftInt.(*types.Func))
	fmt.Println("Pair.Left == OriginMethod(Pair[int, int].Left):", Left == origin)


Pair.Left == Pair[int, int].Left: false
Pair.Left == OriginMethod(Pair[int, int].Left): true


Predicates on generic types are not defined by the spec. As a consequence, using e.g. types.AssignableTo with operands of generic types leads to an undefined result.

The behavior of predicates on generic *types.Named types may generally be derived from the fact that type parameters bound to different names are different types. This means that most predicates involving generic types will return false.

*types.Signature types are treated differently. Two signatures are considered identical if they are identical after substituting one's set of type parameters for the other's, including having identical type parameter constraints. This is analogous to the treatment of ordinary value parameters, whose names do not affect type identity.

Consider the following code:

func OrdinaryPredicates(pkg *types.Package) {
	var (
		Pair        = pkg.Scope().Lookup("Pair").Type()
		LeftRighter = pkg.Scope().Lookup("LeftRighter").Type()
		Mer         = pkg.Scope().Lookup("Mer").Type()
		F           = pkg.Scope().Lookup("F").Type()
		G           = pkg.Scope().Lookup("G").Type()
		H           = pkg.Scope().Lookup("H").Type()

	fmt.Println("AssignableTo(Pair, LeftRighter)", types.AssignableTo(Pair, LeftRighter))
	fmt.Println("AssignableTo(Pair, Mer): ", types.AssignableTo(Pair, Mer))
	fmt.Println("Identical(F, G)", types.Identical(F, G))
	fmt.Println("Identical(F, H)", types.Identical(F, H))


AssignableTo(Pair, LeftRighter) false
AssignableTo(Pair, Mer):  true
Identical(F, G) true
Identical(F, H) false

In this example, we see that despite their similarity the generic Pair type is not assignable to the generic LeftRighter type. We also see the rules for signature identity in practice.

This begs the question: how does one ask questions about the relationship between generic types? In order to phrase such questions we need more information: how does one relate the type parameters of Pair to the type parameters of LeftRighter? Does it suffice for the predicate to hold for one element of the type sets, or must it hold for all elements of the type sets?

We can use instantiation to answer some of these questions. In particular, by instantiating both Pair and LeftRighter with the type parameters of Pair, we can determine if, for all type arguments [X, Y] that are valid for Pair, [X, Y] are also valid type arguments of LeftRighter, and Pair[X, Y] is assignable to LeftRighter[X, Y]. The typeparams.GenericAssignableTo function implements exactly this predicate:

func GenericPredicates(pkg *types.Package) {
	var (
		Pair        = pkg.Scope().Lookup("Pair").Type()
		LeftRighter = pkg.Scope().Lookup("LeftRighter").Type()
	fmt.Println("GenericAssignableTo(Pair, LeftRighter)", typeparams.GenericAssignableTo(nil, Pair, LeftRighter))


GenericAssignableTo(Pair, LeftRighter) true

Updating tools while building at older Go versions

In the examples above, we can see how a lot of the new APIs integrate with existing usage of go/ast or go/types. However, most tools still need to build at older Go versions, and handling the new language constructs in-line will break builds at older Go versions.

For this purpose, the x/exp/typeparams package provides functions and types that proxy the new APIs (with stub implementations at older Go versions).

Further help

If you're working on updating a tool to support generics, and need help, please feel free to reach out for help in any of the following ways:


Package last updated on 28 Jan 2025

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