Starter for using MongoDB document-oriented database and Spring Data MongoDB
Starter for using MongoDB document-oriented database and Spring Data MongoDB Reactive
Connect to MongoDB in either imperative or reactive style
Parent POM for all modules and connectors
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
This artifact is no longer maintained / updated by MongoDB. For the most up-to-date version of the Java Driver, please refer to the mongodb-driver-sync artifact. To use the legacy API, please refer to the mongodb-driver-legacy artifact.
The BSON library
This artifact is no longer maintained / updated by MongoDB. For the most up-to-date version of the Java Driver, please refer to the mongodb-driver-sync artifact. To use the legacy API, please refer to the mongodb-driver-legacy artifact.
The MongoDB Synchronous Driver
Shared components for the Synchronous and Reactive Streams implementations of the MongoDB Java Driver.
This artifact is no longer maintained / updated by MongoDB. For the most up-to-date version of the Java Driver, please refer to the mongodb-driver-reactivestreams artifact.
Isolated container management for Java code testing
Simplify your persistence code for MongoDB via the active record or the repository pattern
MongoDB support for Spring Data
Mongodb support for Querydsl
The MongoDB Legacy Driver
A Reactive Streams implementation of the MongoDB Java driver
MongoDB appender for Log4j using the MongoDB 3 driver API.
Mongodb support for Querydsl
A Scala wrapper of the MongoDB Reactive Streams Java driver
MongoDB appender for Log4j using the MongoDB 4 driver API.
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
Spring Session and Spring MongoDB integration
A Scala wrapper of the MongoDB Reactive Streams Java driver
MongoDB appender for Log4j using the MongoDB 2 driver API.
Spring Integration MongoDB Support
Trino - MongoDB connector
A Scala wrapper / extension to the bson library
Java Object Document Mapper for MongoDB
Generate Jakarta REST resources for your MongoDB entities and repositories
BOM module to define common and cross cutting dependencies like Apache Commons-*, Bouncycastle, Netty etc.. These managed dependencies will be bundled into a 'nifi-standard-shared-nar' that can be a parent of child nars which need these common dependencies. This ensures consistent versions of these dependencies and minimizes copies of these commonly used Jars
Handle your MongoDB schema migrations with Liquibase
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
Simplify your persistence code for MongoDB in Kotlin via the active record or the repository pattern
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
Alipay SOFATracer Log Implemented by OpenTracing
MongoDB based persistence for Kogito
A Scala wrapper of the MongoDB Reactive Streams Java driver
The MongoDB Connector for Hadoop is a plugin for Hadoop that provides the ability to use MongoDB as an input source and/or an output destination.
Presto - mongodb Connector
MongoDB tool for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes
Java distributed tracing implementation compatible with Zipkin backend services.
MongoDB Persistence support for Quarkus
Pinpoint APM, Application Performance Management tool for large-scale distributed systems
Spring-Boot Starter for Camel MongoDB GridFS component