Apache Solr (module: solrj)
Apache Solr (module: core)
Starter for using the Apache Solr search platform with Spring Data Solr. Deprecated since 2.3.9
Apache Solr (module: analysis-extras)
Apache Solr (module: test-framework)
Apache Solr (module: langid)
Apache Solr (module: clustering)
Apache Solr (module: analytics)
Apache Solr (module: ltr)
Apache Solr Content Extraction Library integrates Apache Tika content extraction framework into Solr
Apache Solr DataImportHandler
Apache Solr DataImportHandler Extras
Apache Solr Velocity
Solr Specific Commons CSV v1.0-SNAPSHOT-r966014
Isolated container management for Java code testing
Apache Solr Search Server
Apache Solr - UIMA integration
Solr Specific Noggit r1099557
Hibernate Search Analyzer Framework based on Apache Solr
This bundle will represent solr and lucene jars
This bundle provides an OSGI bundle for Solr. This also includes an utility that registers CoreContainer and SolrCores as OSGI services.
JanusGraph is a distributed graph database optimized for processing massive-scale graphs represented over a machine cluster. JanusGraph separates the concerns of graph processing and manipulation from storing the graph on disk, delegating that concern to an extensible set of persistence solutions.
Spring-Boot Starter for Camel Solr Support
Apache Solr - Morphlines Core
Spring Data module providing support for Apache Solr repositories.
This bundle provides support for manageing Solr Servers (CoreContainer and SolrCores) within the Stanbol JVM. Managed CoreContainer and SolrCores are registered as OSGI services and may be published via the OSGI http service.
The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.
Sentry component
Apache Solr Common
Apache Solr - Cell Morphlines
Perform operations against Apache Lucene Solr.
This bundle provides implementation of the Entityhub Yard interface(s) based on a Solr Search Server
Sentry component
Apache Solr (module: solrj-zookeeper)
word分词是一个Java实现的中文分词组件,提供了多种基于词典的分词算法,并利用ngram模型来消除歧义。 能准确识别英文、数字,以及日期、时间等数量词,能识别人名、地名、组织机构名等未登录词。 同时提供了Lucene、Solr、ElasticSearch插件。
Apache Solr - map-reduce index construction
MMSEG for java lucene chinese analyzer, or for solr
Maven plugins configuration
Sentry component
Titan is a distributed graph database optimized for processing massive-scale graphs represented over a machine cluster. Titan separates the concerns of graph processing and manipulation from storing the graph on disk, delegating that concern to an extensible set of persistence solutions.
A bundle of processors that can store and retrieve data from Apache Solr
Kite SDK is a set of libraries, tools, and docs to simplify the development of data-related systems.
Tools for reading data from Spark into Solr
Camel Components Starter
A lightweight open source chinese tokenizer with keywords, key sentences, summary extracts support and provide the latest lucene,solr,elasticsearch embedding API.
Apache Solr Server
This translator provides access to Apache SOLR
Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on https://oss.sonatype.org/
Apache Solr (module: gcs-repository)