Apache Solr (module: jaegertracer-configurator)
Apache Solr (module: s3-repository)
Implementation of the IndexingTarget interface for the Stanbol Entityhub SolrYard.
Apache Solr Analyzers
StackableSail implementation offering full-text search on literals, based on Solr.
Apache Solr (module: prometheus-exporter)
Library of Shared UsageEvent and EventConsumer Tools for Logging to Solr.
Distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation
Apache Solr Solrj
This OSGi bundle wraps solr-solrj 9.7.0 jar file.
A bundle of processors that can store and retrieve data from Apache Solr
Kite SDK is a set of libraries, tools, and docs to simplify the development of data-related systems.
MMSEG java chinese analyzer for lucene/solr
Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries.
Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries.
Opencast is a media capture, processing, management and distribution system
A lightweight open source chinese tokenizer with keywords, key sentences, summary extracts support and provide the latest lucene,solr,elasticsearch embedding API.
Camel Solr Support
StackableSail implementation offering full-text search on literals, based on Solr.
Ikasan EIP Solr Client Abstraction
The development of packaging and tests of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem
The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with extensive Apache Hadoop MapReduce support.
Given target core, persists text based documents into an Embedded Solr Instance
Cloud-Native Headless Content Management Services (CMS) for Spring. Integrates with Spring Data, Spring Data REST and Apache Solr
Libraries for running cloud services
Pulsar is a distributed pub-sub messaging platform with a very flexible messaging model and an intuitive client API.
Sentry component
This Resource Adapter reads data from files.
IK-Analyzer for solr 7-8
Cloud-Native Headless Content Management Services (CMS) for Spring. Integrates with Spring Data, Spring Data REST and Apache Solr
Cloud-Native Headless Content Management Services (CMS) for Spring. Integrates with Spring Data, Spring Data REST and Apache Solr
Isolated container management for Java code testing
Cloud-Native Headless Content Management Services (CMS) for Spring. Integrates with Spring Data, Spring Data REST and Apache Solr
MyCoRe is a system for the development of institutional content repositories, publication servers, image collections, archives, or similar repositories. Applications based on MyCoRe use a common core, which provides the functionality typically required for such applications, for example metadata management, querying, OAI harvesting interface, or an image viewer module.
This project is aggregator for all the supported connectors.
Adds Teiid SOLR translator
SOLR Security Plugin
Oak support for Apache Solr indexing and search
Cloud-Native Headless Content Management Services (CMS) for Spring. Integrates with Spring Data, Spring Data REST and Apache Solr
Cloud-Native Headless Content Management Services (CMS) for Spring. Integrates with Spring Data, Spring Data REST and Apache Solr
Cloud-Native Headless Content Management Services (CMS) for Spring. Integrates with Spring Data, Spring Data REST and Apache Solr
A text tagger based on Lucene / Solr
Ikasan EIP Solr Security Abstraction
Solr Specific JSONIC v1.2.0
Generic solr utils
This Resource Adapter reads data from files.
Search index based on Apache Lucene Solr
Kuali OLE is designed by and for academic and research libraries for managing and delivering intellectual information. OLE is an enterprise-ready, community-source software package to manage and provide access not only to items in their collections but also to licensed and local digital content.
iBiz Plugins
Implementation of an annotation engine that links the content item to a set of possible categories from a dedicated Solr index using MoreLikeThis queries. The classification can be either applied to a complete document (text in a given language) which is the default behavior or to a specific portion of the text (using a TextAnnotation).