Minimalistic high-performance Java wrapper for SQLite
Native library for sqlite4java (win32-x64), includes SQLite
Native library for sqlite4java (linux-amd64), includes SQLite
Native library for sqlite4java (osx), includes SQLite
Native library for sqlite4java (linux-i386), includes SQLite
Native library for sqlite4java (win32-x86), includes SQLite
SQLite JDBC library
JVM SQLite driver for SQLDelight
Java(tm) library to manage sqlite databases
SQLCipher for Android is a plugin to SQLite that provides full database encryption.
JVM SQLite driver for SQLDelight
Native SQLite driver for SQLDelight
Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries.
Free database schema discovery and comprehension tool
Rheem is a tool to build platform-agnostic data processing apps and have them both optimized for and executed on multiple different execution platforms, such as Java Streams and Apache Spark.
The SQLite v3.18 Dialect for SQLDelight
An Android helper class to manage database creation and version management using an application's raw asset files
Native SQLite driver for SQLDelight
Support for additional SQLite data types.
WebJar for sqlite3
SQLite dialect for Hibernate
A sqlite support for OkDownload
Modern API for SQLiteDatabase and ContentResolver
Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries.
A lightweight ORM Framework for Kotlin with strong typed SQL DSL and sequence APIs.
Gradle plugin for generating kotlin interfaces for sqlite files
Modern API for SQLiteDatabase and ContentResolver
A connector for the SQLite database.
SQLite JDBC library with encryption and authentication support
Gradle plugin for generating kotlin interfaces for sqlite files
The SQLite v3.30 Dialect for SQLDelight
libsqlite - natives
52°North SOS Core Modules
Pulsar is a distributed pub-sub messaging platform with a very flexible messaging model and an intuitive client API.
Modern API for SQLiteDatabase and ContentResolver
Apollo GraphQL SQLite Cache
Beigesoft ORM library. This is simple lightweigt multiplatform (JDBC/Android) ORM library. It supports Postgresql, H2 and SQlite. Consist of ORM logic except platform dependent database access logic - e.g. JDBC or Android. It's configurable with standard Java Properties XML files. Standard SQL queries both DML(e.g. SELECT) and DDL(e.g. CREATE) are automatically generated and could be modified/replaced by Properties XML.
Maven parent POM for all OPS4J Maven projects.
The SQLite v3.24 Dialect for SQLDelight
The SQLite v3.35 Dialect for SQLDelight
The SQLite v3.25 Dialect for SQLDelight
The SQLite v3.33 Dialect for SQLDelight
Vector map library and writer - running on Android and Desktop.
Matrix is an APM (Application Performance Manage) used in Wechat to monitor, locate and analyse performance problems. It is a plugin style, non-invasive solution and is currently available on iOS, macOS and Android.
SQLite JDBC library
Apollo GraphQL SQLite Cache
Apollo GraphQL SQLite Cache
Modern API for SQLiteDatabase and ContentResolver
JavaScript SQLite driver for SQLDelight
Wayang implementation of the operators to be working with the platform "SQLite3"