This is a shared native SQLite library used for Couchbase Lite Java.
Shillelagh Sqlite Android library
Native SQLite driver for SQLDelight
Native SQLite driver for SQLDelight
Native SQLite driver for SQLDelight
Native SQLite driver for SQLDelight
Native SQLite driver for SQLDelight
A collection of basic java utility classes that provide basic features for a standalone/simple JEE application. Backed by a Cassandra, MySQL, or SQLite database, it provides, web page templates, user and group management, and a searchable online audit log of all user activity.
Simple sqlite framework
Native SQLite driver for SQLDelight
This is CRUD interface based on standard JEE MVC servlet, JSP, JSTL. It renders forms and lists of any entity according XML settings (Beige-Settings). Database logic is handled by Beige-ORM. It also includes Mail-sender and database replicator through WEB-service. It is SQLite configured. Put WAR file into Tomcat7 webapps, make sure that Tomcat has libraries: HikariCP-2.4.3.jar, sqlite-jdbc-, slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar (versions may be different), for MS Windows change file separator in META-INF\context.xml connectionURL from "/" to "\" and reassemble WAR. Beigesoft-Accounting-Web extends it into very complex business application.
DataExpress is a simple, Scala-based cross database ETL toolkit supporting Postgres, MySql, Oracle, SQLServer, and Sqlite.
Datarobot for Android is a lightweight framework, which frees you from the burden of dealing with Androids SQLite database directly if you don't want to and let's you access it directly if you have to.
Use easily the database SQLite on android using the DAO and transformer design patterns.
Android accelerator (incl. SQLite and ORMLite ContentProvider)
Parse user agent string or IP using udger sqlite DB
SQL parser generated by jlemon
SchemaCrawler is an open-source Java API that makes working with database metadata as easy as working with plain old Java objects. SchemaCrawler is also a database schema discovery and comprehension tool. You can search for database schema objects using regular expressions, and output the schema and data in a readable text format. You can find potential schema design issues with lint. The output serves for database documentation is designed to be diff-ed against other database schemas. SchemaCrawler can generate schema diagrams.
A Scala Native wrapper of the SQLite C library.
A Scala Native wrapper of the SQLite C library.
A Scala Native wrapper of the SQLite C library.
A Scala Native wrapper of the SQLite C library.
A Scala Native wrapper of the SQLite C library.
Apollo GraphQL SQLite Cache
Apollo GraphQL SQLite Cache
Selekt Android SQLite library.
Shillelagh Sqlite Android library
A lightweight, fast and simple data mapper library in Kotlin that helps to map the result of queries from your normalized dataset(from RDBMS, SQLite, CSV or any source) back into relational mapped Hash maps
Lightweight DAO generator for Android SQLite
Java(tm) library to manage sqlite databases
Datarobot for Android is a lightweight framework, which frees you from the burden of dealing with Androids SQLite database directly if you don't want to and let's you access it directly if you have to.
This is a shared native SQLite library used for Couchbase Lite Java.
a simple logger which saves logs to SQLite, to get better understanding of user's environment
SQLKing is an Android SQLite ORM geared towards working with flat data structures. Tables are defined by Model classes and CRUD classes expose clean builders for executing queries.
SQLKing is an Android SQLite ORM powered an annotation preprocessor, tables are defined by Model classes and CRUD classes expose an expressive api for SQLite executing queries.
Parent POM for Quarkiverse projects that includes the default release and artifact publishing related configuration
Parent POM for Quarkiverse projects that includes the default release and artifact publishing related configuration
KS-BOOT Starter / Plugin Parent
Android Sqlite
sqlapp core SQLite dialect.
This is a lightweight SQLite database framework
Wrapper for requery's sqlite-android that implements SupportSQLite interfaces
The Depot persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow for more robust database access while using the full power of SQLite.
The Depot persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow for more robust database access while using the full power of SQLite.
The Depot persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow for more robust database access while using the full power of SQLite.
The SQLite plugin for ADAM
Dialect for SQLite for Hibernate ORM
SQLite Query API for Android