JHighlight is an embeddable pure Java syntax highlighting library that supports Java, HTML, XHTML, XML and LZX languages and outputs to XHTML. It also supports RIFE templates tags and highlights them clearly so that you can easily identify the difference between your RIFE markup and the actual marked up source.
Code syntax highlighter
This is an implementation of syntax highlighting as an extension module for XSLT processors, so if you have e.g. article about programming written in DocBook, code examples can be automatically syntax highlighted during the XSLT processing phase. This version of xslthl provides extensions of the Apache Xalan and Saxon XSLT processors.
An extension of Java Swing's JEditorKit that supports syntax highlighting for several languages.
RSyntaxTextArea is the syntax highlighting text editor for Swing applications. Features include syntax highlighting for 40+ languages, code folding, code completion, regex find and replace, macros, code templates, undo/redo, line numbering and bracket matching.
Bounce, a set of Java and Swing extensions, including ... layout managers like a FormLayout and CenterLayout, image filters, a comprehensive messaging mechanism, a XMLEditorKit with syntax highlighting, tag-folding, error highlighting and automatic indentation and more.
Code syntax highlighter
Add syntax highlight to Markwon markdown via Prism4j library
The com.Ostermiller.Syntax package is designed to add syntax coloring to web pages that display source code or to add color syntax highlighting ability to any text editor written in Java.
Client Side Syntax Highlighting
Client Side Syntax Highlighting
JHighlight is an embeddable pure Java syntax highlighting library that supports Java, HTML, XHTML, XML and LZX languages and outputs to XHTML. It also supports RIFE templates tags and highlights them clearly so that you can easily identify the difference between your RIFE markup and the actual marked up source.
Add syntax highlight to Markwon markdown via Prism4j library
jtstand-editor is a syntax highlighting text editor, derived from rsyntaxtextarea
HighlightJs View for Syntax-Highlighting on Android
Client Side Syntax Highlighting
Client Side Syntax Highlighting
MPL is a language that makes it easier to write applications for Minecraft 1.9 or higher. The final result of compiling an MPL application are command blocks that can be imported into your world in various ways. MPL comes with it's own editor that supports syntax- and error-highlighting and has a built in compiler.
Syntax highlighting and source code detection for various languages.
WebJar for react-syntax-highlighter
Plugin that adds syntax highlighting to condition component
Syntax highlighting code using JEdit's highlighting code
An extension of Java Swing's JEditorKit that supports syntax highlighting for several languages.
An extension of RTextArea that adds syntax highlighting of certain programming languages to its list of features.
Additional decorators for logstash-logback-encoder
Flowman YAML schema to be used for syntax highlighting and auto-completion in capable editors
An application to easily create syntax highlighting for custom languages in RSyntaxTextArea.
ANSI syntax highlighting for Jackson output
"Kraft Extension PrismJS - Javascript stack syntax highlighting - https://www.npmjs.com/package/prismjs"
"Kraft Extension PrismJS - Javascript stack syntax highlighting - https://www.npmjs.com/package/prismjs"
"Kraft Extension PrismJS - Javascript stack syntax highlighting - https://www.npmjs.com/package/prismjs"
Maven's default skin, with syntax highlighting of the code blocks
Provides the support for <a href="https://tagmycode.com">TagMyCode</a>. This plugin allows you to manage your own snippets.<br/> <br/> Features:<br/> * Add snippets: you can save your code snippets including description, language, and tags<br/> * List snippets (CRUD): snippets are stored locally and you can filter, sort, create, modify, edit or delete them directly from the IDE<br/> * Quick search: you can search your snippets and insert them directly into the document<br/> <br/> CHANGELOG:<br/> <br/> 2.3.0 (released 2020-07-26)<br/> * published plugin into Apache NetBeans Plugin Portal<br/> * filter snippets by languages<br/> <br/> 2.2.1 (released 2018-01-10)<br/> * Quick Search dialog is now resizable</br> * fixed syntax highlight for PHP and HTML</br> * if refresh token is not valid user will be automatically logged out</br> </br> 2.2.0 (released 2017-11-06)<br/> * snippets management works in offline mode<br/> * autodetect language on new snippet<br/> * added settings dialog with editor theme and font size option<br/> * added title and description to snippet view<br/> * changed open browser class<br/> * text can be dragged into table to create a new snippet<br/> * snippets can be dragged directly into editor and the code are copied<br/> * added "save as file" feature<br/> * added "clone snippet" feature<br/> * added "snippet properties" dialog<br/> * detect binary file<br/> <br/> 2.1.0 (released 2017-04-24)<br/> * moved error messages from dialog to Netbeans Notification Log<br/> * added welcome panel<br/> * about dialog shows plugin version and framework version<br/> * moved storage from JSON to SQL<br/> <br/> 2.0 (released 2016-07-11)<br/> * new user interface<br/> * list of snippets stored locally<br/> * syntax highlight powered by <a href="http://bobbylight.github.io/RSyntaxTextArea/">RSyntaxTextArea</a><br/> * snippets are synchronized with server<br/> * filter snippets<br/> * quick search feature<br/> * insert selected snippet at cursor in document<br/> <br/> 1.1.3 (released 2015-12-18)<br/> * Fix for NetBeans 8.1<br/> <br/> 1.1.2 (released 2014-10-03)<br/> * Switched authentication from OAuth 1.0a to OAuth 2<br/> * Console write also snippet title when new snippet is created (thanks to bejoy)<br/> <br/> 1.1 (released 2014-08-19)<br/> * Added "Search snippets" feature<br/> * Fixed some minor bugs<br/> <br/> 1.0 (released 2014-04-14)<br/> * First release with feature "Create snippet"<br/>
An alternative Maven site skin with rounded corners and code syntax highlight, Sourcesense branded.
Java library implementation of the north-bluish dark color palette "Northem Dark". Optimized for syntax highlighting and UI projects. This is a darker and more blue-tinged variation.
Java library implementation of the north-bluish dark color palette "Northem", optimized for syntax highlighting and UI projects.
Java library implementation of the north-bluish light color palette "Northem Light". Optimized for syntax highlighting and UI projects. This is a light and more color-intensive variation.
Synchronous or asynchronous syntax highlighter for RichTextFX StyleClassedTextArea
Fluido Skin is the 99soft branded alternative Maven site skin with rounded corners and code syntax highlight.
An alternative Maven site skin with rounded corners and code syntax highlight.
Syntax highlighting and source code detection for various languages.
Syntax highlighting and source code detection for various languages.
MPL is a language that makes it easier to write applications for Minecraft 1.9 or higher. The final result of compiling an MPL application are command blocks that can be imported into your world in various ways. MPL comes with it's own editor that supports syntax- and error-highlighting and has a built in compiler.
flexmark-java extension for prism syntax highlighter.
OpenCms-Module 'org.opencms.editors.editarea'. <p>This module adds the Open Source text editor "EditArea" to the OpenCms Workplace.</p> <p>Install this module if you want a source code editor with syntax highlighting. The version of EditArea is 0.8.2</p> <p><i>(c) 2012 by Alkacon Software GmbH (http://www.alkacon.com).</i></p> OpenCms is a Content Management System that is based on Open Source Software. Complex Intranet and Internet websites can be quickly and cost-effectively created, maintained and managed.
OpenCms-Module 'org.opencms.editors.codemirror'. <p>This module adds the Open Source text editor "CodeMirror" to the OpenCms Workplace.</p> <p>Install this module if you want a source code editor with syntax highlighting. The version of CodeMirror is 3.14</p> <p><i>© 2013 by Alkacon Software GmbH (http://www.alkacon.com).</i></p> OpenCms is a Content Management System that is based on Open Source Software. Complex Intranet and Internet websites can be quickly and cost-effectively created, maintained and managed.
A Java syntax highlighting toolkit for logical and mathematical expressions.
Package that integrates into Apache Tapestry 5 the Prism syntax highlighter written byLea Verou